Dutch Foreign Minister Rosenthal says that the Dutch government did everything in her power to prevent execution of Zahra Bahrami.
To the government is from different sides complained that not enough pressure on the Iranian government has been executed.The Minister said that there was a contact on Friday and there was no evidence that Bahrami was to be executed.
source: nrc.nlAccording to Human Rights Activists reporters in Iran were Kurdish prisoners Zanya Moradi and Luqman Moradi transferred from Rajai Shahrprison to an unknown location.
Both are sentenced to death on charges of waging war.
source: onlydemocracy4iran.com
One of the detained Bahaileiders, Fariba Kamal Abadi is ill since a week in Rajai Shahr ‘Gohardasht’ prison. Apart from the common cold she has a fever. The guards sent her to a quarantine cell without providing any medical care.
source: persian2englishDecember 5, 2010 is Hakimeh Shokri along with other Mourning Mothers arrested on Behesht Zahra Cemetery.
The other women were released later, but she was transferred to Evinprison and charged with espionage and acting against national security.
During a visit the family saw that she had signs of torture and was in a bad condition.
Now she is deprived from visits and prisonauthorities would not allow them to visit nor follow up on her condition.
source: persian2englishThe prosecutor sent the case of the two sentenced to death webdesigners, Saeid Malekpour and Vahid Asghari to the Supreme Court for review.
Both men were charged with making and directing anti-Islamic and pornographic websites.They were tortured and confessed in a televised confession.
Before the court hearing, Judge Jafari had stated that they would receive a death sentence.
source: HRHIHumanrightsactivist and student Mehdi Khodaei who is sentenced to 7 years in prison, is since his arrest in February 2010 in ward 350 of Evinprison.
He has not been granted prison leave.
Despite the issuance of his verdict and spending one year in confinement, he was not granted a furlong.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Monday, January 31, 2011
Iran: prisoners
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Iran: protests
Dutch government has frozen official contacts with Iran on Saturday to protest the hanging of Zahra Bahrami.
The iranian ambassador says that the hanging was “an internal issue” that should have no impact on diplomatic relations.
The Dutch government advised people with an Iranian passport not to travel to Iran.
Her daughter, Banafesheh Nayebpour, spoke to International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and said that nobody, not the family and not her mothers lawyers, was informed about the execution.
source: persian2english, ICHRIMehdi Mahmoudian who was arrested after the elections and is sentenced to 5 years in prison, is in critical condition after fallen unconscious due to heartproblems.
Prisonauthorities refused to transfer him to the prison clinic or a hospital.
source: HRHI
Studentactivist Shohreh Kazemi is sentenced to 3 months in jail for anti-regime propaganda by writing slogans and distributing CDs and flyers.
source: HRHIIn three cities in Afghanistan Saturday Afghans protested against the execution of Afghan citizens as well as Iranians by Iran.
The protesters did not give details on any specific executions they were protesting against.
Since Iran blocked in December 1600 tanks from entering Afghanistan, several protests took place in Afghanistan.
source: freedomessenger.com, persian2english.com
Liveblog Egypte
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Iran: Zahra Bahrami executed
This morning Dutch-Iranian Zahra Bahrami was hanged.
She was arrested during the protests on the day of Ashura and spent 10 months in isolation. In August she was charged with cooperation with Kingdom Assembly of Iran (KAI). After that she was tried for drugstrafficking, she confessed, but later withdraw her confession while it was made under duress.
In November she was sentenced to death for drugstrafficking.
The Dutch Foreign Minister summoned the Iranian ambassador in the Netherlands.
The International Campaign for Humanrights in Iran spoke to her lawyer Jinoos Sharif Razi in Tehran and he told that he was not informed and wasshocked.
source: HRHI, ICHRI, iranhr.net
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, January 28, 2011
Iran: further
Thursday, January 27 were in Ghezel Hesar prison of Karaj 7 men hanged.
The men, J. A. convicted for smuggling 370 grams of crack in prison, M. D. for posession of 4980 grams of crack, Gh. B. for buying, selling and keeping 4900 grams of crack, K. N. for trafficking of 49 kilo and 70 grams Hashish (cannabis), D. S. for consuming and keeping 397 grams heroin in prison, K. B. for keeping and consuming 310 grams crack in prison and M. T. for trafficking 61 kilo and 300 gram crack and consuming opium.
According to IRNA were 3 people hanged in the prison of Orumieh.
They were not identified and were convicted for drugstrafficking.
source: iranhr.net
In the prison of Orumieh has Farhad Tarom from the village Lavark in West-Azerbaijan been hanged.He resided 3 years in iraq Kurdistan and was arrested one month after his return to Iran.
He was sentenced for the membership of Democratic Party of Kurdistan.
After hearing about his death, the residents of Oroumiyeh and Oshnavieh gathered in front of prison and demanded that the authorities return his body to his family for proper burial.
Instead, 10 of his familymembers were arrested:
Touran, his mother, Zeinab, his wife, Rana, his sister-in-law, Saleha, his cousin, Fakhreddin, his brother, Latif, his cousin, Golpiaz Tarom, Bahaeddin Khandehpour, Seifeddin Khandehpour and Shahram Khandehpour.
source: HRHIThe Bahai Siamak Iqani, serves a prisonsentence of 3 years in the prison of Semnan.
He has suffered from three respiratory attacks so severe that each time he had to be revived with the help of oxygen supplies and sublingual tablets.
There is a ward in the prison with smoking restrictions, and though Siamak has requested to be transferred to that ward, the guard in charge of the ward has stated that Siamak may only be transferred if he converts to Islam.
source: persian2english.com
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Iran: transfer
The daughter of Iranian-Dutch citizen Zahra Bahrami who is sentenced to death, told in an interview with International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, ICHRI that her mother is not guilty to the charges of drugstrafficking and that her mother has made confessions against herself under duress.She says that her charges are political and that her mother has been threatened with arrest several times.
source: iranhumanrights.org
The blogger Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki who is sentenced to 15 years in prison is in urgent need for medical assistance and surgery due to a kidney-infection.
He was s transferred to the Prison Clinic last night for treatment and the clinic personnel recommended that he would be transferred to a hospital.
source: HRHIOne week after the arrest of Bahai Feyz’ullah Rowshan there is still no information about his situation. He suffers from diabetes and needs his medication.
source: persian2englishThe post-election political prisoners Ali Ajami and Mohsen Dokmechi were transferred to section 12 of ward 4 of the Rajaei Shahr Prison Gohardasht in Karaj.
The political prisoner Hossein Shahriari is transferred to the Security Ward of Rajaei Shahr Prison.
The political prisoners Massoud Aghaei and Alireza Farzaneh, were transferred from ward 350 of Evinprison to the Ghezelhesar Prison in Karaj.
This prison does not have a political prisonerward and the 2 individuals have to serve their sentences with regular prisoners.
source: HRHI
Human Right Watch has published a report in which is stated that the humanrights situation in Iran is worsening.
Report stop the executionmachine.
humanrights violations report part 1, week of 24 January 2011
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Iran: further
January 24, 2011 were in the city of Bojnourd 2 men hanged.
The men, Kamran Khaki and Mehran Khaki were according to newsagency Fars convicted of "corruption on earth" and "Moharebeh" for killing a guard, keeping armes, armed robbery and disruption of public order.
source: iranhr.netMonday, the head of the prison, the head of prison security, internal affairs director of the prison, along with 30 agents from Intelligence Ministry including the deputy General Director of the Intelligence Bureau of West Azerbaijan Province raided ward 12, took the clothing of some prisoners off, dragged them to the yard and started to beat and offend them.
The prisoners were in hungerstrike to protest the execution of Hossein Khezri.
Their personal belongings were smashed and notes were confiscated.
10 political prisoners are on hunger strike now at Orumieh’s prison.
January 20th the youths who had protested against the inhumane conditions of Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) Prison were attacked by the prison’s Pasdarans (IRGC members) and guards, taken to the main corridor of the prison and beaten with batons.
source: droi.wordpress.comMasoumeh Yavari, who is sentenced to 7 years in Rajaei Shahr prison is transferred from the methadoneward in Evinprison to Karaj.
She was co-defendant in the case of Jafar Kazemi for moharebeh and the Tehran prosecutor requested the deathsentence.
source: HRHIJanuary 16th the Iranian oilminister announced the discovery in South Iran of a new gasfield that probably could be worth $50 billion.
The field, named Khayyam, has 260 billion cubic meters gas in place.
source: en.trend.az
humanrights violation report part 2, week of 17 January .
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Iran: further
Two weeks after publish a report by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran on “a remarkable increase in the implementations of death sentences by the judiciary in Iran", executions in Iran have been increased.
In the last 35 days, more than 100 death sentences have been carried out in various parts of Iran. The reason for this is not clear and the judiciary has not elaborated on this matter.
source: persian2englishThe Human Rights House in Iran introduced as a spokesman the lawyer and human rights activist Mohammad Mostafaei.
He was lawyer of many prisoners of conscience. In 2010 he left the country and he currently resides in Norway.
source: HRHIThe members of the Pan-Iranist Party Hojjat Kalashi and Milad Dehghan who had been arrested last week, and supposed to be released on bail today, have been transferred to the Ahvaz Sepidar Prison on order of the judge.
They were arrested during a memorial for Ebrahim Mirani, the former head of the party, who passed away last year,
source: HRHIIn Karaj is the christian Behanm Irani arrested after leaving the court and brought to an unknown location.
He was asked to appear at the Karaj Court due to the complaint filed against him.
source: HRHI
Journalist Siamak Ghaderi who was arrested on August 8, 2010, is sentenced to 4 years in prison and a fine.
The charges were anti-regime propaganda, acting against national security and disturbing public order.
source: HRHIISNA reported that ayatollah Khamenei appointed Lieutenant-General Farzad Ismaili to Chief of Staff of the Air Defense, Hatamul-Anbiya' of Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Monday, January 24, 2011
Iran: more executions
This morning the political prisoners Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj Aqaei have been hanged in Evin prison of Tehran.
Both men were sentenced to death for the membership of MKO and making photos and videos during the postelection unrest.
In a telephone interview with ICHRI told the wife of Jafar Kazemi that neither his lawyer nor she was informed about the execution.
source: presstv.ir, iranhr.net, iranhumanrights.org
Januari 23 is a man hanged in the prison of Yasouj.The man, Masoud A., 29 was convicted of rape.
source: iranhr.net
In Evinprison in Tehran were 3 men hanged.Ghavam Atakeshzadeh, son of Shakour, Mostafa Karimi-Khanghah, son of Mohammad, and Reza Dehghan, son of Hosseinali, were sentenced to death for the rape of a teenager.
In the city of Karaj is a man hanged in public.
The man, Omid Barak(28), was convicted for murdering, raping and robbing 10 women. source: iranhr.net
report humanrights violations
report inhumane treatment and punishment
report arbitrary arrests and prisonsentences
report basic rights
report violence against women and ethnic and religious minorities
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Iran: turn
In the period of December 19 to January 19 were 97 people executed in Iran on political or drugsrelated charges.
The Iranian judiciary has reported of the upcoming executions of several drug-crimes suspects in various provinces.
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported frequently about the secret executions in Mashhad. These executions are not included in the Iranian Judiciary’s statistics.
source: ICHRIJanuary 18 the execution of Jafar Kazemi(photo) and Mohamad Ali Haj Aghaie was halted in the last moment.
They were taken out of ward 350, and transferred to ward 209 for the purpose of making forced televised confessions. However they refused.
They were later returned to ward 350.
source: persian2englishIranian statepolice have ordered a ban on women from watching live broadcasts of soccer matches at public movie theaters, State police agency that monitors Iranian businesses called for the ban because “the presence of women and families at movie theaters increases security risks and inappropriate behavior,” ILNA reported.
The final decision is by the Ministry of Culture and Guidance.
Women already are banned from attending men’s soccer matches at stadiums.
source: freedomessenger.comThe journalist Ehsan Mehrabi,35, who was sentenced to 1 year in jail, was summoned Sunday to court in order to begin serving his sentence.
He was convicted for anti-regime propaganda by interviewing BBC Persian and RadioFarda.
source: HRHIThe political and civil rights activist and Committee for Human Rights Reporters member Saeid Haeri, was also in appeals court sentenced to 2 years in prison.
He had previously been sentenced to 2 years in prison and 74 lashes for disturbing public order and assembly and collusion.
source: HRHI3 lawyers filed a complaint against the unlawful behavior of the Intelligence Ministry authorities, but they were eventually convicted themselves.
Farshid Yadollahi and Amir Eslami, who were lawyers for many of the cases related to the dervishes in Kish Island have been sentenced to 6 months in prison for disturbing public opinion and libel, while their clients were acquitted from charges.
Mostafa Daneshjou was sentenced to 7 months in prison which has been upheld by the appeals court.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Iran: further
January 20th is in the prison of Bojnourd a man hanged.
The man, M. Gh was convicted for drugstrafficking.
source: iranhr.netThe Kurdish political prisoners Jahangir Badouzadeh and Mohammad Amin Abdollahi who went in hungerstrike to protest the execution of Hussein Khezri, were Wednesday transferred to isolation.
They were sentenced to life in prison and 18 years in prison and exile to Tabas Prison (east of Iran).
After Hussein Khezri's execution the pressure on political prisoners in Orumieh prison has increased.The door of their ward is locked and they are not allowed to go into prison yard or to make a phone call.
Also deathrowprisoners Habibollah Golparipoor and Ahmad Tamouee with 15 years of sentence are on hunger strike in solitary cells for more than two weeks in protest to this execution.
Another political prisoner, Ali Ahmad Soleiman has been transferred to Orumieh’s intelligence office after announcing his hunger strike.
source: freedomessenger.comThe Kurdish activist Badie Hossein Panahi has been sentenced to 1 year in Orumiehprison for disturbing public order by organizing protests in order to object to the death sentence of Anvar Hossein Panahi, who was sentenced to death for collaborating with Kurdish groups and his sentence was later reduced to 16 years in prison.
source: freedomessenger.com50 workers of the Tazh Qazvin factory gathered last Wednesday to their dismissal.
Most of them had 14 to 19 years of experience with the Tazh Qazvin company. The company has 960 workers and is producing products that are all being sold.
source: persian2english.com
weekly report of humanrights violations of Bahais.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, January 21, 2011
Iran: further
Political activist Mehdi Yarmohammadi, a member of Mousavi's campaign is sentenced to 3 years in prison.
One year for acting against national security by his participation in the gatherings, one year for seeking asylum after his first verdict was issued and one year in prison for collaborating with foreign media.
Previously, he had been sentenced to 18 months in prison in another case for insulting the Supreme Leader and anti-regime propaganda.
source: HRHIThe children of Abdollah Momeni, a prisoner of conscience and former spokesman of Tahkim-e Vahdat Student Organization, are already eight months not allowed to meet their father in person. They are only allowed 1x per month to see him through the glass.
His wife told International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that the reason for this is unknown.
Momeni was arrested June 20, 2009, after the elections. After his interrogations were completed, he wrote a letter to the Supreme Leader, talking about being tortured by his interrogators.
source: ICHRINazanin Khosravani who was arrested in her home, November 2, 2010, was allowed to phone home after 80 days. She is incarcarated in ward 209 of Evinprison.
Her trial is February 1 at Branch 26 of Tehran Revolutionary Court.
source: ICHRIIn Piranshahr 2 young Kurds, Ayoub and Mosleh are sentenced to death by stoning for engaging in an illicit sexual relationship with a teenager who was between the age of 15 to 17 and taped this on video.
The teenager confessed against Ayoub and Mosleh, claiming that he was repeatedly raped and blackmailed for money. A source told that the sexual act in question was consensual.
The Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO), issued a statement and asked the people in Iran to intervene and prevent the verdict.
source: persian2englishShahin Zeinali is arrested in Karaj along with Reza Kermani, Arash Keikhosravi and Hojjat Kalashi and transferred to the security ward of Evinprison.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl