reports that a delegation of Iranian statebroadcaster IRIB on July 5th will be invited by Dutch broadcaster NOS.
The delegation will also visit NPO and the Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid and will talk to mr. Jan de Jong director of NOS and mr. Henk Hagoort director of NPO. This visit is organized by the Iranian embassy in The Hague and through the channels of EBU, of which IRIB is a member.
Report on the website of Radio Zamaneh says that the iniative for the visit came from NOS.
Dutch and Iranian student- and humanrightsorganizations strongly object.
IPY calls on NOS and NPO to withdraw the invitation.
They also ask for a debate in Dutch parliament to ask the Minister in charge why and by whom this invitation was made.
IPY organizes a protestgathering on 10.00hrs July 5, on the Media Park in Hilversum.
source: radio zamaneh, iranpy.netHuman Rights Watch called on Iran to immediately halt plans to execute Zeynab Jalalian.In 2009 she was arrested and sentenced to death and until now authorities prevented her from retaining a lawyer.
Jalalian is among 17 Kurdish dissidents awaiting execution.
According to her lawyer her execution is imminent.
The 16 other people on deathrow are: Rostam Arkia, Hossein Khezri, Anvar Rostami, Mohammad Amin Abdolahi, Ghader Mohammadzadeh, Habibollah Latifi, Sherko Moarefi, Mostafa Salimi, Hassan Tali, Iraj Mohammadi, Rashid Akhkandi, Mohammad Amin Agoushi, Ahmad Pouladkhani, Sayed Sami Hosseini, Sayed Jamal Mohammadi, and Aziz Mohammadzadeh.
source: hrw.orgAccording to reports the condition of Isa Saharkhiz imprisoned in Rajaee Shahrprison is worsening.
Prison officials have refused to transfer him to the prison infirmary. He suffers from low bloodpressure and needs special medication.
source:persian2englishThe physical condition of Majid Tavakoli has been severely deteriorated because of extreme coughing, he is suffering abdominal bleeding.
He was already in bad condition because of the dry hungerstrike he started to protest his isolation and his condition has worsened since.
Prisonofficials have ignored Tavakoli’s deteriorating health.
source: HRHI
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Iran: Question
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Iran: anti
Hashemi Rafsanjani criticised the political situation in Iran.
He wrote in a letter published on his website on June 27, one day before the 29th anniversary of a 1981 blast at the Tehran office of the Islamic Republican Party that killed many political leaders, that Iran's current political environment is deeply divisive.
Currently Rafsanjani is chairman of the Council of Experts, the body charged with the supervision of Iran's supreme leader, but during the presidential election he supported the opposition.
sourcen: rferl.orgThe brother of Zeynab Jalalian says that he has not heard from her since a month.
She was sentenced to death in 2009, for cooperating with the PEJAK and is in imminent risk of execution.
She was imprisoned in Kermanshah and Sanandaj, but was transfered to Evinprison ward 209, even though she has already been sentenced.
A month ago she telephoned her family that she is in Evinprison, but since then, nothing was heard from her.
Authorities stated they have lost her file and they can't do anything.
According to her brother the attorneys and the humanrights activists said they would help but they didn't do anything.
Her lawyer says that he has not been able to access the case file and the only way to help her is to contact the UN Secretary General and ask for his direct intervention.
source: HRHIJune 28, 300 of the 450 workers at Pars Metal staged a protest across the president’s offices.
They were protesting for their five months outstanding payment and the decision by the management to let the contract workers go.The workers say that at least 150 contract workers at Pars Metal have more than 12 years of service with the company.
source: iranlaborreport.comNahid Ghadyani, a Baha’i from Mashhad is taken to prison to serve her 5 years prisonsentence.Previously authorities promised her a prison leave and had even issued a bail amount which her family had submitted.
Hooman Bakhthar also from Mashhad has received a summon to go within 3 days to prison to start his sentence of 2 years . Initially Bakhthar was sentenced to 5 years, this was reduced in appeal to 2 years.
source: HRHIStudentactivists urge people to stage protests to commemorate the anniversary of the 9 July 1999 student-led uprising.
In London, Toronto and Washington DC will be protests this weekend against the deathsentence by stoning from Sakine Mohammadi Ashtiani.
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Iran: happened
Iranlaborreport writes that Parvaneh Osanloo, the wife of Mansour Osanloo told in an interview to Roozonline that her daughter-in-law Zoya Samadi,suffered a miscarriage, following her abduction and beatings.
source: iranlaborreportTwo weeks after the arrest of Babak Heshmat Saran are his whereabouts still unknown.
Babak Heshmat Saran is the son of the late Amir Hossein Heshmat Saran, Secretary General of the Iran National Unity Front, who mysteriously died last year in Gohardashtprison.
In an interview with International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran told his mother that she asked information at various judicial authorities, but that there has been no news of his whereabouts.
Babak and his friend, Ahmad Shahrezaei, were attacked on 12 June 2010 in Tehran on Enghelab Avenue. Ahmad was arrested and Babak was beaten with a baton, but could escape, Later he was also arrested by a motorcycle who followed him.
source: iranhumanrights.orgAfter 13 months imprisonment is Abdollah Momeni from ward 8 transfered to ward 350.
Momeni is convicted to 4 years and 11 months in prison.
According to Advar news are Ali Malihi, public relations officer of Tahkim-eh Vahdat, and Salman Sima, member of Tahkim-e Vahdat, in the same ward.
Also Mousavi's financial advisorb, Ali Arab-Mazadi, was transfered to this ward.
source: HRHIThe revolutionary court in Gorgan has issued sentences for Mobin Mir-Arab, Hossein Matloubi, Alireza Rahnamaei and Salman Bozorgi, to respectively 4 years, 18 months, 15 months and 1 year in prison.
Ten days ago they were arrested, they worked for Mousavi's central students campaign in Golestan province.
source: HRHI
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Iran: further
11 months ago Amir Ali Aghayari was arrested and he has been confined in solitary for nearly 8 months.
According to newssite Jaras Aghayari is arrested because he has ties with Mehdi Hashemi(the son of Rafsanjani), who was accused in one of the showtrials of forging documents etc.
His family are extremely under pressure and hardly were allowed to visit him in prison.
source: HRHIAt a bomb blast on the road near Muqdadiya in Diyala province in Iraq, were Friday two Iranians killed.
The device exploded when a bus of Iranian pilgrims was going past the area.
Five people got wounded. Iraqi security agents arrested four suspects.
source: tehrantimes.comThe site Only Democracy 4 Iran publishes the story of Afshin Azizian, an Iranian who lives in England since 1995.
He tells about the troubles and lies he met as an asylumseeker.
source: onlydemocracy4iran.comThe site englishtogerman reports the german translation of an interview with Parvaneh Osanloo, the wife of Mansour Osanloo.
enduring america
weekly updates
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Iran: further
Human rights activist and member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters Shiva Nazar Ahari was transferred June 20 from ward 209 to the general ward in Evin prison.Since June 2009 she spent over 280 days in Evin prison. 100 of those days were spent in solitary confinement.
She was released after paying bail from $200.000 but arrested again on December 20, 2009 while leaving Tehran to attend Ayatollah Montazeri’s funeral.
source: persian2enhlishIn the village Eival in Mazandaran province are 50 houses of Bahai demolished and leveled by people who drove trucks.
The roads to the village are blocked and a number of people are patrolling to prohibit anyone from entering the village.
The residents went to the local administration office in Kiasar district on June 22 and notified authorities of the incident, but the action was declared illegal.June 23 they went to the governor's office in Sari but authorities denied any reported news.
further: HRHI Firuz Yousefi, a Turkish civil activist who is dismissed from the Islamic Republic of Iran Army (IRIA) has been arrested June 21 by agents of the Army Information Protection in Tehran and transferred to an unknown location.
Savalan Sesi newsagency reports that a judge told that he has been arrested after giving interviews to foreign media about being dismissed from his position.
source: HRHI
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Iran: changed
The Iranian Teachers Trade Association made a statement since two months have passed since the arrest of Messes Baghani, the general secretary and Beheshti, the spokesman of the Teachers Trade Association, Rasoul Bodaghi,Hashem Khastar, Abdollah Moemeni, Mohammad Davari, Esmael Abdi, and others are still incarcerated.
With this statement they express their solidarity and ask the release of and information about their collegues
source: iranlaborreport
Zoya Samadi, the daughter in law of Mansour Osanloo has been violently kidnapped June 23, when she came from her work. Witnesses saw her being pulled by her hair from the trains by the security operatives.
The kidnappers taped her mouth and handcuffed her and took her by car to an unknown place where they mistreated her by beating on her face and head.
After some hours of mistreatment she was released near Seyyed Khandan bridge.
She also escaped kidnapping in the past year.
source: iranlaborreport
The official name of “Reporters and Human Rights Activists News Agency” (RAHANA) has changed to "Human Rights House of Iran”(HRHI)."
Emad Bahavar, the head of the youth department of the Freedom Movement of Iran party is transferred to ward 350 of Evin prison. 13 March 2010 he was arrested for the fourth time within one year.
Two other members of the party, Engr. Farid Taheri and Amir Hossein Kazemi , are detained in ward 350 and ward 290 of Evin prison.
source: HRHIThe Bahai Afshin Ighani is sentenced to 4 years and 3 months in prison.He was charged with forming groups intending to disrupt the national security.All possessions of Mr. Ighani which are related to his charges will be confiscated.
source: HRHI
A new report states that witnesses saw the three in July 2009 imprisoned hitchhikers,Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd and Josh Fattal were arrested on Iraqi soil.
The witnesses are said to be residents of a border village, who declined to be identified because of fear of retaliation.
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Iran: add
June 23 started the trial against Hossein Derakhshan, the "blogfather" in Tehran.
Derakhshan is imprisoned in Teheran since November 23.
According to Fars he is charged with working with "hostile" governments, propaganda against the Islamic establishment, propaganda in favor of antirevolutionary groups, insulting religious sanctities, and launching and managing “obscene" websites.
Derakhshan’s sister says on the blog (fa) made by his family, that her parents were not allowed in the courtroom during the June 23 trial session.
Newsweek published a backgroundstory.
source:, newsweek.comIn the month Khordad (June) were according to RAHANA at least 325 people in Iran arrested.
On the day of the anniversary of the election June 12, 91 people were arrested.
June 8, the commander of police in Tehran confirmed the arrest of 115 people following the implementation of the “Public Safety Project.”
June 9 14 students in Kerman are also arrested and in the first week of June were at least 6 students from Kamyaran arrested.
The report indicates that during the month Khordad 206 civilians, 69 students , 9 Kurdish activists, 7 Turkish activists, 5 people of religious minorities, 5 journalists, 4 political activists, 4 labor activists, 1 human rights activist, 1 womans right activist, and 13 other people were arrested under a variety of pretexts (the list includes a teacher, the head of a university, etc.).
source:persian2englishJournalist and human rights activist Emaddedin Baghi is released after paying a bail from $200.000 .
Since December 2009 he was imprisoned in Evin prison.
The main charge is an interview, made 2 years ago with the late Ayatollah Montazeri.
He now faces additional charges of undertaking "propaganda against the state" and "colluding to commit acts against national security".
His trial is set on July 7.
Amnesty International considers him a prisoner of conscience and calls Iran to drop all charges against him.
source: amnesty international
According to newsagency ILNA the trial against 8 members of the group Jundullah started June 23.
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Iran: cause
During a visit with friends to an orphanage, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence arrested the Bahai Noora Nabizadeh.
The arrest warrant cited spreading the Baha’i faith as the reason for her arrest.
source: RAHANA
Since six months is Mohamamad Nourizad imprisoned.
He was beaten by the interrogators and has been suffering from severe headaches and his impaired vision has not been improved yet.
Prisonauthorities have not approved Nourizadeh’s request for being taken to prison clinic. He is in ward 350 of Evinprison.
Seyyed Alireza Beheshti Shirazi, a senior advisor of Mir Hossein Mousavi during his election campaign is transferred to ward 350.
source: RAHANA
Elitestudent Abdollah Yousefzadegan has made a telephonecall to his family and said he has been finally transferred to a cell with 2 or 3 other inmates after 95 days of isolation.
He also said he is in appropriate physical and emotional conditions.
Yousefzadegan is currently detained in Mashhadprison.
source: RAHANARestrictions for political prisoners in ward 350 of Evin prison have been intensified.
There is a construction going and prisoners do not have a convenient place to rest and sleep.The weather is hot and no cooling equipment has been installed yet. The telephone communications in ward 350 have been completely disconnected since Monday night June 21.
Similar in ward 7 there is no gas and prisoners have to take a shower with cold water.
However, Monday there was a representative of the prosecutor to investigate.
source: RAHANA
Photographer Majid Saeedi is sentenced to 3 years in prison. He was arrested June 30, 2009.Political prisoners of Rajaee Shahrprison are restricted more and mote.
Ordinary prisoners have the ability to talk over the phone as long as they please, while political prisoners had to make a list of numbers they want to call, and do not have permission to call any number outside this list.
Davood Soleimani, Masoud Bastani, Ahmad Zeidabadi, Mehdi Mahmoudian, Isa Saharkhiz, Mansour Osanloo, Rasool Badaghi en Heshmatollah Tabarzadi are among the prisoners at Rajai-shahr.
source: astreetjournalist
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Iran: ground
On Democratic Republic of Iran website is a translation of a fine handed down by Iran’s morality police to a woman for using nail polish while walking in public.
Offences are:
Glasses over the hair: 180,000 Rials
Short jacket: 250,000 Rials
Bright (green and red) jackets: 250,000 Rials
Nail polish for each figure: 5,000 Rials
Make-up: 250,000 Rials
Light hair (depending on the colour): From 500,000 to 1,500,000 Rials.
By Islamic law women must be covered from head to foot, with their hair completely veiled, and social interaction is banned between men and women who are not related.
Past weeks there was a heavy crackdown by the moralspolice in the country.
President Ahmadinejad told earlier this month in an interview that he opposes such actions.
These remarks have drawn the wrath of fellow hardliners and several top clerics who have criticized him for opposing the police crackdown.
The supreme leader is firmly against the release of arrested students.
The wife of Mehdi Karroubi, Fatemeh, suggested this.
According to reports he said that he is surprised by this suggestion, and that if someone is guilty of an offence, they have to be confronted. If they are not at fault, they will obviously be released.
During an attack on Tehran University dorm, after the disputed election, officially 91 students were arrested. The opposition claims the number of students arrested on this night is closers to the hundreds.
source: astreetjournalist.comSix days after the arrest of journalist and member of Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC), Abdolreza Tajik his family has been unable to obtain information on his condition.
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has learned that the simultaneous arrests of Narges Mohammadi and Abdolreza Tajik, both members of DHRC, are directly related to the television’s broadcast of a libelous program against Shirin Ebadi, head of the DHRC.
June 10 were 8 students arrested in Shiraz. According to their lawyer they had a permit to organize a seminar on behalf of the association Tose’eh Melli.
The arrested are: Farshid Rezazadeh, manager of Tose’eh Melli publication, Hamideh Moradi, editor-in-chief of the publication Mehrdad Razmjooyi, Atena Alavi, Najmeh Sotoodeh, Payman Hajizadeh, and Masoud Shams.There are separate reports of other student arrests, but the number is unknown.
source: persian2english 360 Municipalityworkers in the city of Abadan went June 10 in strike. They did not receive their wages for several months.
The Bakery Workers in the Kurdish City of Saghez win their demands for their wages and end their strike.
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Iran: morals
The newspaper Iran reported that in the prison of Zahedan one man was hanged.
The man, Jamshid (48) was convicted for rape.
The date of the execution was not mentioned.
source: iranhr.netHamzeh Karami, the moderator of Jomhoriyat website and a senior official from Islamic Azad University was sentenced to 16 years in jail after the election.In appeal this sentence was later decreased to 11 years in prison.
In December he got a 5 day-prisonleave, to get treatment for his heart, but he was not able to finish this.
He has a serious heartcondition and his family asks the authorities to approve this sick leave.
source: RAHANAHumanrightsactivist and student Nasour Naghipour is released against a bail from $100.000 from the IRGCward 2a in Evinprison. March 2 he was arrested and his lawyer had not been granted access to his client’s file during his detention, and the officials have not named any specific charge in response to his family’s follow-ups.
source: RAHANAHumanrights and womans rights activist Shiva Nazar Ahari was arrested June 14, 2009 and after 100 days released against a bail from $200.000. In December 2009 she was arrested again and was in isolation since then.
She is transferred to the general ward of Evin now.Another CHRRmember, Koohyar Goudarzi is almost 6 months detained in Evin prison.
source: RAHANAIn Qom province are 100 vehicles stopped and 62.000 women were warned for "bad hijab".
The head of police in Qom province said that the enemy's target to launch a soft war is to promote “bad and frivolity hijab” in the society and in this way trying to compromise the morals of the society.
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.