A recently leaked US embassy cable, written in February, said that president Ahmadinejad was slapped in the face by an IRGCcommander during a meeting of Supreme National Security Council after the events of Ashura in 2009.
source: en.irangreenvoice.comThe Iranian minister of intelligence accuses the leaders of the opposition of making detailed plans to eliminate religion from Iran. He referred to a document that has been examined by an expert who has identified the writers of the document.
source: droi.wordpress.comIranian officials of the Tax Department impounded the assets of Shirin Ebadi. She has also been banned from travelling abroad upon the request of the Tax Department.
She he has been accused of dodging $1,218,346 of tax.
Her lawyer has appealed the case.
bsource: HRHIAlthough the execution of Kurdish student Habibollah Latifi was halted December 26th, he is stil at risk of imminent execution.
He has been in prison for 3 years for practising his freedom of expression, he has been subjected to torture and humiliation.
Action can be taken by sending a protestletter to this adresses.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, December 31, 2010
Iran: further
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Iran: rights
The Iranian authorities refused to hand over the body of Ali Saremi to his familymembers.
They also arrested a number of his family members on the day he was hanged. They were finally forced to release them last night.
The lawyer of Ali Saremi told ICHRI that he has a meeting with the prosecutor of Tehran where he hopes to be able to find an appropriate answer for this sudden execution.
The daughter of Ali Saremi said already that the family was not informed about the execution.
source: freedomessenger.com, iranhumanrights.orgThree more senior Iranian clerics have come out with criticisms of government policy.
Ayatollah Ali Mohammad Dastgheyb, member of Assembly of Experts, said December 28, according to website Kaleme during a meeting wit familymembers of jailed Mostafa Tajzadeh that the current regime is neither a republic nor Islamic.
Ayatollah Yusef Sanei, a senior reformist cleric in Qom, said that placing prisoners in solitary confinement for a long time and violating their rights is against Shari'a law.
Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani, December 27 said that a confession of a person who is in prison has no validity, and a judge who issues a sentence merely based on such a confession is not qualified to judge.
source: rferl.orgSeveral supporters of Ayatollah Dastgheib are sentenced to exile and heavy prisonsentences for guarding the Qoba Mosque against the attack of the plainclothes agents.
Hojjatoleslam Karimi, Hojjatoleslam Khoubyari, Hojjatoleslam Zakeri, are sentenced to 2 years in prison, 4 years in exile and a 10 year ban from cultural activities.
The leader of the attackers has received a much lighter sentence comparing to the 3 clerics who were trying to protect the Mosque.
Omar Esmaeilpour, Ebrahim Esmaeilpour and Sadigh Khosravi, labor activists and member of Coordination Committee for Founding Labor Unions, are summoned to appear for the Oroumiyeh revolutionary court.
Yesterday, the journalist Hadi Heydari,and Mohammad Shafii and Alireza Taheri two political activists, were released from Evin Prison.
Another activist Fatemeh Arabsorkhi, who was arrested at the same time, still remains in custody.
Adel Mohammad Hosseini, member of the youth branch of Islamic Participation Iran was arrested yesterday and charges against him have not been announced yet.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Iran: interrogate
The nine Christians who were arrested three months ago in the city of Hamedan, have not yet faced official charges, for preaching the Bible, the Russian website Sedmitsa.ru reported.
Iranian media write that they were detained "for an attempt to violate the state order of the Islamic Republic of Iran".
Media published the names of four prisoners, 3 of them ethnic Armenians. The names are Vahik Abrahamyan, his wife Sona, Keshih Havhannesian and Arash Kermanjan.
source: xecutrix.usc.edu
New charges were made against Majid Tavakoli and Bahareh Heydayat because of a joint statement on the Student Day anniversary.
Both, Tavakoli and Heydayat were asked to testify against the leaders of the Green movement in order to be cleared of all charges. Both refused.
Heydayat is in a hungerstrike and has to be transferred to prison hospital due to developing a gall-stone.
source: freedomessenger.comDecember 26 has been a trial with new charges against Reza Sharifi Bukani. He was charged with giving consultation to and being a member of the Iran Kurdistan Democratic Party and acting against national security. He was also verbally charged with another false accusation that he ordered the bombing in the Amir Mosque. He is sentenced to death and was threathened with execution.
It is reported from Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj that Bukani was transferred from cellblock 4 to an unknown location under the pretext of going to court.
The Shahriar Intelligence Agency summoned a converted Christian from a homechurch in Karaj where he was tortured and interrogated.
Alireza Najafi Zadeh, 23, married and father of a baby was detained and tortured for three days. After three days he was released, but under condition that he was banned from visiting a hospital or doctor due to the signs of torture on his body.
source: daughtersothelight-briefs.blogspot.com
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Iran: silenced
This morning two men have been hanged in Evinprison in Tehran..
Ali Saremi (63) was convicted for Moharebeh (war with god) through membership of PMOI (Mujahedin-e-khalgh) and Ali Akbar Siadat was convicted of spionage for Israel.
The daughter of Ali Saremi told that the authorities did not inform any of the family or the lawyers about the execution. Fellowprisoners phoned the family that Saremi was abducted from his cell in Gohardashtprison.
Ali Saremi had been arrested several time during the past 20 years for his political acivities.
Ali Akbar Siadar was arrested in 2007 and later convicted for providing sensitive information to Israel.
source: iranhr.net, iranhumanrights.orgThe two in Iran imprisoned German reporters were allowed to have a visit from their family, They met their familymembers in Tabriz.
They are in prison since October.
In a statement on Tuesday, the Iranian foreign ministry confirmed that the two German nationals had been able to meet family members in Tabriz on Monday night.
source: BBC
At least 20 Sanandaj residents have been arrested after security forces raided the house of Habibollah Latifi, Kurdish activist on death row.
Many of those arrested are civil and labor activists or familymembers.
Abbas Latifi
Iraj Latifi
Eghbal Latifi
Shahin Latifi
Elahe Latifi
Bahar Latifi
Jiyan Motipour
Simin Chayichi
Hamid Molkolkalani
Saeed Saaedi
Mahmood Mahmoodi
Ziyan Zaafari
Vaahed Majidi
Zaahed Moradian
Haashem Rostami
Pedram Nasrollahi
The names of four others could not be confirmed. Local sources report that the arrested were transferred to the ministry of informationin Sanandaj.
source: banooyesabzirani.blogspot.com
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Monday, December 27, 2010
Iran: lists
Last Friday it was announced that Kurdish student Habibolla Latifi who is sentenced to death will be executed on December 26th.
The execution was halted after widespread protests within Iran as well as by the international community.
Latifi was sentenced to death for acting against national security and moharebeh.
His familymembers have also been arrested.
Here is how to help.
source: rahana.org, iranhumanright.org, lissnup.posterous.com
In the month of December were 19 executions in Iran.
There are also reports that in Vakil-abadprison in Mashhad hundreds of prisoners have been executed secretly.
More information can be found here. (.pdf-alert)>
In the month of Decemberwere 97 arrests in Iran.
The names are on this list(.pdf-alert)>
Weekly report of violations of Bahairights.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Iran: further
According to reports will Kurdish student activist Habibollah Latifi who was arrested in oktober be executed on Sunday december 26th..
Humanrightsviolationsreport part 1 of the week of 20 december 2010.
List of detained people in Iran from november and december in Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Iran: condemn
Oa square in the city of Ramshir, a man received publicly 80 lashes for drinking alcohol in public. In Iran is alcholconsume prohibited and punishable, but beatings in public are relatively unusual.
source: freedomessenger.comOver 150 Iranian writers, translators and journalists called for the release of journalist /writer Ahmad Gholami, editor-in-chief of Shargh newspaper.
Two weeks ago Gholami got suddenly arrested and no charges have been made yet.
source: HRHIDuring a meeting discussed Karroubi and Mousavi among other things the the government’s subsidy reform plan and cautioned against drastic moves made by the Ahmadinejad administration.
source: en.irangreenvoice.comHumanrightsactivist Abdolreza Tajik has been released at a bail from $482.000.He was in jail since June 12th, for the third time after the disputed elections of 2009.
source: en.greenvoice.comMartin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg and Francis Coppola urged Iran to release the detained filmmakers Jafar Panahi and Mohammed Rasoulof immediately.
source: en.greenvoice.com
Following recent bombattacks are in North-West Iran four members of one family arrested.
Three of them were in Mahabad.Also four kalashnikovs were confiscated during a clash.
source: en.trend.az
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Iran: more
The UN condemned the human rightssituation in Iran. By a vote of 78 to 45, with 59 abstentions, the UN General Assembly confirmed a resolution that expressed “deep concern at serious ongoing and recurring human rights violations".
The resolution specifically expressed concern over Iran’s “intensified crackdown on human rights defenders and reports of excessive use of force, arbitrary detentions, unfair trials and allegations of torture,” as well as its “pervasive gender inequality and violence against women,” and its discrimination against minorities, including members of the Baha'i Faith.
source: news.bahai.org
Last Monday, is Baha’i Roya Ghanabri, the sister of Omid Ghanbari, arrested in Sari. 11 security agents raided and searched the house of her father and father-in-law and said that she was summoned to appear for questioning and she also had to deliver the clothes of Roya’s brother Omid.
source: HRHI
The lawyer from filmmaker Jafar Panahi announced to appeal the sentence of his client.
Panahi is sentenced to six years in prison, and to “20 years’ ban on social rights such as making films, writing any type of screen play, traveling abroad, and interviewing with media and national and international publications.
He was charged with assembly and collusion and propagation against the regime.
source: iranhumanrights.orgUSA expanded the economic sanctions against Iran.
It added two banks, an insurance company, a freight forwarder, and a state-owned shipper, the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines to the blacklist.
These companies are all linked to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.
source: rferl.org
humanrightsviolations report part 2, week of 13 December.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Iran: shaken
Yesterday jolted an earthquake of 6.5 Richterscale Kerman province in Iran and killed at least 11 people and wounded hundreds of others. Several villages are destroyed.
The earthquake occurred in Kerman province near the city of Hoseinabad.Also in the city of Bam was the earthquake felt.
source: washingtonpost.com, en.greenvoice.comFilmmakers Jafar Panahi and Mohammad Rasoulof aren sentenced to 6 years in prison.
Panahi also had a 20 years ban from filmmaking and travelling abroad.
source: HRHINasrin Sotoudeh ended her hungerstrike. After her health deteriorated she was transferred to the prisonhospital, her condition became very dangerous on Thursday, and she was forced to break her hunger strike.
Her interrogators said that they determined a prisonsentence, before the judge has issued a ruling.
source: iranhumanrights.orgPresident Ahmadinejad Monday appointed Farahnaz Torkestani to head of National Youth Organization, to replace Mehrdad Bazrpash who had held the post since July 2009.
Torkestani is the fourth woman in cabinet.
source: payvand.com
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Monday, December 20, 2010
Iran: reports
This morning eleven men and one woman were hanged in Iran.
In Qazvin Mahin Ghadiri has been hanged.
She was convicted of stealing and killing five people in 2008, and was sentenced to 74 lashes, giving back the stolen items, imprisonment and six times Qesas (retribution; by hanging).
In Zahedan eleven men have been hanged.
They were convicted of Moharebeh (at war with the God) and supporters of the Sunni militant group Jondollah.
The names:
Abdolbaset Shahbakhsh, son of Allah Dad
Abdolnaser Shahbakhsh, son of Allah Dad
Abdolshakor Zangi Zahi, son of Hossein, convicted of Moharebeh, shooting and killing of 3 security agents
Mohammad Saleh Eslam Zahi, son of Ata Mohammad
Naser Shahbakhsh, son of Zaman
Lal Mohammad Shahbakhsh son of Karim
Ataollah Rigi, son of Mohammad, convicted of Moharebeh, taking part in arm clashes with the security forces killing 12 of them
Abdolrahman Naroei, son of Khaleghdad, convicted of convicted of giving shelter to Jundollah and providing explosives
Abdolraof Shahbakhsh, son of Shanbeh, Moharabeh participation in armed clashes
Balanch Naroei, son of Ali, convicted of Moharebeh, armed robbery and kidnapping
Ahmad Naroei, son of Abdolkarim, convicted of Moharebeh through disruption of order after the Zahedan mosque bombing, kidnapping.
source: iranhr.net
weekly human rights reports:
systematic violations of the right to life
inhumane treatment and cruel punishments
Arbitrary arrests
prison and prisonconditions
basic rights abuse
suppression of religious and ethnic minorities
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Iran: questionable
Ebrahim Yazdi, former minister of foreign affairs and Secretary General of Iran Freedom Movement,was arrested October 10th, while on his way to a commemorate service.
Since he is in ward 209 of Evinprison he has only had one cabin meeting with his family. The security forces have asked him not to meet with any of the ambassadors of other Islamic countries after his release. Dr. Yazdi has refused to accept their request.
source: HRHIPresident Ahmadinejad announced Saturday a new plan to cut the energy and food subsidies starting Sunday.
Under the new ration system each person with a fuel card has to pay 40 cents per liter of gas. Fuel beyond a person's quota is now sold at 70 cents per liter.
The breadsubsidy is now being gradually phased out.
Tehran police is under heightened security to prevent protests.
source: guardian.co.uk, rferl.org
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
affiche amnesty.nl
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Iran: reasons
According to ILNA has a lightning strike Friday in the nomads village Chale Gasim near Dezful city killed a student and wounded six others.
The students and their teacher were in a tent when this was struck by lightning.
bron: en.trend.azA group of woman rightsactivists wrote a joint letter during a protest outside the United Nations Offices in Genève, Switzerland, to support humanrights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh.
The undersigned are: Shirin Ebadi, Khadijeh Mogaddam, Mansoureh Shojaee, Parvin Ardalan, Shadi Sadr, Asieh Amini, and Mahbubeh Abbasgholizadeh .
source: iranhumanrights.org
In Sistan-e-Baluchistan is Baloch Ebrahim Hossienbor arrested. He is blogger of runningwww.estoun.blogfa.com where cultural and social content were published in Persian.
The reasons for his arrest are unknown, but many people believe being a Baluch and then educated or learnt is a good enough reason for Iran to arrest.
In 2007 has another blogger Yaghub Mehrnehad been arrested, he was executed the following year without a fair trial.
source: freedomessenger.com
weekly podcast 20
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, December 17, 2010
Iran: threats
Familymembers of the political prisoner Mohammad Nourizad is along with Fakhrossadat Mohtashamipour, the wife of Mostafa Tajzadeh, December 16, arrested in front of Evin prison on charges of "congregation".
The arrest followed news on the website of Nourizad about his transfer to a hospital, following deterioration of his physical condition as a result of his hunger strike.
Family of the imprisoned filmmaker and blogger had gathered outside Evin Prison to inquire.
source: iranhumanrights.org
Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, vice-president of the Journalists Union and spokesman of the Freedom of Press Committee, is sentenced to 16 months in jail.
He has been accused of “insulting the president” for having called Ahmadinejad an “oppressor” and “Majnoun” (meaning insane in Persian) in an interview with the network Al-Arabiya.
source: HRHI
Hojjatoleslam Soleimani , a member of Assembly of Qom Seminary Scholars and Researchers is arrested along with Ayatollah Mousavi-Tabrizi on the Beheshteh Zahra Cemetery to commemorate the victims of the election.
source: HRHI
A Norwegian Iranian had to witness the murders on post-election detainees on Ashura 2009.
Wikileaks Cables produced this story in the base, where the U.S. Embassy in Oslo, recounted the testimony they have received from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.
This student gave an interview.
source: freedomessenger.com
Humanrights violation Report part 1 week of 13 December
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Iran: Ahura December 16
The author and religious scholar Ahmad Ghabel is sentenced to 20 months in prison, exile, a 3 year ban from giving interviews and speeches,paying a fine and confiscation of his computer.
He was convicted of anti-regime propaganda and insulting the Supreme Leader and acquitted from the other charges.
source: HRHI
In Isfahahan and Shahrekord mourners for Tasua(15 december) clashed with members of the Basij, who violently entered the group and started profane language and shouted death to the anti-velayate Faqih (anti supreme leader Khamenei).
The people started to chant death to dictator.
Immediately security agents came and arrested more then 10 people. A 23-year-old girl was beaten severely so that she needed to be hospitalized.
Also, clashes have taken place between groups of Dervishes and security forces.
source: droi.wordpress.comSecurityforces threathened the families of those killed after the elections.
The families gathered on Beheshte-Zara cemetary to commemorate their loved ones.
The familie of Amir Arshad Tajmir , Sohrab Arabi, Ramin Ramezani, and Mostafa Karim-Beigi were among the participants.
Sohrab Arabi's mother was arrested and interrogated for multiple hours before she was released.
source: en-hrana.com
Liveblogging of the Green Movement Protests in Iran (Dec 16)
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl