Dutch Foreign Minister Verhagen wrote yesterday on Twitter that the arrest of Vahik Abramiyan, pastor with dual Dutch/Iranian citizenship is known, and that the Dutch government and Ambassy are attending the case.
I will closely follow this, and once there is news I will report it.There is absolute lack of information about the condition of Ehmad Bahavar, political activist and director of the youth branch of Freedom Movement in Iran.
March 13, he was arrested for the 4th time this year..
Since he was not allowed to contact his family or a lawyer.
Also Farid Taheri and Amir-Hossein Kazemi two other members of Freedom Movement are currently held in detention.
source: HRANAThe majority of the factories along the Karaj Jaddeh Ghadim highway have not paid their workers in three or four months.
The workers, a.o. Sannaye Felezi (Metal Industries) protested without success.
They face extremely difficult conditions while coping with high inflation rates and severe economic pressures.
source: persian2englishMore then 12 Afghan immigrants are in prison since the June elections.
Most of them work in Tehran as a constructionworker and were just spectators.
Although they were not involved in the demonstrations, they are charged with "acting against national security".
Many of them were observing the protests from sidewalks.
The group Afghan immigrants have not received support by the Afghan government or the embassy of Afghanistan in Iran.
Ten months after their arrest, they still are detained.
source: persian2english
anonymous Iran
Iran in the worldpress
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Iran: silence
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Iran: further
Nothing has been heard yet about Dutch efforts to release Vahik Abrahamian, 44 a pastor with dual Dutch/Iranian citizenship, who to be near his aging mother and family choose to live in Iran. He was arrested February 20.
Since then nothing is known.
Not only nothing is known, till today no Dutch media has reported about this case.
This message will be repeated each day until this changes.Maryam Zia, who was on hungerstrike and transported to the hospital of Evinprison, has been released following a recommendation by prison doctors who did not see her fit to remain remanded.
source: RAHANA
Humanrightsactivist Abdolreza Ghanbari, a teacher who was arrested January 13th, has been sentenced to death by judge Salavati of branch 15 of the revolutionary court on charges of moharebe and connections to groups.
In recent months judge Salavati sentenced several people to death of which two people (Mohammad Reza Ali Zamani and Arash Rahmanipour),were executed.
source: persian2englishAmnesty International writes that the executions in Iran send a message that Iran uses the deathsentence as a tool to try and quell political unrest, intimidate the population and send a signal that dissent will not be tolerated.
There was a noticeable surge in the rate of executions at the time of mass protests.
In the eight weeks between the June election and the re-inauguration of President Ahmadinejad in early August 112 people were put to death.
source: amnestyusa.orgSince March 28 the water at Gohardasht Prison has been shut off.
The prison is not connected to the city’s water system, but is supplied from an underground water well located below prison level. Starting on March 9, the drinking water at Wards 4 & 5, as well as the women’s ward, became highly contaminated and non-potable, which caused many healthproblems.
source: RAHANA
More than nine months after the June presidential election, five members of the Council to Defend the Right to Education remain in prison some of them are facing long sentences.
The group was formed in 2007 by banned students and students with a star.
In the days before the presidential election, starred students gathered several times to protest Ahmadinejad’s statements.
After the elections 10 members of the group were arrested.
Zia Nabavi is sentenced to 15 years and 74 lasheszweepslagen, he has been beaten and always denied the charges.
The latests reports say that his case has not been sent to any of the appeals court branches, and his family is not capable of paying the $500,000 USD (approximate amount) bail set for him.
Majid Dorri is sentenced to 11 years in prison by branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in January.
Mahdieh Golroo is imprisoned since December 3. Her case has been referred to branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court, but no trial has been held yet.
Shiva Nazar Ahari has been imprisoned for almost 100 day. In october she was released on bail after spending 102 days in prison.
Peyman Arefi was arrested June 18 in Gilan province. He was released on bail but arrested again March 16th.
He is now in Evinprison where he serves a prisonsentence of 18 months and 74 lashes.
Hesam Salamat, Saeed Jalalifar, Zahra Tohidi, and Alireza Khoshbakht were also arrested in the previous months.
source: persian2english.com
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Monday, March 29, 2010
Iran: silence
Nothing has been heard yet about Dutch efforts to release Vahik Abrahamian, 44 a pastor with dual Dutch/Iranian citizenship, who, to be near his aging mother and family choose to live in Iran. He was arrested February 20.
Since then nothing is known.
Not only nothing is known, till today no Dutch media reported about this case.
This message will be repeated each day until this changes.
In 2006 50 people with the Bahai'faith were arrested for doing social work in the villages around Shiraz. Later they were sentenced to participate in the Islamic Propaganda Organization courses for a period of 3 years.
Additionally 4 members of the group, including Sasan Taghva, Haleh Rouhi and Raha Sabet, were in October 2007 given 4-year jail terms.
From now they are barred from leaving the country.
source: RAHANA
Childrightsactivist Maryam Zia was moved to Evin’s clinic in critical condition 12 days after she started a hungerstrike.
She started a hungerstrike to protest to the actions of an Intelligent Ministry interrogator called Yaseri who had prevented her release despite posting bail.
Zia, married and mother of 2 children, was arrested December 31 and spent 2 months in ward 209 of Evin prison.
source: RAHANASayyed Ahmad Miri , deputy head of Participation Front in Mazandaran province and Dr. Aliakbar Soroosh, a professor and also a senior member of the Participation Front in Mazandaran are arrested.
The charges are unknown.
source: RAHANAanonymous Iran
enduring america
Iran in de worldpress
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Iran: further
The man, I wrote about yesterday, Vahik Abrahamian, 44 is according this site a pastor of Armenian descent, with dual Dutch-Iran nationality. He lives in Iran and was abducted by plainclothed agents, when leaving a friends house.
Special thanks to @persianbanoo and @XTRAballots, who found the information.The physical condition of Zahra Jabbari who was arrested in September during the Qodsday rallies, has reached a critical point.
She has a heart disease and rheumatism.
Seven months she is imprisoned in Evinprison and she is not allowed to receive visits from her child.
According to her lawyer, there is nothing in her case file that can be qualified as criminal activity and the case only states the presence of her 2 siblings in Camp Ashraf.
Currently, more then 20 female political prisoners are held in Evin’s women’s ward including Bahareh Hedayat, Mahdieh Golroo, Maryam Zia, Nazila Dashti, Shabnam Madadzadeh, Fatemeh Ziayi, Atefeh Nabavi, Sedigheh Falahat Zadeh and Aliyeh Eghdamdoost.
source: RAHANAShirin Gharacheh Daghi,a medicin student in Tehran is abducted Friday by plainclothed agents.
The reason of her abduction and here whereabouts are unknown, officials of the Revolutionary Court, Intelligence Ministry and Evin Prison told her family that they were not aware of their daughter’s arrest.
source: RAHANAAlireza Firoozi has been arrested in Orumieh in January and being transported to Evin where he was held incommunicado for over 70 days.
According to an interview with his mother is still nothing known about a charge and they are not aware why he is still detained. His mother says that reports of him being a member of RHAI are not true and also she knows nothing of him and some other Zanjan students being sentenced to 1 ½ year in prison.
source: RAHANAanonymous Iran
enduring america
weekly update
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Iran: where?
By Twitter and a blog was reported that February 20 Vahik Ebramian a christian with Iranian-Dutch citizenship is arrested. According to the report he is not allowed to meet with his family or a lawyer.
There is no more information.
A source cannot (yet) be found.
I ask: Who knows any facts and backgrounds and why have Dutch media, churches and politics not reacted on this?
source: Twitter, seculardemocracyiran.blogspot.comSaeed Malekpour is arrested October 4th, 2008 near Vanak Square in Tehran by plainclothed agents, blindfolded and taken to Evinprison.
He was tortured and forced to sign papers with unknown "confessions".
Till now, after 18 months he is not allowed to meet with his lawyer.
He wrote a letter in which he describes the events after his arrest.
source: RAHANABlogger and journalist Behzad Mehrani is arrested March 3 and is since then isolated in Rajai-Shahr Prison in Karaj.
RAHANA publishes an interview with his sister.
source: RAHANAReporters and Human rights Activists of Iran published their annual report concerning Iranian year 1388 (March 2009-March 2010) .
anonymous Iran
Green Brief 95
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, March 26, 2010
Iran: stop
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) urged Iran Friday to stop jamming of foreign satellite broadcasts.
The ITU states that it is prohibited under the rules of the United Nations agency.
Iran jams among others the broadcasts of BBC and Deutsche Welle.
source: in.reuters.comMarch 8 is Behrooz Javid Tehrani transferred to the isolation of ward 1 of Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj.
He is being tortured and put under psychical pression by Hassan Akharian, the head of Ward 1 and the prisonguards Mohsen Khalesi and Mohsen Bamdad.
The conditions in ward 1 are very bad. Prisoners are allowed to use the washroom facilities only 3 times a day, and meals are served in meager portions and of poor quality.
Also they are on a regular base cuffed on hands and ankles and beaten with electric charged batons.Prisoners are completely cut-off from the outside world and their families are denied access to medical help and medicine.
The interrogators in Tehran order to isolate and torture of a prisoner.
Their orders are executed by Ali Haj Kazem,Mohsen Khalesi, Mohsen Bamdad, Ali Mohammadi,Kermani and Faraji, who are the heads and guards of the prison.
June 2005 is Behrooz Javid Tehrani sent to Rajai Shahrprison to serve a prisonsentence of 7 years.
A number of political prisoners including Mansour Osanloo, Ahmad Zaidabadi and Masoud Bastani are detained in different wards of Rajai-Shahr with violent inmates.
source: RAHANAA group unnamed political prisoners of the post-election protests in Evinprison wrote a letter on the occasion of Nowruz.
source: RAHANAanonymous Iran
enduring america
Iran in the worldpress
Er zitten nog steeds ter dood veroordeelde minderjarigen in Iran in de gevangenis.Er worden kinderen opgehangen.
Er wordt een kind gehangen.
affiche amnesty.nl
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Iran: detained
Human Rights Watch reported (fa) Wednesday that Iranian media,the judicial and security forces made joined attacks on humanrightsgroups under the pretext of protecting the country against "cyber warfare".
Autorities arrested humanrightsactivists, shutdown websites and accused them of cooperation with foreign secret services.
The authorities reported March 13 that they busted a spionagenetwork, that worked under the codename "Iran Proxy" and included the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, the Center for Defense of Human Rights, and Human Rights Activists in Iran.
The names of the arrested are not revealed. The organizations denied.
source: hrw.orgIn the past 3 months were at least 181 cases of humanrights abuses reported in Kurdistan.
According to Kurdestan-o Kurd News Agency,at least 25 people in Kurdistan lost their lives last winter, due to violation of human rights by the government. 21 of them were people that lived and owned trading businesses at the border.
110 Kurdish students were arrested in this period.At least 143 other cases of prosecution have been reported.
17 Kurds are sentenced to death and awaiting execution.
source: persian2englishIn the prison of Mahabad Jafar Afshari has March 17 gone into a hungerstrike to protest to not being approved for the “open ruling” verdict and not having granted a prison leave.
He was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for helping an inmate to escape.
source: RAHANAMansour Miri-Kalaniki, from Urmia, staffmember of the campaign of Mir Hossein Mousavi disappeared July 17 , 2009 and his whereabouts are not known.
His father, Ali Miri-Kalaniki is arrested also and is in prison in Urmia.
source: RAHANA
anonymous Iran
enduring america
Iran in the worlpress
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Iran: further
Rafsanjani's grandson, Hassan Lahouti who has been arrested on Sunday after arriving on the Tehran airport, has been released on bail "after he expressed "regret" for taking part in postelection protests".
source: rferl.orgDuring celebrating of the Iranian New Year 129 caraccidents over 24 hours across the country, have claimed the lives of 29 people and injured 207 others.
The causes of the roadaccidents were 32 high speed cases, 25 deviations to the left, 15 cases of car control inability and 41 more distraction and carelessness cases.
source: press.tv
anonymous Iran
enduring america
Iran in the worldpress
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Iran: further
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani's grandson, Hassan Lahouti, was Sunday arrested on the airport of Tehran upon his arrival from London.
He is the son of the daughter of Rafsanjani, Faezeh Hashemi who was briefly arrested herself after the election.
10 days after the begin of the protests, Lahouti flew to London, where he is studying. After his arrest he was transferred to Evinprison.
source: BBCStarting March 21 Iran will cut the volume of its cheap petrol ration by 25% to 60 litres per vehicle per month.
Until that the amount of gasoline was 90 liters per month.
Every liter on top of that ration will cost 0,40 cents per liter, this is an equivalent of 1.33EURO.
The more increased economic sanctions were probably the reason to this cut.
source: BBC Navid Khanjani's family has not heard about his whereabouts, 20 days after his arrest.
The office of Sadegh Larijani, the head of justice, has refused to take a plea-letter and stated in reply that people of the Baha'i-religion do not have the right to plea.
Khanjani is currently detained in solitary confinement in a cell reserved for members of the IRGC.
Khanjani is member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters and one of the founders of Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination. He is banned from studying at an university for his belief in the Baha’i faith.
source: persian2englishanonymous Iran
enduring america
Iran in the worldpress
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl