Iran's prosecutor threathened opposition if they do not denounce this weeks protests, they could face trial for supporting apostacy.
Iranian police published 100 pictures on their website asking the public to help identify and report them to the police because they were suspected of "damaging public property and insulting sanctities".
source: Website Jaras reported that the government is moving troops and armored vehicles to the capital.
The website also reported that security forces had a heavy presence in various Tehran squares ahead of the planned opposition rally.
The report could not be confirmed independently by Reuters.
Yesterday the government organized a pro-government demonstration for which thousands of people were bused to Tehran.
Concern over political unrest in Iran helped push oil prices to round $79 a barrel. source: rferl.orgAnonymous Iran
A list with names of people who were arrested on 16Azar and Ashura.
Future Green Briefs will be published by Codeman177.
Josh Sharyar is involved in Enduring America and other things.
Green Brief No 77
Enduring America
Nite Owl
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Iran: threats
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Iran: harsh
Iran Human Rights reports that since last Sunday more then 1000 people were arrested.
More then 300 people were arrested Sunday.
President Obama, the EU, different countries and the international community condemned the Iranian government for using excessive violence against protesters and urged Iran to release all detainees.
International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran says that the arrests of humanrights lawyer Emadeddin Baghi and of Noushin Ebadi are to intimidate Shirin Ebadi.
Shirin Ebadi wrote in a statement that her sister is not politically active or involved in humanrights organizations, her arrest is political blackmail to increase pressure.
In recent days also Ebrahim Yazdi, Mash’allah Shamsalvaezin,Shapour Kazemi, Badralsadat Mofidi, Reza Tajik, Nasrin Vaziri, Keyvan Mehrgan, Mohammad Javad Saberi, Mansoureh Shojaii, Alireza Beheshti, Morteza Haji, Ghorban Behzadian-nejad, Mostafa Ezedi, Mohammad Taheri, and Heshmatollah Tabari were arrested.
Nothing is known about their whereabouts and it may be assumed that many detainees will be subjected to torture followed by “show trials" where they can be convicted to the deathpenalty.
source:, iranhumanrights.orgThe spokesman of Advar Tahkim Vahdat (Office of Strengthening Unity) Abdollah Momeni is according to the prison's doctor in urgent need of a medical treatment outside prison.
Familymembers of December 7th arrested studentleader Majid Tavakoli say they have had absolutely no official news about his whereabouts.
Six days after the summon of professor Mamousta Shafi-Borhani of Azad university in Mahabad, Kurdistan, to appear on the office of the Ministry of Information in Mahabad,there has been no information about his whereabouts.
December 15 is het studentpaper Mowj Nou of the Science and Industry University banned.As reason was given by the oversight committee “making accusations” in volume 19 of the paper, in an article published under the title “Amongst us, people are the leaders”.
The studentpaper Prochista was banned earlier this year.
source: ihrv.orgAt least 400 detainees were forced to walk "de tunnel of horror" before going into Evinprison.They had to pass through a narrow human tunnel made of military forces based in the prison. Detainees were beaten continuously by batons while passing through.
One detainee who tried to escape was shot in his foot.
source: StreetjournalistPressTV writes that the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) admitted being involved in Sundays protests te hebben. The goal is to disrupt the Iranian government.
PressTV reports that police has a clue in the suspicious dead of Seyed Ali Habibi Mousavi Khamene, Mir Hossein Moussavi's nephew.
They arrested the owner of an involved automobile.
Although the car owner claims that his black Nissan Patrol was stolen a few days before the incident he could not show a report.
Iranian politechief Ahmadi-Moqaddam has told Fars Newsagency that police will deal strongly with every one who attends protests in the futureand that time of patience with rioters is ended. He said that police have not been tough with protests before but protestors took advantage of such an attitude and there is a difference between protesters and rioters.
He said Sunday they arrested a number of rioters after they attacked police forces.
source: PressTV
Anonymous Iran
Enduring America
Nite Owl
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Iran: arrests
Shirin Ebadi reported that December 28 her sister Nooshin Ebadi is arrested in her house in Tehran by four securityagents.
Website Rahesabz reported that journalist Mashallah Shamsolvaezin is arrested on Tuesday. Womans right activist Mansoureh Shojaee, is arrested also.
Furthermore Alireza Beheshti and two other topadvisors of Mir Hossein Moussavi, humanrights activist
Emad Baghi and opposition activist
Ebrahim Yazdi, a former foreign minister from the first post-Islamic Revolution government arrested.
source: Payvand, RferlAmnesty International called on the Iranian autorithies to ensure that those attending funerals and commemorations in the coming days and weeks are guaranteed the right to assemble peacefully and to express their opposition to the current government.
She condemns in a statement the bloodshed of December 27.
source: amnestyusa.orgReportersWithoutBorders reports that syrian journalist Reza Al-Bacha from DubaiTV is arrested.
About several other Iranian journalists and bloggers who were also reportedly arrested,Reporters Without Borders received no information.
Blogger and humanrights activist Shiva Nazar Ahari telephonically informed her family that she was arrested December 20 and is in Evinprison, ward 209.
Most websites of the opposition are partly not or very bad reachable, because of cyberattacks.
Green Movement website Rahesabz is among those targeted.
Last week Mowjcamp and Twitter websites were attacked.
Iranian internetaccess is depending of Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI), a company that was bought by the IRGC.
Since 26 december is Parlemannews, official website of the reformist parlement minority unreachable.
This is , following the Supreme Council for National Security’s ban on any ceremony paying homage to Ayatollah Montazeri, who died on 20 December.
source: RSFAnonymous Iran
Enduring America
Nite Owl
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Iran: protests
It is reported that yesterday in Iran at least 10 people were killed by the police.
Mir Hossein Mousavi's nephew, Seyyed Ali Moussavi, 35 also was killed.
Mohsen Makhmalbaf, a friend of Moussavi wrote on his website that Ali Mousavi first was run over by a vehicle then five men came out of the car and one of them shot him.
More then 300 people were arrested and cars were set on fire.
People demonstrated also in Tabriz, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashad, Arak, Najafabad.
According to the website of the Green Movement 4 people in Tabriz and 1 person in Shiraz were killed.
The names of yesterdays victims are: : Seyyed Ali Habibi Mousavi Khameneh , Mehdi Farhadinia, Mohammad Ali Rasekhinia, Amir Arshadi and Shahram Faraji.
Yesterday and today were multiple people arrested, Alireza Beheshti Shirazi, editor of Kalemeh website, Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi head of Assembly of Teachers, Ebrahim Yazdi,and unconfirmed Mir Hossein Moussavis advisors Mohammad Baghriyan and Ghorban Behzadian-Nejad.
Protests continue today.
Here some videos.
Street Journalist reports with photos and news in a time-line. Global Voices Online writes that the protests reminded Chinese people of the Tiananmen democracy movement back in 1989 and Chinese twitterers are using hashtag #cn4iran.
Liveblog The Lede
Enduring America
Anonymous Iran
Nite Owl
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Iran: ashura
Azerbaijani civil activists Hedayat Zaker, Saeed Chalabiyani, Jamal
Tasoudian, Reza Gardani and Bahram Bohimi were arrested during 21 Azer celebrations in Tabriz.
Aydin Shafie and Yaghoub Taghavi are summoned to Tabriz’s Ministry of
Intelligence and Security (MOIS) office.
source: ihrv.orgVadood Sadati, Rahim Gholami en Behrooz Alizadeh, political prisoners from Azerbaijans in Ardabilprison are at risk of torture and mistreatment.
The chief executive officer Enzabee, from Ardabil Correctional Office ordered to transfer dangerous prisoners to precinth 7 where political prisoners and no telephones are.
In precinth 7 are Azerbaijan political prisoners Behrooz Alizadeh, Rahim Gholani and Ali Abassi and political prisoners Mohamad Ali Narooie, Mohamad Rahim Narooie and Omar Chaparaz.
source: ihrv.orgToday for the second day clashes broke out in Tehran.
Great marches are being held for the Ashurafestival.
BBC website reports at least 1 persoon killed.
Josh Shahryar is liveblogging.
Timesonline reports that reformist website Rahesabz writes that four protestors are shot.
Police uses teargas and batons to disperse the protesters.
There are also crowds of pro-government protesters.
BBC confirmed in a Breaking News that three people are killed.
source: BBC, Timesonline, dailyniteowl
latest videos via Enduring America.
Latest news from Iran, Ashura.Anonymous Iran
Nite Owl
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Iran: further
Two men were scheduled to be hanged yesterday in the city of Sirhan in public.
The men, Esmaeil Fathizadeh and Mohammad Esfandiarpour were convicted for armed robbery.
Familymembers and other people started to chant slogans and threw stones at the security forces.
They succeeded to free the men. A couple of hours later the men and other people were arrested again and the men should be hanged that evening.A lot of people came and clashes broke out with security agents.
Some reports from Sirjan say that the security forces started shooting at the protestors and as a result as many as five people might have been killed and about 30 wounded. Several vehicles belonging to the security forces were sat on fire by the people.
The two men along with those arrested have been transferred to the prison.
De twee mannen zouden samen met andere arrestanten naar de gevangenis gebracht zijn.
BBC reports that the men were hanged later that evening.
source:,BBCIn Isfahan and Nafajabad clashes broke out between security forces and protestors.
Reformist website Rah-e-sabz writes that more then 50 people (fa) are arrested in Isfahan.
The people came to commemorate grand ayatollah Montazeri.
source: nytimes.comThe Supreme Council appointed the poet Ali Moallem Damghani as President of the Academy of Arts.
Mir Hossein Mousavi headed Iran's Academy of Arts since its establishment in 1998.
No reasons were given.
source: PressTVTimesOnline reports that the missing relatives of Osama Bin Laden live at a secret place in Iran.
There has been uncertainty about the family’s whereabouts for the past eight years, they were thought to have died or joined him with terrorists.
According to Omar Ossama bin Laden, 29, the fourth-eldest son, last month he found out that at least one of his fathers wives, six children and 11 grandchildren live in an heavily secured compound in Iran near Tehran.
He said he had no idea that his brothers and sisters were still alive until they called him in November. They told him that they fled after 9/11 from Afghanistsn over the border with Iran.
They were taken to a walled compound outside Tehran where guards said they were not allowed to leave “for their own safety”.
source: TimesOnlineDecember 20 are Ahmad Qabel,Mohammad Noorizad.Saeed Haeri,Shiva Nazar Ahari and Koohyar Goodarzi, members of the Human Rights Reporters Committee and Mahboobe Abasgholizade,womens rights activist, arrested .
Abasgholizade has been released the next morning.
They were taken to an unknown place.
source: iranpressnewsblogAnonymous Iran
Enduring America
Nite Owl
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Iran: proceed
During an interview with ABC asked Ahmadinejad in answer to the question whether he still was doing his best to set them free, "how do you know they have accidentally crossed into Iran?"
PressTV reports that foreign minister Mottaki said that the court will soon issue its verdict against one of the Americans.
Shane Michael Bauer, 27, Joshua Felix Fattal, 27, and Sarah Emily Shourd, 31, were arrested July 31st.
source:, PressTVIran described the borderincident with Iraq as a "misunderstanding".
Iranian spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said also that the two Ministers of foreign affairs had a telephone-conversation and that a committee should be formed to look into border demarcation issues between Iran and Iraq.
source: Latimes, Babylon and Beyond blog has an article, including videos about ayatollah Montazeris funeral and other events yesterday.
Thousands of people were in Qom, protesting against the government.
source: latimesblog.latimes.comAn Iranian newsagency told that the trial against French Clotilde Reiss will be resumed December 23.
July 1st she was arrested and at the moment she is free on bail in the French embassy.
She is accused of taking part in a Western plot to destabilize the Iranian government.
source: en.trend.azAnonymous Iran
Enduring America
Nite Owl
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Iran: bans
In the prison of Isfahan are December 20th 3 men hanged.
According to a report on the official judiciary site they were: Ghodrat Gh. (55) convicted of trafficking of 141,5 KG opium, Khan Mohammad Daraei for posession of 120 gram Crack and 2 gram marijuana, selling of 15 gram heroin, and drugsaddiction, Mostafa Ch. convicted of posession of 135,4 gram heroin, 35,6 gram opium and opiumaddiction.
The spokesman of Iran Human Rights, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, said that they are concerned about possible executions in the Christmas holidays. Last year 10 people were hanged and 2 were stoned to death and the situation of human rights in Iran has worsened this year.
source: iranhr.netFour daily newspapers in Iran have received a written warning from the Ministry of Culture for their "inadequate" coverage of Friday's pro-government demonstrations which was organized by the State after the burning of the portrait of Khomeini.
Jahan-e Eghtesad and Andisheyeh No received a written warning for "complete censorship" of the event, and Etemad and Mardomsalari were warned for "distortion of images of the demonstration".
source: payvandAt the funeral of Ayatolla Montazeri were clashes reported.
Despite a government ban thousands of people visited Qom.
He is buried at the Masoumeh Shrine. Foreign media are restricted from coverage.
Telephone and internet connections were disturbed by the government.
Also broadcasts of BBC Persia were jammed.
source: BBC
video of the funeral via onlymehdi:Anonymous Iran
Enduring America
Nite Owl
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Iran: further
December 16 are in the prison of the city of Zahedan 3 men hanged.
Mosa M. was convicted of keeping and trafficking of 84 kg heroin and 921 kg opium, Khaleghdad F. for trafficking and hiding 49,5 kg heroin and 98 kg opium and Ghader M. for trafficking of 745 kg heroin and 465 kg opium.
In the prison of Kerman is Omid A aka Sardar Bozorg hanged.
He was convicted of drug trafficking and attempts against the national securityGrand Ayatollah Montazeri (87) has died.
He was one of the most prominent clerics in Iran.
His son told the BBC that his father had died of natural causes.
In 1979 he was an important figure in the islamitic revolution with Khomeini.
He had been designated to succeed Khomeini, but became one of the critics of Ahmadinejad. In 1997 he was placed under house arrest for six years.
Because Montazeri was one of the most importand reformist clerics in Iran, many people are expected for the funeral Monday.
source: BBC35 students of the School of Art are summoned by the Disciplinary Committee for participating in the Student protests of December 7th.
A representative of the Supreme Leader's office told last week that about 90 students will be summoned within the next few weeks.
source: ihrv.org12 people will be charged by Iranian authorities for the dead of protesters in Kahrizak prison.
ISNA reported Saturday that in a statement for the first time since the events, authorities admitted that at least 3 protesters were beaten to death.
Three defendants are accused of murder, with a possible death penalty.
The charges against the other nine defendants include abuse, negligence and depriving prisoners of their legal rights.
bron:StreetjournalistAnonymous Iran
Enduring America
Nite Owl
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.