In the city of Minab is a man hanged.
The man, H.D. was convicted for trafficking 49,5 kg of heroin.
He was arrested in 2008.
Fars did not mention the age of the prisoner or the exact time and place of the execution.
source: iranhr.netFars newsagency reported that a senior Iranian Navycommander announced that Iran plans to dispatch Iranian submarines to longer missions at sea.
Iranian submarine Younus managed to set a new record in sailing high seas for 68 days.
Younus was on anti-piracy patrol with the warships of the 14th fleet in the Gulf of Aden.
Marinecommander admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that Iran plans to increase the record to 90 days.
source: bernama.comAccording to Daneshoo News on July 25 the political prisoner Nasser Khanizadeh from Boukan died in the prison of Urmia as a result of a lack of treatment.
Hij suffered acute gastrointestinal problems, because he was denied timely treatment, he died on Sunday July 24.
source: freedomessenger
At the last moment was a man who was sentenced to be blinded by acid, this morning pardoned.
The man, Majid Movahedi was sentenced to be blinded for throwing a bottle of acid in the face of a girl after she refused to marry him.
Iranian statetelevision reported that the woman has forgiven him.
source: BBC, HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Iran: more
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Iran: furthermore
On July 26, the Baluch Mohammad Mandazahi, son of Dadkha, has been hanged in the prison of van Kerman.
He was sentenced to death for drugstrafficking after spending 6 years in prison without the presence of an attorney or his family at the trial.
source: freedomessengerBlogger Behnam Darvishian who was arrested in 2010 and is sentenced to 3 years in prison on charges of anti-regime propaganda and acting against national security by keeping a blog. His sentence was upheld by the appeals court.
Another contributer to the same blog Ali Shafie was also arrested last year.
Darvishion has been deprived of prison visits for the past 8 months and has only called them once last week.
source: HRHIPoet and human rights defender Laleh Hassanpour, writer and journalist Seyed Massoud Hosseini Lavasani, and PhD student Ehsan Abdeh Tabrizi, spend another of their birthdays behind bars.
Hassanpour has been sentenced to one year in prison and 4 years of suspended inprisonment.She is summoned to serve her 1 year prisonsentence in Evin prison.
Lavasani is sentenced to 8½ year in prison and Tabrizi who was arrested when returning from his study abroad, was sentenced to 7 years in prison.
source: persian2englishThe deathsentence of political prisoner Abbas Tavakoli Borazjani, 38 has been confirmed by the Supreme Court.Currently he is in ward 1 of Rajai-Shahr Prison.
He was arrested in June 2008 along with his brother for beating a policeman and carrying a weapon.
His brother, Amir Hussein was killed under torture in Tehran’s Shapour Detention Center.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Iran: lenght
Political prisoner Afshin Baymani has been transferred to the Intelligence section of Rajaei Shahr Prison in Karaj. He is transferred to solitary confinement.
One day before security agents searched his cell.
Baymani is in jail along with his brother since 2000. He is sentenced to life in prison for membership in the MKO.
source: HRHITwo Kurdish activists Madah Alavi and Jahangir Kasnazani who were arrested in July along with other Kurds at the commemoration of Dr. Ghasemlou, are still in prison.
According to HRHI Madah Alavi is kept in Sanandaj Prison and Jahangir Kasnazani is in the solitary confinement unit at the Saghez Intelligence Ministry.
Their families have also been unable to visit them.
source: HRHI
The 2 American hitchhikers Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer are already 2 years imprisoned in Iran on charges of espionage.
Sara Shourd has been released on healthissues.
A facebooksite and a website were founded to them aiming their release.
source: globalvoicesonline
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Iran: transfers
Mehrnews reports that 380,000 children between 10 and 14 year-old work as permanent childlaborer and about 360,000 children work as seasonal workers.
In reality, more then 600,000 children work as childlaborer in Iran.
Additional to the physical and psychological damage these children suffer because they are actually banned from working based on current laws and rules, they are not covered by the Labor Law and social services.
These statistics are added to thousands of other children undoubtedly working unofficially in Iran.
source: daughtersofthelight-briefs.blogspot.comHashem Khastar's wife told International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that despite the prisonsentence from her husband of 2 years had been ended on July 26, he was not released.
Instead he was taken to court and tried on the new charge of “creating public anxiety.”
Khastar wrote three letters to Head of the Judiciary regarding the inhumane conditions and secret executions at Vakilabad Prison.
source: iranhumanrights.orgShirin Ebadi criticised the limitations imposed on Iranian political prisoners including allowing them furlough or in-person visits with their families.
She says that according to Iranian laws, the Prosecutor, the Head Warden, or any other judicial official are not authorized to arbitrarily deprive a prisoner of his legal rights.
source: iranhumanrights.orgThe member of Islamic Iran Participation Front and one of the 7 leading reformists who filed a lawsuit against several commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) for their intervention in the elections Mostafa Tajzadeh is transferred Tuesday to the Methadone ward in Evinprison.
Kaleme reports that at the methadonward, where the female political prisoners were formerly held has no access to fresh air and also has no communication with the other political prisoners.
He was transferred after a brief furlough along with a former cellmate who suffers from severe psychological problems.
source: persian2english
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Iran: investigation
The Supreme Court of Qom remanded the case of the deathsentence for apostacy of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani to the Eleventh Branch of the Criminal Court of Gilan Province.
This, because there is no clear evidence he ever actually was declared and practicing Muslim.
According to the Supreme Court apostasy is a valid criminal charge in Iran, despite the fact that no written legal provision on the matter exists.
source: iranhumanrights.orgFivehundred womensrightsactivists and supporters made a statement demanding an end to violence on women in Iranian society.
They protest to the “systematic violence against women,” “constant insults and humiliation,” and “the blaming of victims for acts of sexual violence against them” by government authorities, and defends a woman’s right to choose their clothing.
source: iranhumanrights.orgMashallah Shamsolvaezin, deputy head of the Association of Iranian Journalists and spokesperson of Society for Freedom of the Press, who is summoned to serve his prisonsentence of 16 months in Evinprison wrote a letter to his collegues. In this letter he writes that journalists in Iran have to pay a price in order to protect the independence of journalists and to practice professional journalism in this country.
source: HRHI
Concerns have risen if there were changes made in Karounprison in Ahwaz. Following the letter written by Zia Nabavi to the head of the judiciary about the the inhumane conditions of Karoun prison, he and other prisoners were transferred to another prison.
There are reports that 10 of these prisoners were returned to Karounprison and that Nabavi and the others also were returned to Karounprison.
Although it has been said that a new ward has been added to the Karoun Prison, reports indicate that no such ward has been constructed yet, and that the returned prisoners are held in the same poor prison conditions.
weekly podcast 31
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Iran: search
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran interviewed 35 Iranian human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, student activists, writers, cultural leaders and members of the political opposition in order to document the perspectives of people inside the country, and particularly of the reform-oriented members of civil society, about the possibility of armed conflict with Iran.
Executive Summary
Part I: Key Reflections on the Military Option
Part I: Key Reflections on the Military Option – Page 2
Part I: Key Reflections on the Military Option – Page 3
Part II: In Their Own Words
Part II: In Their Own Words – Page 2
Part II: In Their Own Words – Page 3Human rightsactivists in Iran are challenged. Los Angeles Times reports about the current state of human rights organizations,lawyers and activists 8 years after Shirin Ebadi was a Nobel laureate.
source: latimes.comSupreme Leader Khamenei appointed the former head of the judiciary Shahrudi as mediator in the powerstruggle between president Ahmadinejad and parliament.
Khamenei's appointment could also be an attempt to weaken ex-President Rafsanjani, who now heads the Expediency Council.
Reporters Without Borders reports about the press freedom in Iran from January 1st, 2011.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Iran: sentences?
Womens right activist Maryam Bidgoli a member of One Million Signature Campaign, is arrested in her house.
She was sentenced to 6 months in prison by an appeals court.
source: HRHIMahdieh Golrou (photo) who is in Evinprison and was released for furlough, is returned to prison after security agents raided her house at night.
She was arrested in 2009 and was sentenced to a total of almost 4 years. This was the first prison furlough after her arrest.
Leila Tavasoli who was on a 10 day prison furlough has also returned to prison after her furlough extension was denied.
source: HRHIAzeri activist Ayat Ali Biglou is sentenced to 1 year in prison for the hide of Hadi Mousavi and helping Sajjad Radmehr to leave the country illegal.
The case for 5 of his other charges, membership in the Gamoh Party, acting against national security, anti-regime propaganda, conspiracy and anti-regime gathering, and espionage is still being reviewed.
source: HRHI
weekly report systematic violation of the right to life.
weekly report basic freedom and rightsabuse.
weekly report arbitrary arrest and prison.
weekly report inhumane treatment and cruel penalties.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Iran: value
A month ago, the actress and documentarymaker Marzieh Vafamehr, was imprisoned and transported to Gharchak-Varamin prison. This prison is known for its torture.
According to her husband the charges against her are legally, not political.
The actresses Pegah Ahangarani and Mahnaz Mohammadi are imprisoned in ward 209 of Evin prison.
More than 30 women are currently held in Evin prison on political charges.
In Shiraz Maryam Bahreman is still in prison even though she has paid the heavy bail amount.
All these women reflect their generation.
A petition for the release of Marzieh Valamehr is here
source: persian2englishIranian authorities say the victim of the shooting in Tehran on July 23rd was not a nuclear physicist, but an university student.
Earlier it was reported that Darioush Rezaei a 35-year-old physicsprofessor was murdered.
PressTV reported later that the victim was an electronics student who shares a similar name.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Iran: noticed
Here is a statement of “Free Union of Iranian Workers” on the amendments to the labor law proposed by the Ahmadinejad government.
This Labor Law is despite of all problems one of the most progressive in the world.
These amendments endanger every workers position.
source: iranlaborreportThe family of journalist Reza Hoda Saber, who died of a heart attack last month while on a hunger strike in Iran's Evin prison filed a complaint against the judiciary about the circumstances of his death.
The complaint was made in the form of a letter wich is also published on the website of Kalemeh.
His sister told Radio Farda that the postmortem reports show clear indications that Saber, 52, was assaulted prior to his death.
source: rferl.orgThe Serajewo Film Festival (SSF)opened last Friday, honoring jailed Iranian film director Jafar Panahi who opened the first SFF 17 years ago.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Iran: graphic
In the town of Ghoochan (in the province of Khorasan Razavi), were 3 men hanged.
The men which names or ages were not mentioned in the report, were sentenced to death for rape.
Ten people have been executed in Iran during the last days.
source: iranhr.netAmnesty International reports that the graphic footage of the execution of 3 men in Kermanshah, highlights the brutalisation of both the condemned and those who watch executions. The video shows the three men standing on top of buses as guards drape ropes fixed to a bridge overhead around their necks, before a crowd of onlookers including children.
In the video, numerous people are seen photographing or filming the execution.
Amnesty says that not only those executed, but all those who watch public executions, including, children, are brutalised and degraded by the experience.
These public displays of killing perpetuate a culture of acceptance of violence and bloodlust, rather than a belief in justice.
source: youtube, amnestyusa.orgIranian judiciary covered more secret executions in the prison of Birjand.
Before the 140 secret executions in 2010, there has been total silence about similar executions in this province in 2009.
There is no information about this year.
source: iranhumanrights.orgZahra Rahnama, the sister of Fatemeh Rahnama 50, a prisoner of conscience who is sentenced to 10 years in prison in exile, says that the charges against her sister are fabricated. Fatemeh Rahnama is sentenced on charges of having relations with Mujahedin-e Khalgh Organization (MEK).Currently she is in Sepidar Prison in Ahvaz. During the 1980's she was as a 19-year-old convicted to 3 years in prison for supporting MEK.
She suffers from cancer and is in bad health.
source: iranhumanrights.orgThe actress Pegah Ahangarani (photo)and the director, actress and filmmaker Marzieh Vafamehr were arrested by security agents.
Ahangarani worked for Mousavi'electioncampaign and she had been summoned and interrogated several times..
Vafamehr had a ole in the movie “My Tehran on Sale.”. Several other people involved in the movie have also been arrested but their names have not been revealed.
The documentary filmmaker Mahnaz Mohammadi is also in detention.
source: HRHIAgents of the Ministry of Information of Tabriz prevented the wedding of Hadi Hamidi Shafiq and arrested him. Political and social activists from all over Azerbaijan were to attend the event.
The bride and familymembers of the groom were summoned and threathened with arrest.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Iran: more
In Rafsanjaniprison and in Jiroftprison were 4 people hanged in total.
In Jiroftprison were Abbas. A. and Ali B. hanged. Both were sentenced to death for trafficking and keeping drugs.
In Rafsanjan prison, were Khodadad M.and Begam. N, (probably a woman) hanged for drugstrafficking.
source: iranhr.netProsecutor Fazlullah Shahbazi from Khash, province Sistan Beluchistan, Monday survived an assassination attempt.
This was the third attempt.
Till now he survived any attempt.
source: freedomessengerEach summet the chastitypolice in Iran holds a crackdown on women who wear their headscarves not according to the islamic dresscode.
This year the crackdown is even more strict and has led to a public rift between Ahmadinejad and the mullahs.
Conservative imams want to enforce the dresscode (even if blood needs to be shed) while Ahmadinejad prefers education about the veil.
It is not the first time that Ahmadinejad and conservative clerics disagree.
source: washingtonpost.comThe renowned aidsexpert and physician Kamiar Alaei hopes that his brotherArash Alaei soon will be released. In 2008 both brothers were convicted,for espionage.
Kamiar was sentenced to 3 years and Arash to 6 years in prison.
Kamiar was released earlier this year and he said in an interview with that, under Iranian law, his brother was eligible to be released because he had completed half his term and was a "first-time offender."
press freedom violations via Reporters without Borders
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.