Shirko (Bahman) Maarefi, a Kurdish political prisoner who is sentenced to death is transferred to solitary confinement.
March 22, Saqqez Prison officials verbally notified him that his death sentence would be carried out on May 1, 2011.
He was arrested Oktober 1st, 2008 and sentenced to death for acting against national security, waging war against god and membership in the Kurdish Komalah party.
Blogger Rahim Dehqanian is sentenced to 1 year in prison and 1 year suspended prisonsentence for acting against national security and insulting the Leader.
Parviz Bahrami a teacher in Region 2 of Tehran is suspended for pursuing his rights.According to reports, he and other teachers corresponded with various sources and institutions regarding the fact that they had not received their bonuses for two months.
source: daughtersofthelight-brief.blogspot.comSince they were arrested one month ago, there is no news on the whereabouts of the brothers Mokhtar and Shahrokh Khandani.
They were arrested along with some other people in Nosoud, while protesting the killing of Pourmand Madhat Nia, an other citizen of Nosoud.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Iran: furthermore
Friday, April 29, 2011
Iran: further
Akbar Amini, the iranian protestor who climbed atop of a crane on February 14, is transferred from ward 209 to ward 350.
According to cellmates he still does support The Green Movement and does not regret his actions.
The Bahai citizens Vajiollah Mirzagolpour, Vesal and Sarah Mahboubi were arrested in Sari. Mirzagolpour is 71 years old and has a heart condition. Vesal Mahboubi was arrested when he visited his sister in jail.
source: HRHI
Azeri student Farzin Rahimi> is convicted to 1 year and 4 months in prison for insulting the Supreme Leader.He was arrested in 2009 and was later released on bail.
His trial was held along with the trial of Mousa Saket en Ata Alizadeh.
bron: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Iran: questionable
The physical condition of Mostafah Tajzadeh, a senior member of reformist Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution Organization is seriously deteriorating after he returned 9 months ago to Evin prison to serve his 6 year prisonsentence.
In the past two years, he has endured a minimum 15 months in solitary confinement and he shows clear evidence of torture.
source: persian2english
The Teachers Union of Kurdistan has issued a statement for Teachers Week in Iran.In this statement, Teachers’ Union of Kurdistan recounts the problems facing the union and the country’s education system in Kurdistan and demands the release of its imprisoned members.
To commemorate May 9th, 2010 and the illegal execution of unionmember and humanrights activist Farzad Kamangar, the Teachers’ Union of Kurdistan has named May 9th to be a day to reject violence and defend the right to live.
Five months before his execution Kamangar wrote this letter.
USA says that it has evidence of Irans support to Syrians violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators.
Syria has banned nearly all foreign media and restricted access to trouble spots since the uprising began.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Iran: nothing changed
Human Rights News Agency published the yearly statistics about humanrights violations in Iran.
Because defenders of human rights are not allowed to be active in Iran is collecting reliable information and reporting become complex and treacherous in Iran.
source: en-hrana.comAhmadinejad confirmed that the Supreme Leader had a crucial part during the presidential elections in 2009. He said this during a meeting with managers of IRNA.
Meanwhile, the powerstruggle about the supposed dismissal or resignation of Heidar Moslehi from his position as Intelligence Minister, continues.
source: banooyesabzirani.blogspot.comLast Monday, a military officer announced that Iran's nuclear facilities again are attacked by a computervirus.
The new worm is named by Iran as Stars, and described as an “espionage virus,” .
Further, few details were made public.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Iran: dual
At least two of those who were hanged on the beach in Bandar Abbas last week, were 17 years old at the time of the alleged offence.Three of the four men were convicted to death for the rape and murder of a 15 year old boy in November 2008.
Reports identified them as S. N. (18), A. N.(17) and H. B. (17 ).It is not known whether "S.N." was 18 or 17 years old at the time of the alleged offence which was several months prior to the arrest.
The fourth man, who was convicted of raping a 17 years old girl in 2009 was identified as S. M.(22) .
source: iranhr.netIt looks like there are tensions between Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. The source of this is last week’s aborted “resignation” of Iran’s Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi, who was reportedly dismissed by Ahmadinejad but quickly reinstated by Khamenei.
There are reports, that Ahmadinejad has not been seen at the presidential palace for four days and he also did not attend a cabinet meeting on Sunday while Moslehi is said to have attended the meeting.
The Kurdish activist Mohammad Amin Abdollahi has been indicted for the 2nd time.
He is already serving a prisonsentence of 18 years.
He is charged with anti-regime propaganda and reporting the events that occur inside prison to the outside world.
source: freedomessenger.comThe hunger strike by a number of political prisoners in Rajaei Shahrprison is in the 2nd week and they wrote an open letter to UN,to address the condition of prisoners and investigate human rights violations.
The first week of the hungerstrike they fasted one day, Sunday April 17, 2011.In the 2nd week they fasted two days, Sunday 24 April and Mondag 25 April. In the third week, in support of the International Workers' Day [May Day], Teachers' Day and World Press Day, they fast for three days, Sunday 1 May Monday 02 May and Tuesday 03 May, expressing their solidarity with workers, teachers and journalists and protesting the oppression and many pressures exerted upon them.
Under the undersigners are: Mansour Osanlou, Rasoul Bedaghi, Majid Tavakoli, Isa Saharkhiz, Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, Keyvan Samimi and Mehdi Mahmoudian.
A statement(en and fa) by the Council For The Coordination of the Green Path of Hope, on the occasion of International Workers Day calls to support the hardworking labor force in Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Iran: further
April 22 has in the prison of Kermanshah a man been hanged.
The man, A. Gol-Mohammadi, was convicted for trafficking 170 kilos of opium, 63 kilos of heroin and 87 kilos Hashish.
source: iranhr.netIn the city of Mahabad, province Kurdistan, tight security measures have been imposed for celebrating Army Day in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
According to reports, police, Iranian Revolutionary Guard, local Basiji militia, and plainclothed officers have been positioned on and around Hekmat Bridge, streets leading to Koohsar and Madarsquares, stations 1 and 2 of Farhangian region, Mokhaberaty Farhang Street, Salehi Farhangian Street, the hills around Melat Park and the region around this park.
This high amount of security forces increases the tension.
source: en-hrana.comIran and Iraq undersigned an agreement that according to Iranian media could lead to members of Camp Ashraf in Iraq being extradited to Iran for trial.
Camp Ashraf was mounted during the regime of Saddam Houssein for refugees from in Iran forbidden PMOI.
Approximately 30000 people live in Camp Ashraf.
source: reuters.comAlireza Rajaei member of Religious-Patriotic Faction has been arrested on charges of committing security crimes.In 2009 he also had been arrested.
Hij was editor of a number of reformist publications, Irane Farda, Jame’e, Tous, Khordad, Neshat and Asre Azadegan.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Iran: new charge
Against Mahdieh Golroo, Bahareh Hedayat and Majid Tavakoli is a new case raised by Branch 28 of the revolutionary court.
The new case against Mahdie Golroo is a charge for propagation against the regime and is based on reports that she also undersigned the statement, published on 7 December 2010 on the occasion of Student’s Day.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Iran: more
Following the closure of women’s cellblock in Karaj’s Gohardasht Prison, a large number of female prisoners have been transferred to other prisons.
Reportedly the majority of the women is transferred to Karajprison, which is considerably smaller, but it is not clear whether female political prisoners have also been transferred to this prison.
In recent months many structures and programms in prison have been changed by State Prisons and Security and Corrective Measures Organization.
source: en-hrana.comAn unknown political prisoner Ahmad Shah Rezai, 29 lost his hearing on one ear due to torture.
Rezai has been arrested in June 2010 during the protests on Enghelab square.After his arrest he was transferred to cellblock 2A and kept there for 10 days. He was then moved to solitary confinement in cellblock 240 for a period of seventy four days. Due to torture during interrogation he lost hearing in his right ear.
Reportedly Ali Nejati, member of the board of directors of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Workers Syndicate has been hospitalized on April 10, due to a heartattack. He spent six months in prison for his unionactivities and was to be tried again on April 13 on identical charges.
After 114 days were two miners bodies recovered from 600 meters under the ground of the Kerman Hejdakmine.One body from the four buried miners was recovered earlier, and one still remains in the depths.Authorities stated that the long delay in recovery has been due to numerous landslides and other dangers.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Iran: confinement
Vice president of the youthdepartment of the Islamic National Front Mohammad Saber Abbasian is convicted to 5 years in prison.
He was arrested in February 2009.
source: HRHIAfter 2 months of solitary confinement in ward 209 is political prisoner Ramtin Ghaffari transferred to ward 350 of Evinprison.
He was arrested during the recent protests
Recent reports on jailed students in Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Iran: differences
On the beach of "Bostan-e saheli-e Ghadir" near Bandar Abbas were this morning four men hanged in public.
The unidentified men were convicted of rape and murder.
source: iranhr.netISNA reported that Iran plans to send a monkey into space in September.
This will be in a capsule carried by the Kavoshgar-4 (or Explorer-4), rocket.
Earlier Iran tested a test capsule with a rat, a turtle, worms and a doll monkey into space.
source: droi.wordpress.comAmnesty International says that the deaths from the clashes between security forces and protesters from the Ahwazi Arab minority in Ahwaz must be investigated.
Reportedly security forces fired live ammunition and used tear gas against protesters.
This happened on the protest held on 15 April to mark the anniversary of demonstrations that took place in the regional capital Ahvaz in 2005.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Iran: signs
Iranian lawmakers warned president Ahmadinejad to obey an order from the country’s supreme leader to reinstate Iran’s intelligence minister.
Sunday the Intelligence Minister resigned after a row with Ahmadinejad.
But the Supreme Leader refuses to accept the resignation and wants him to be reinstated.
Iranian media say Moslehi showed up for work today, but the president’s website has not removed the report on Moslehi’s resignation.
source: washington.comHassan Nahid,a prisoner of ward 350 of Evin Prison has died two weeks ago by lack of medical care.The Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners published this.
Although Nahid was suffering from cancer, he was not allowed to get medical treatment. He was also subjected to continuous harassment and humiliation.
In a hospital in Tehran is an 8-year-old girl admitted who was severely abused by her stepfather.
She had broken limbs, head and multiple cigarette burns all over her body.
According to the hospitalphysician they witness child abuse a lot, but her condition is not comparable to others.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Iran: listed
In the city of Ilam on the border with Iraq, a sound bomb exploded on the Imam Alisquare.
The website Iranian / report that witnesses say the bomb was thrown from a white car.
There are no casualties reported, only windows of nearby homes and cars were broken.
According to Reuters, Iran denied appointing an ambassador to Egypt.This would mark the restoration of diplomatic relations after more than 30 years. The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry said that its guesswork and is hasty .
Since Mubarak was toppled as Egypts President, there are signs of warming relationships.
source: reutersThe lawyer Mohammad Oliyaifard was released April 18 from prison.
He was arrested on May 1st 2010 for propaganda against the system through giving interviews. During his imprisonment, some news was published on Oliyaifard’s deteriorating health.
source: persian2english
NGO Freedom House reported that Iran is the worst country in the world when it comes to internet freedom.
The most freedom on the net have Estonia, USA, Germany, Australia and the United Kingdom.
Iran, Burma, Cuba, China and Tunisia were named as some of the most restrictive countries with regards to internet freedom.
With only 89 points Iran was at the bottom of the list.
weekly podcast 24
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Iran: interference
The Gulfstates accused Iran of interfering in their countries and demanded measures from the international community to force Iran to halt such actions.
In a statement Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates reject all foreign interference in their affairs and invite Iran to stop the provocations.
They also condemned "aggression" against Saudi diplomats in Iran.
source: rferl.orgIran and Turkey opened a new bordercrossing between Iranian West Azarbaijan province and Turkish province Van.
Kapikoy-Razi bordercrossing was opened Saturday by Iranian and Turkish foreign ministers.
Following the ceremony, the two foreign ministers attended the trilateral meeting of Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan in the Iranian city of Orumiyeh.
source: rferl.orgFoad Sojoudi Farimani, student at Amir Kabir University who is banned from education, is sentenced to 8 years in jail.
September 14th, 2010 he was arrested and released on bail after spending 45 days in isolation.
After his release, he was admitted to Mehregan Hospital, due to the psychological pressure he endured during his arrest.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Iran: further
Yesterday 3 men were hanged in Shiraz.
The men, Abolfazl Faraei (28), Reza Roshanfekr (27) and Seyed Rokneddin Karimi (28) were convicted to death 2 years ago for killing security officers. They were also convicted of kidnapping and armed robbery.
Newsagency Fars reported that in Takhteh Kenar a man is hanged who was convicted for the murder of eight people.
source:, news24.comLast Wednesday people demonstrated against the regime in Ahwaz. According to AlArabiya when Bassij agents tried to arrest a number of people in Sihai region, heavy clashes broke out.
At least two people got killed and 150 people got wounded.
source: freedomessenger.comSaturday a man was wounded in Sanandaj, Kurdistan, when two bombs exploded.
According to IRNA the explodions only shattered some windows.
The police search for the bombers.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Iran: names
From the people who were arrested April 2 at the protests near Tabriz, 3 civic rightsactivists are still in prison.
Habib Poorvali, Jalil Alamdar Millani and Hojat Mokhtarzadh were transferred to the Ministry of Information.
A large number of those detained on April 2, 2011 have been released on bail ranging from approximately $5,000 to $10,000.
source: en-hrana.comApril 15th the names of the 32 Iranians who were sanctioned by EU were announced.
These sanctions will be effective in all EU member states. Any airplane that flies under EU rules and regulations is bound by the sanctions.
The list:
1. Ismail Ahmadi Moghadam, Iran’s Chief of Police
2. Hossein Allahkaram, Head of Ansar Hezbollah and an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Officer
3. Abdollah Eraghi, Deputy Army Commander of the IRGC
4. Ali Fazli, Deputy Commander of the Basij, Former Commander of the IRGC’s Seyed-ol-Shohada Force in Tehran Province until 2010
5. Hossein Hamadani, IRGC Commander
6. Mohammad Ali Jafari, IRGC Commander
7. Ali Khalili, Head of the Sarallah Base Medical Unit
8. Bahram Hosseini Motlagh, Commander of the IRGC’s Seyed-ol-Shohada Base
9. Mohammad Reza Naghdi, Basij Commander
10. Mohammad Reza Radan, Deputy Police Chief
11. Azizollah Rajabzadeh, Former Tehran Police Chief (until January 2010)
12. Hossein Sajedinia, Tehran Police Commander
13. Hossein Taeb, former Basij Commander, Deputy IRGC Commander, and Head of the IRGC’s Intelligence Unit
14. Seyed Hassan Shariati, Head of Mashad’s Judiciary
15. Ghorbanali Dorri Najafabadi, former Prosecutor General (until September 2009)
16. Hassan Zare Dehnavi, also known as Haddad, Judge, Branch 26 of Tehran Revolutionary Court
17. Hojat-ol-eslam Mohammad Soltani, Judge, Mashad Revolutionary Court
18. Ali Akbar Heydarifar, Judge, Revolutionary Court
19. Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi, Tehran Prosecutor
20. Mohammad Moghisseh, Judge, Tehran Revolutionary Court
21. Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejehi, Prosecutor General since September 2009
22. Saeed Mortazavi, Tehran Prosecutor during the 2009 election
23. Abbas Pirabbasi, Judge, Branches 26 and 28 of Tehran Revolutionary Court
24. Amir Mortazavi, Deputy Prosecutor of Mashad
25. Abolghassem Salavati, Judge, Branch 15 of Tehran Revolutionary Court
26. Malek Ashtar Sharifi, Head of Judiciary in East Azarbaijan
27. Ahmad Zargar, Appeals Court Judge
28. Ali Akbar Yasseghi, Judge, Revolutionary Court
29. Mostafa Bozorgnia, Warden, Evin Prison’s Ward 350
30. Gholamhossein Ismaili, Head of Prisons Organizations
31. Farajollah Sedaghat, Deputy Head of Tehran Prisons Organization
32. Mohammad Ali Zanjirehei, an authority with the Prisons Organization
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.