The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said that the conviction of blogger Hossein Derakhkshan to 19½ years in prison has no basis in evidence.
An informed source told the Campaign that Derakhshan’s lawyer did not have full access to his file in order to review its details.
The Campaign demanded the overturning of the verdict by an appeals court.
She also demanded the immediate suspension of Judge Abolghassem Salavati, who issued Derakhshan’s verdict, on grounds of deviation from judicial standards and procedures in this and numerous other cases.
A portion of evidence for Derakhshan’s alleged crimes consisted of a letter of recommendation for university written by Gary Sick, a Columbia University faculty member.The content of Derakhshan’s blog, operated outside of Iran, is another basis for his harsh sentence.
The pressure on the Bahai Rozita Vaseghi who after 6 months of solitary confinement joined the other 3 Bahaiprisoners in Vakilabad Prison has intensified.She has limited number of prison visits and telephone calls.
The 4 Bahai prisoners are: Nahid Ghanbari, Rozita Vaseghi, Nasrin Ghadiri and Sima Rajabian.
source: HRHIAt the border with Afghanistan, in the city of Zabol, province Sistan-e-Baluchistan are 722 illegal foreigners arrested.
The families of the killed detainees in Kahrizak say that they rather then ask for the execution of the two guards who are sentenced go death, they call for the prosecution of the true perpetrators of the events.
Iran Prisoners of Conscience 29 Sep 2010 : 633 names.
three links:
Human Rights Violations Report part 1 week of 27 September
podcast 12
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Iran: illegal
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Iran: further
Iranian statetelevision said in a documentary that Facebook and Twitter are "hidden enemies" of the country used by Western intelligence agencies in order to recruit new members and gather data on individuals.
The site Mardomak has a video of the report here .
source:rferl.orgDuring the last 24 hrs, the Iranian government has made conflicting reports about the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiari.
According to ISNA the spokesman for the judiciary said that the murder charge has priority to her adultery charge and he emphasized that hanging for murder has priority to her Hadd (stoning for adultery).
The spokesman of the foreign ministry said that a final verdict has not been decided yet on the case of Mrs. Ashtiani.
Last week Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told CNN that Mrs. Ashtiani has never been sentenced to death by stoning.
source: iranhr.netThe blogfather Hossein Derakhshan who is detained since 31 October 2008, is by judge Salavati of Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court sentenced to 19 ½ years in prison and a five year ban from membership in any political group or party and all media activity.
He also has to pay back earned revenue of 30,750.00 Euro, 2,900.00 Dollars and 200.00 Pounds
The charges are collaborating with hostile governments, propaganda against the Islamic Regime, counter-revolutionary propaganda in favor of anti revolution groups, blasphemy, deployment and management of pornography and obscenity.
source: HRHIStudent and secretary of Advar-eh Tahkim (Office for Consolidating Unity), Mehdi Arabshahi, is summoned by the office of the prosecutor in Evinprisond to serve his sentence.
He was arrested during the Ashuraprotests and was detained for 3 months in ward 240.
After he suffered a heartattack he was transferred to a hospital and released against a bail of $200.000.
He is sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison by Judge Pirabbas of the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court for acting against national security and anti-regime propaganda.
source: HRHIGharib Fatemi a resident of a village in Marivan is according to Kurdish Perspective sentenced to 10 years in prison for collaborating with Kurdish groups. He is detained in Marivan Central prison.
The Kurdish painter and director Mokhtar Houshmand is sentenced to 16 years in prison for the alleged crimes of espionage, anti- regime propaganda and collaborating with anti-regime groups.
source: HRHIAccording to Population of Combat Against Educational Discrimination is the granddaughter of ne of the 7 detained Baha’i leaders, Leva Khanjani, sentenced to 2 years in prison.
She was detained on January 3 and released on bail March 1.
Her husband, Babak Mobasher, who was detained along with her, was released on bail on March 13th.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Iran: propagating?
Iran is conducting 89 military exercises in the Caspian Sea.
IRNA reports that Iranian navy says that anti-chemical units and the antibacterial defenses of the Iranian northern fleet are involved in exercises.
Reports from Mashad say that the gold-sellers’ bazaar in Mashad has been on total strike September 23 and 25th.
The goldsellers in Nayshaboor, Sabzevar and Torbat Heydariyeh also striked on Saturday.
Saturday security agents in Mashhad threathened the goldsellers.
The reason for the strike is because of the new tax changes.Bazaaris say that the strike will continue until tax law changes.
source: droi.wordpress.comIn Saghez is Jamal Amini also in appeal sentenced to 3 years in prison on charges of anti-regimepropaganda and and collaborating with anti- regime groups.
The Mokrian News Agency reported that Mohammad Moniri was sentenced to 4 years in prison for anti-regime propaganda and collaborating with anti- regime groups and the appeals court reduced the sentence to one year of imprisonment.
source:HRHIThe head of Avar-e-Tahkim (Office for Consolidating Unity) Public Relations Office and member of the political division of Ali Maliki is in appeal sentenced to 4 years in prison on charges of anti-regimepropaganda and a $100 fine for insulting the president.
source: HRHIJournalist Issa Saharkhiz is sentenced to 3 year imprisonment, a five-year ban on journalistic and political activities, as well as a one-year ban on leaving the country. He is a founding member of the Association of Iranian Journalists .
He worked for 15 years for IRNA, and headed its New York office for a number of years.
He was charged with “insulting the leader” and “propagating against the establishment.”
He was arrested in June 2009 and currently he is being held in Rajaei Shahr prison in the city of Karaj.
Iran Labor Report published an update about Repression against Labor Activists in Iran.
source: iranlaborreport
Humanrights Violations Report,part 2, Week of September 20, 2010
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Iran: further
Student Zia Nabavi was beaten and was held in solitary confinement for 48 hours after arrival at the Ahwazprison.
Committee of Human Rights Reporters said that he has been transferred to the Security Ward of Karounprison.
Reports state that the prison has poor food and hygiene conditions.
Zia Nabavi is in appeal sentenced to 10 years in Karounprison.
Another Education Rights Committee activist, Majid Dorri, has also been transferred to the Karoun Prison. Human rights and education rights activist Shiva Nazar-Ahari has also been sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment in the Izeh Prison.
source: HRHIA senior commander of the revolutionary guards said that the "main elements" behind the bombing in Mahabad were killed by Iran near the Iran/Iraq border.
After the chasing of 2 groupsmembers, some 30 terrorists were killed.
The exact location of the clash was not revealed.
The English translation from the interview from Zahra Rahnavard with Nik Kowsar ( orginal Kaleme website).
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Iran: goal
According to reports of the daily Vatan-e-Emrouz was the juvenile offender Mohammad July 10, 2010 in Marvdashtprison hanged.
His family was not informed.
source: iranhr.netThe political prisoner Mehdi Fatahbakhsh is in Evinprison since June 14, 2009. Part of his dentention he spent in isolation in ward 350.
He is convicted for taking part in the protests, disturbing national security and throwing stones at the authorities and sentenced to 42 months in prison. He is currently serving his sentence and has not had a prison leave because the bailamounts for prison leave is $300.000, which is a too big amount for his family to provide, since they do not own a house.
He is in bad physical and psychological condition.
source: HRHIThe families of derwishes Zamani, Rafieai, Shekari and Safari have been summoned to the Gonabad Prosecutor’s Office for giving “some explanations” in regards to the burials in the Beidokht Soltani Gravesite.
Februari 2007 were burials in the Beidokht Soltani Gravesite forbidden by the Health Department of the city of Gonabad, based on a confidential report by the Governor’s Office and the Intelligence Ministry.
source: HRHIReporters without Borders is very concerned about the humanrights violations against journalists and bloggers in Iran.
The charges against bloggers Vahid Asghari and Hossein Derakhshan who are imprisoned since 2008, are punishable by the death penalty.
Asghari 24, student ICT in India, was arrested in 2008 on the airport and charged with organising a pornographic network. He has been tortured and spent months in isolation. He hosted some websites, including the sites of government opponents.He has never seen his lawyer, not even in court.
Derakhshan, who was arrested in November 2008 was charged in court of insulting government leaders and Islam’s holy texts.
Two other bloggers, Kouhyar Goudarzi and Hossien Ronaghi Maleki are also being held under extreme conditions.
Currently there are 9 bloggers and 24 journalists in prison.
source: en.rsf.orgReports say that computerworm Stuxnet infected more than 30.000 computers in Iran.Officials said that no harm was done.
Stuxnet, officially identified in June 2010,uses a leak in Windowssoftware to attack devices that control water, oil, powerplants etc.
Experts in Iran think that the attack is to be aimed at shutting down the nuclear plant Bushehr, which is due to go online next month.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Iran: conversation
Amnesty International urged Iran to release journalist Emadeddin Baghi, who is sentenced to a total of seven years in prison, including six for recording an interview with a reformist cleric.
Baghi, the head of the now banned Association for the Defence of Prisoners' Rights (ADPR),who was released on bail in June, and was told on Wednesday of his conviction for "propaganda against the system" and "gathering and colluding with the aim of harming national security" while attending a trial session for another case.
source: amnestyusa.orgLast wednesday familymembers of a group political prisoners visited Hashemi Rafsanjani, the head of the Experts Assembly on Leadership and the State Expediency Council.
The families included those of prisoners Abdollah Momeni, Mohsen Mirdamadi, Mostafaj Tajzadeh, Mohammad Noorizadeh, Abdolreza Tajik and other political, media and student activists who had been arrested because of the post-2009 election events.
The visit took some 3½ hours.After the meeting Rafsanjani said that he is not sure he will get a positive response and in fact this may produce the opposite response.
source: droi.wordpress.comThe released UScitizen Sara Shourd had a meeting in New York with president Ahmadinejad to request to release the other two imprisoned Americans.
Shourd was released earlier this month against bail, but her fiancé Shane Bauer, and their friend Josh Fattal are still in Evinprison..
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Iran: and it goes on
Many delegations walked out during the speech of President Ahmadinejad from Iran yesterday, at the UN General Assembly in New York.
Ahmadinejad said that most people believed the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks.
The delegations of US, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Costa Rica.walked out.
source: BBC,
The Human Rights Activist News Agency has published statistics of human rights violations in Iran in the month September 2010.
Due to difficult circumstances the report is not detailed.
source: en.hrana.comThe student Ziaeddin Nabavi who was deprived of education, is sentenced to 10 years in exile in prison, and was Thursday transferred to Ahvaz Central Prison.
Initially he was sentenced to 15 years in exile in Izzehprison, but the appeals court had reduced his sentence to 10 years of imprisonment and exile.
Nabavi was arrested June 15, 2009, along with his cousin Atefeh Nabavi and was under severe mental and physical torture in solitary confinement in ward 350 of Evinprison. He was among the 17 prisoners of conscience in the Ward who had gone on a hunger strike.
source: HRHIAfshin Hossein Panahi, the brother of Anvar Hossein Panahi is arrested by agents of the security forces.
He had been threatened and disturbed by the Intelligence Ministry for following the case of his brother.
Anvar Hossein Panahi was sentenced to death in 2007 but his sentence was later reduced to 16 years in prison. He is detained in Sanandaj prison.
source: HRHIBlogger and One Million Signatures Campaignactivist Navid Mohebbi, is September 18 by security forces in the house of his father in Amol arrested.
Reports say that he was beaten when arrested and the security forces threatened his family by firearms.
There has been no information as to the reason for his arrest.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Iran: written
In the city of Aran-Bigdel, Isfahan province is according to the state newspaper Kayhan a man hanged who was convicted for drugstrafficking. The report didn’t the person’s name or date.
The official website of the Iranian judiciary in Kerman says that a man is hanged in the prison of Kerman. The man Majid Sh. was according to the report convicted in 2007 for rape.
source: iranhr.netThe site Lissping publishes a letter written by known bloggers in defense of Hossein Derahkshan. He is on trial and rumours say the prosecution is seeking the deathsentence.
source: lis.posterous.comAccording to a report published by Saham News, the telephonelines to the house of Mehdi Karroubi are cut off since Tuesday. The reason is unknown.
Wednesday Ehsan Bakeri, son of Iranian warhero Hamid Bakeri was arrested for several hours when he wanted to visit Mehdi Karroubi.
podcast 11
humanrightreport part 1, week of september 20, 2010
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Iran: further
In the prison of Zahedan is September 19 a man hanged.
The man, Keshvar Gorg is convicted for murdering a 6-year-old girl.
In the prison of Yazd were 3 men hanged on September 20.
The men, M. M. and A. Ch. were convicted for hiding of 111 kilos of heroin and A. D. is convicted for trafficking of 1520 grams of opium and 60 kilos of heroin.
According to official Iranian sources at least 9 people have been hanged in the period of September 14-20.
source: iranhr.netThe student Ehsan Abdeh Tabrizi, who was arrested in December 2009 on Mehrabadairport when he returned from England, where he is a student at Dunham University, is detained in ward 350 of Evinprison.
He spent 50 days in isolation and went on a hunger strike twice in order to protest his arrest.
His father, Hossein Abdeh-Tabrizi, is a critic of Ahmadinejad’s economic policies. He is the former secretary of Tehran Stock Exchange.
His family is requesting that the judicial authorizes release their son on bail as soon as possible.
source: HRHIThe Appeals Court upheld the prisonsentence of 5 years against the member of Jebheh Mosharekat (Iran Participation Front) Mehdi Mahmoudian .
According to Jars he was arrested September 16, 2009 and since then he was in prison.
Mahmoudian had an important role in revealing the murders that took place in Kahrizak, publishing the names of 70 of the post- election martyrs and filming the mass graves in section 302 of the Beheshteh Zahra Cemetery.
He is also a member of Prisoners Rights Association.
source: HRHIIranian statetelevision said that this morning a bomb exploded during a military parade in the city of Mahabad.
10 people lost their lives and 57 people, mostly women and children, were injured.
Authorities say that the explosion was caused by terrorists of a Kurdish separatist movement.
source: AP
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Iran: pressure
According to newsagency Fars are in the Karounprison of Ahwaz on September 20th 3 men hanged.
The report says that Gh. A. was convicted for selling 1,24 kilos and keeping 985 grams of heroin, and S. F. was convicted for selling and posession of 146 grams of heroin.They were sentenced to death by the revolutionary court in Abadan.
Gh.J. was sentenced to death for murder.
source: iranhr.netHuman Rights and Democracy Activists reports that Dutch-Iranian Zahra Bahrami is under intense pressure by the interrogators to confess to the false allegations.
She is charged with drugsale and drug possession.
She appeared in front of Judge Salavati of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court, on September 8 and September 11.
As her lawyer, Nasrin Sotoodeh is in prison she refused to speak in court and the trial has been postponed.
The next court hearing for Bahrami will be held on September 23rd.
The interrogators and judge Salavati have threathened her that she will be sentenced to death or life in prison.
source: HRHINasrin Sotoudeh’s husband Reza Khandan and her lawyer Nasim Ghanavi are threathened by the Ministry of Intelligence with arrest if they give any interviews to the media.
source: persian2englishThe journalist Siamak Ghaderi, is detained on July 27th, 2010 for administering a blog by the name of “IRNA-yeh Maa” (Our IRNA) and publishing articles in regards to the green movement and the post-election protests. His blog was filtered 12 times but he managed to fix the problems.
He worked as an editor, a reporter and a journalist for IRNA for the past 18 years.
Jaras reports that he is deprived of basic prisoners rights and he is under intense pressure.
source: HRHISince yesterday there are rumors that blogfather Hossein Derakhshan will be sentenced to death.
November 1st, 2008 Derakhshan was arrested and is in solitary confinement since in ward 2A of Evinprison.
He is charged with anti-regime propaganda, blasphemia and administrating obscene websites.
He is in bad psychological and physical condition.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.