July 29 are three men hanged in Isfahan.
One of those executed was convicted of extramarital relationship and murder and he was sentenced to execution and lashes. He was hanged after the flogging was carried out.
The two others were convicted of murder and drug trafficking.
source: iranhr.netThe deathtoll after Iraqi forces attacked unarmed Iranian residents of Camp Ashraf, is according to Amnesty International 9, but NCRi told this morning that it has risen to 21.
Iran Human Rights received the following nine names:
Amir Khayyeri Rahdaneh (46), Mehrdad Nick-Siar (45), Mohammad Reza Backhtiari (50), Mehrdad Reza-Zadeh Boushehri (44), Hamid (Fardin) Zamani (31), Hanif Emami (28), Hossein Mahmoudi (42), and Siavosh Nazamolmolki.
The last two persons had refugee status in Sweden.
source: iranhr.netReza Malek, who served a 10 years sentence in Ghezel Hesar Prison for security charges, is, one day prior to his date of release transfered to Evin prison, section 240 and was charged with revealing "classified information" and "propaganda against the regime."
He was deputy investigator of the Intelligence Ministry his own arrest, which occurred due to Mr. Malek's release of classified information about the so called "chain murders" of the late 1990's.
soure: human rights activist in IranGlobal Voices Online writes that here is video of the thousands of people commemorated the protest movement's victims and on this site are photos.
PressTV reports that Saturday the first group of rioters will be brought to court.
Tehran's Public Prosecutor Office accused in a statement both USA and UK over “their interference in Iran's internal affairs which was aimed at plunging the country in post-election chaos.” "
The statement also thanked the Basijj and security forces for arresting those people.
It also says that suspects were identified due to photo's taken during the unrest.
source: PressTV Christian Science Monitor writes that with the commemorate of the fallen protestors the same cycle of protest could have been started as the one thirty years ago, which ended the Shah's regime.
The mourn ceremony yesterday also led to clashes between the mourners and police.
A lot of people were arrested and the police used teargas.
source: csmonitor.com
Green Brief no.44
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, July 31, 2009
Iran: cycle
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Iran: thoughts
Houshiar Ahmadi, Bahman Saiedi, Jahanakhsh Ahmadi, Sirvan Mahmoudi, and Sivan Rahimi, are put on trial, because of combat against religion in Sanandaj.
They can be convicted to death on this accusations.
They were arrested in winter 2008 and put in court July 26.
source: hra-iran.net
Sajjad Khaksary, former reporter of "'Pen of the Teacher" is sentenced to one year in prison.
March 2009 he was arrested at a teachersgathering.
Currently he is being held in the Evin Prison .
source: hra-iran.netJuly 27 is Saman Valadbeigi arrested in Kermanshah and brought to an unknown location.
He had attended and spoken at a memorial service for Kianoosh Asa, a student who had lost his life in the recent unrest.
Plain clothed agents arrested him when he came home and took all cell phones, phone books and computers belonging to him and his family.
source: hra-iran.netDespite that the authorities refused permission, people will hold a mournceremony for the victims of the postelection unrest in Iran.
There will be gathering at the graveside of Neda-Agha Soltan at the Behesht-e-Zahra cemetery in Tehran. She was one of 20 victims, who died June 20 and became symbol of the protests.
Shia Muslims traditionally mark 40 days after a death in a ceremony called the Arbayeen.
Many people are expected to join and also Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi will be present.
source: BBC
Tuesday 140 detainees were released.
Wednesday authorities announced that more detainees arrested in the post-election crackdown would soon be freed but also that 20 protesters charged with serious crimes would be put on trial, starting this weekend.
Saeed Shariati and Shayesteh Amiri,two prominent reformists were arrested.
According to PressTV an underground network providing foreign media outlets with photos and footage of the post-election unrest has been identified and its members arrested.
The report said that the network was made up of “pro-reform extremists” and that at least two members had confessed to providing images of the unrest to Western news media in an effort to “stage a regime change” in Iran.
Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, published Wednesday a statement on his website
saying the government’s closing of one notorious detention center was not enough.
Referring to the fall of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in 1979, he wrote “Was the shah able to resist the protests by jailing, torturing, extracting confessions and lying?".
source: nytimes.comGreen brief no. 42
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Iran: violence
ISNA reported that disabled reformist activist Saeed Hajjarian will be released Wednesday.
He was arrested at the June 12 elections.
source: BBCIraqi forces have forcefully raided camp Ashraf.At least 4 people got killed.
The People's Mujahideen of Iran (PMOI) set up Camp Ashraf as a base in Iraq in the 1980s.
In those years there was Iran-Iraq war.
It was used by exiles from Iran. It is home for 3.500 people.
The camp was disarmed by US soldiers following the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Iran wants the camp closed for years now.
The spokesman of the PMOI, Shahriar Kia, says that residents are terrified of being handed over to Iranian authorities.
The group says it is ready to return to Iran - but only on condition that none of its members will be prosecuted or persecuted.
source: BBCHere is an English translation of an eyewitness testimonial (English) and (farsi) from a released arrestant of the now by Khamenei closed prison Kahrizak.
Update to this (English) and (farsi).The site Faces of the Iranians killed and arrested collected names and picturess of till now 48 victims.
Also names of arrested students, professors, journalists, bloggers, politicians and members of reformist campaigns are listed here.Green Brief will be published later today.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Iran: decided
The head of Iranian judiciary said that a decision will be taken within a week on the fate of prisoners.
Mehr news agency also reported that also some prisoners should be freed.
About 300 people remain behind bars.
Mir Hossein Mousavi asked permission for people to attend a ceremony for victims of post-election violence.
He also said that people will not forgive those behind such crimes.
source: BBCThe Iranian press watchdog has shut down the reformist newspaper Sedaye Edalat for disrespect to the late ayatollah Khomeini.
July 26 the newspaper published that was in violation of Article 27 of Iran's press law.
The managing director apologized for the article, but the apologies were not accepted.
source: PressTVUkraine's leading manufacturer of aviation engines, Motor Sich, has made a contract with Iran to deliver 50 An-148 aircraftmotors to HESA factory in Isfahan to assemble.
A total of 14 An-140 passenger craft are assembled in the Isfahan aircraft factory and two more planes of the kind are to be assembled by the end of the year.
AN-148 is designed by Antonov Design Bureau in Oekraine.The passenger aircraft is a development of the An-72, mainly used for cargo transport.
source: PressTVIRNA reported that 42 people are infected with swineflu/Mexican flu/ A H1N1 virus.
Besides infected pilgrims returned from Haj to Saudi Arabia, there are Iranian infected citizens returned from Singapore, the USA, Malaysia and Thailand.
July 14th, 200 people were suspected in infection.
source: news-en.trend.azGreen brief no.40+ 41
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Monday, July 27, 2009
Iran: causes
The Head of Iran's Civil Aviation Organization says that the cause of the crash of the Ilyushin Il-62 on the airport of Mashhad is, according to information, obtained from the "black box", high speed.
16 people died in the accident.
source: news.xinhuanet.comHuman Right Watch has made a statement in which she says that witnesses told after their release, that arrested reformed protestors are under great pressure in prison.
They are not allowed to contact a lawyer or their familymembers.
Intelligence forces have also intensified pressure on the families of detainees to be silent about their cases.
July 15th, the Minister of Intelligence told reporters that the confessions obtained from those arrested could be made public, should the Judiciary decide to air their remarks.
The deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch said that the statement underscores the fears that these so-called confessions are obtained under duress.
Some detained reformist leaders, including Mostafa Tajzadeh, Behzad Nabavi, and Hamzeh Ghalebi, have had no contact with their families since their arrests more than a month ago.
Another released prisoner told that when detainees are allowed to make short phone calls home, it is only in the presence of prison guards, who tell them what they are allowed to say.
Human Rights Watch urges Iran to stip the arrests and intimidations.The site GlobalVoicesOnline shows some videos from the worldwide actionday for Iran, July 25th.
Blogger Saharlar writes (fa) about the action in Dubai and publishes some photos.
The video of the speech of Shirin Ebadi in Amsterdam:
Green brief will be published later. Tomorrow I put the link here.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Iran: mourning
Two men were hanged July 25th in the prison of Zahedan.
The men, Ayub Rigi Khales, son of Allahyar and Masoud Gomshahzehi son of Bedolhan were convicted for moharebe ("in fight with god", a term used for those who fight against the Iranian authorities), and membership in the group Jondollah.
July 14th 13 men were hanged of whom Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam,spokesman of Human Rights in Iran,says that they did not have any connection to Jondollah, and were not even aware of that they were going to ba hanged.
Human Rights in Iran is investigating and will publish details about these arbitrary executions in the near future.
source: iranhr.netNewspaper Etemad wrote about another demonstrator who died in custody.
Amir Javadifar, 24, a student of industrial management in Qazvin was arrested July 9th and his family has been asked to come for the body July 26th.
He had injuries in his arm and nose on his arrest but they did not elaborate on the cause of death.
Two days ago it was announced that Mohsen Ruholamini, 25 who also was arrested July 9th, had died in prison.
He was the son of a topadvisor to defeated candidate Mohsen Rezaie.
July 9th commemorated thousands of people the many deads of the student protests in 1999.
source: news.com.au
ISNA reported Sunday that Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi asked permission to the interior ministry to hold a mourning ceremony to commemorate the 40th day after the deaths of the citizens who lost their lives in protests.
The website Etemad Melli says the ceremony will have no speeches. It will consist only of recitals from the Koran.
source: AFPPresident Ahmadinejad appointed Esfandyar Rahim Mashaie as his adviser.
Mashaei was appointed vice-president, but supreme leader Ali Khamenei forced him to resign.
Mashaei is Ahmadinejads friend and the father-in-law of Ahmadinejads son and is now appointed by Ahmadinejad as presidential adviser and head of his bureau.
Mashaei drew harsh criticism last year when he said that the Iranian people are friends with all people, including Israelis and for watching a Turkish ceremony where women danced on stage.
source: CNN
Green brief no. 39
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Iran: Sea of Green around the world
Today are in more then 110 cities around the world events to support the people of Iran.
Supporters are politicians, Nobel laureates, singers, actors and other prominent figures.
Famous singer Darius recorded a song which is for download
The song is SAVAAR KHAHAD AAMADIn the city of Tabriz is a woman in danger of being stoned to death.
Sakineh Mohammadi is four years ago convicted for adultery to 99 lashes and stoning to death.
The sentence to lashes has already been carried out and Mohammad Mostafaei who defends her as a lawyer says that the stoning-sentence has been approved by the supreme court and is in the section for implementation of the verdict.
source: iranhr.netFollowing a trend of continued clashes between student activists across universities nationwide, six students from Azad University of Shahr-e-Rey were summoned to appear before the Discipline Committee.
Their names are Hossein Zamani, Mohammad Ali Ghahremani, Reza Jafari, Mohammad Hasan Eskandarian, Homaira Khalili, anf Negar Esmailian.
Also many students of the universities of Semnan, Shiraz, Babol, Hamedan, Tabriz, Allameh Tabatabai, and Mashhad have to report to the Committee.
source: hra-iran.netThe Iranian health authorities have confirmed two cases of swineflu/Mexicanflu/A (H1N1) in South Korasan and Kerman provinces.
Both persons returned from haijj to Saudi-Arabia.
source: mehrnews.comYesterday were 16 people killed at an airplanecrash in Mashhad, 30 people got wounded.
The airplane, an Ilyushin Il-62 from Aria Aviation Company veered from the runway and hit a wall while landing at Mashhad's Hasheminejad Airport.
The dead were 13 crewmembers, Nine citizens of Kazakhstan and four Iranians and two passengers.
The flying license of Aria Aviation Company has been suspended until an investigation into the plane crash is completed.
source: reuters.com
Green brief no. 38
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, July 24, 2009
Iran: green
In the prison of Estahban (Fars province) 23 juli a man has been hanged.
Newspaper Kayhan wrote that the man, Edris, (21) was convicted on sexual assault of younger girls.The report didn’t say when the alleged assaults had taken place.
source: iranhr.netZahra Rahnavard, Mir Hossein Mousavi's wife told ILNA that her brother Shahpour Kazemi, 62, has been arrested more then a month ago.
Mir Hossein Mousavi announced that he plans to form a new broad-based political front.
On his website he said that the new front will not be a substitute for popular protest, but a way of giving the Green movement - as it has become known - a legal political framework.
source: BBCMassoud Hashemzadeh (27), was killed by the Basij on June 20 and buried in his village of birth, but his family was not allowed to hold any commemorative ceremonies.
Still people insisted on going to the home of the bereaved family to offer their condolences.
Thursday came a group of Basij to his parents house, ripped down photographs of their son and arrested his father because he mourned over his son.
Online newspaper Nowrooz wrote that his two brothers refused to allow their father to be taken away by himself, and insisted on being detained as well.
The incident followed harrowing weeks in which the grieving family was repeatedly denied permission by authorities to hold a mourning ceremony.
source: latimesblogs.latimes.comGlobalVoicesOnline reports about the World actionday, which will be held tomorrow.
The event is organized by UnitedforIran who published photos and videos.
source: GlobalVoicesOnline
United4Iran Nederland
.Green brief no.37
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl