During a speech to a group of basij militia the advisor of IRGC admitted that the arrests and crackdown of political and civil activists and street protestors in Tehran after the 2009 elections were carried out from the very first hours after the elections on direct orders of the supreme leader.
source: iranbriefing.net2 years already is the member of Tahkim Vahdat Iranian student alumni organization Bahareh Hedayat in prison.
She was arrested during the Ashuraprotests in December 2009. She is in Evinprison and was sentenced in July 2010 to 9½ jaar in prison. November 2011 she was sentenced to another 6 months in prison for "propaganda against the regime".
source: persian2english
Fars newsagency reported that Iran testfired long range missiles in the Persian Gulf during the naval war games in The Strait of Hormuz.
source: rferl.org
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Iran: further
Friday, December 30, 2011
Iran: more
December 29 were in the city of Qazvin 2 men hanged.
According to the website of the Iranian statetelevision Jamejamonline were Mohammad and Ali convicted for the murder on 4 members of a family in March 2011.
source: iranhr.netIn Iran Human Rights Voice has an article of Farida Davoodi Mohajer about Systematic Violence against Women in Iran.
Also a from December 19th to 25th 2011 about sentences and arrests in Iran with links to the sources.
source: ihrv.orgIncarcerated reformist Mostafa Tajzadeh declared that he will not participate, nor cast a vote in the bogus, neither fair nor free parliamentary elections to be held on March 2nd 2012.
source: banouyesabz.wordpress.comKhabarnewagency writes that the man who threw his shoe to president Ahmadinejad, is still in prison. Rashid Shahband has been tortured and is facing heavy punishment.
Shahband, a textile worker from Sari, who lost his job, grew angry while listening to the speech about the governments great achievements and hurled his shoes to the president.
He has previously insulted Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and thrown eggs at former President Sayyid Mohammad Khatami.
It is not clear when and if Shahbandi will have a trial.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Iran: moves
The Iranian opposition activist Ebrahim Yazdi,80 is convicted to 8 years in prison.
Last year and also after the elections in 2009 he was arrested. He has been charged for security issues, including acting against national security and spreading lies.
source: rferl.org
The American administration accuses the elite of Iran’s regime and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of profiting "on the back of the average Iranian” while the nation suffers under the pressure of international sanctions. This coincides with the decline in the market value of the Iranian rial, which has dropped about 15 percent against the dollar in the past five weeks and 35 percent since March.
source: iranbriefing.org
MehrNews published an interview with General Mohammad Ali Jafari of the IRGC in which he says that IRGC and basij have plans to correct Tehran’s political and cultural situation.
He also said that the current situation is a threat for the regime. According to him this is a result of years of neglection.
source: iranbriefing.org
Ahmadinejad warned countries in the region on buying weapons in the USA and using them in their interest.
He said that Iran has stood against world powers over last 32 years and will not ignore its rights.
source: en.trend.azAmerika warned Iran over the consequences of the threat to shut down the Street of Hormuz. USA said that it will take actions in this case.
Article about potential military strike against peaceful movement for change.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Iran: fixation
In the prison of Shahrud were December 26th five men hanged.
The official site of the Iranian judiciary in Semnan reports that they were convicted of drug trafficking, their names are H. B. from Gonbad, H. B. from Bojnord, H. R. from Esfrain, A. S. from Teheran and A. M. from Hashtrud.
source: iranhr.netYesterday at a shootout in Kurdistan province one member of basij and five members of PJAK have been killed.
Fars newsagency reports that several PJAKmembers were wounded in the incident.
source: en.trend.azThe Iranian official who during the weekend said that if Sakineh Ashtiani could not be stoned she will be hanged, has said that he was misquoted.
Sunday he said during an interview with Fars newsagency that if there were no facilities to carry out the stoningsentence, the verdict can be changed to hanging.
He now says that he was misinterpreted and that this case is following its normal course in line with the law.
source: AFPThe United States renewed its calls to Iran to release the alleged spy Amir Mirzai Hekmati. Hekmati confessed on television that he was a spy for the CIA.
His trial started on Tuesday.
The blog Nationalpost writes that the prosecutor will seek the deathsentence.
source: nationalpost.comAn Iranian top naval commander told that it is easier than drinking a glass of water to shut the Persian Gulf to stop the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf.
Tehran threathened to close it if the economic sanctions are tightened.
source: reuters
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Iran: more
December 24 were in the prison of Urmia(Orumieh) seven prisoners hanged, one of them a woman.
According to the report of the judiciary, their names are Yousef A, Heydar D., Mehdi S, Ghorbanali Sh., Saeid M., Sirus M. and the woman Nahid A.. They all were convicted for drugstrafficking.
In the prison of Rasht December 24, were 2 prisoners hanged which were convicted for drugstrafficking.
One name is unknown, the other was Sajjad Tal, 26, the brother of Mohammadreza Tal who was hanged in public in Rasht, 2 weeks ago.
source: iranhr.netParvin Mokhtareh, the mother of detained human rightsactivist Kouhyar Goudarzi (photo)is sentenced by the revolutionary court in Kerman to 23 months in prison for defending her sons rights in the media.
She was arrested in July one day after him and charged with "propaganda against the regime” and “insulting the martyrs and the Supreme Leader”. She has also been deprived of a lawyer during her entire trial.
Kouhyar Goodarzi is already 5 months in limbo in Ward 209 of Evinprison.
source: banouyesabz.wordpress.comAfter seven years in prison, political prisoner Behrouz Javid Tehrani, has been released from Rajai Shahr Prison in the city of Karaj.
He was in prison on charges of being affiliated with groups who want to overthrow the government.
source: freedomessenger.comSaham News made a short interview with Fatemeh Karroubi, the wife of Mehdi Karroubi(photo) regarding the upcoming parliamentary elections.
At this interview she tells that in her husband’s eyes these upcoming elections wouldn’t mount to any other than “rubber-stamp elections.
source: droi.wordpress.com, en.greenvoice.comFars newsagency reported that today a fight occurred during an open meeting of Iranian parliament.The president of Targeted Subsidies Organization Behrooz Moradi and parliamentsmember Hossein Hosseini first started a wordfight, which later turned into a fist fight.
Other members of parliament and officials prevented the fight from going further.
source: en.trend.az
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Iran: further
SwissState Secretariat of Economic Affairs. published a list with names freezing the assets of 180 Iranian people and enterprises.
In november Switzerland placed already 116 names on its Iran sanctions list.
source: en.greenvoice.com
December 22 journalist Roxana Saberi wrote an article where she asked Iran to stop the persecution of religious minorities.
source: insideofiran.org
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Iran: rightful?
Mehrnews reported that the head of the office of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that the remarks made by the US secretary of Defence are baseless.
During an interview with CBS said the US secretary of Defense Panetta that Iran could have a nuclear weapon in a year and he refused to rule out military action to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
source: en.trend.az
5 Iranian engineers who worked in Homs, Syria at a powerplant were Tuesdaymorning kidnapped by gunmen. Iranian authorities have asked the Syrian government to identify the assailants and get the engineers released.
source: freedomessenger39 political prisoners made a statement on Kaleme, an opposition website that the forthcoming parliamentary elections in March 2012 would “bear no resemblance to the elections mentioned in the country’s constitution.” In no place in the world is this considered to be a free and fair election.
The 39 signatories say that participating in the March elections “in any form” would only legitimise and help strengthen the foundations of tyranny and authoritarianism, and goes against the democratic and anti-dictatorial ideals of the 1979 Revolution.
source: en.greenvoice.comLocal sources say that securityagents in Tazeh Abad on December 15, shot two men from Mahdieh, and killed Farokh Faraji and wounded Hamid Mohammad so severely that he probably needs his legs amputated.
source: iranbriefing.net
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Iran: furthermore
Iranhas moved most of its government websites from foreign-based hosting companies to new computer facilities inside the country.
This is to protect them against cyber attacks.
source: news.hitb.org
Diplomats from the United States, the European Union and other allies agreed to step up pressure on Iran to force it to resume talks over its nuclear program.
The group of like-minded nations met in Rome to discuss further sanctions against Iran.
This group includes United States, the European Union and several European nations, Australia, Japan, South Korea and other countries but it was not clear if all of them were represented.
source: freedomessenger
The Advocacy Council for the Right to Education (ACRE) said in a statement that the star system, the practice of banning student activists of the right to education, has been predominant in Iran for the past six years.
source: persian2english.comThe solitary confinement of six Kurdish political prisoners in the prison of Orumieh will, according to a reliable source, continue for another five days.
Habibollah Golparipour, who is sentenced to death, Jahangir Baduzadeh, Ahmad Tamou’i, Yousef Kakmami, Ali Ahmad Soleiman, and Mostafa Ali Ahmad were transferred into solitary confinement 2 weeks ago.
They continue to be prohibited from visiting with or contacting their families.
source: iranbriefing.net
The Iran Humanrights Documentation Center asks to donate to continue to serve as trusted resource on Iran human rights and to expand her activities. This includes IHRDC’s Evidence Collection Guide a simple, instructional manual on how to collect evidence of human rights abuses.
source: iranhrdc.orgLast Friday, Zia Nabavi, was along with 59 other prisoners violently transferred to Ward 8 of Karounprison in Ahwaz which holds people held on theft and drug-related charges.
Nabavi, who is a prisoner in exile wrote six months ago a letter about the bad prisonconditions in Ward 1 to Mohammad Larijani.Following he and other prisoners were transferred to another Ward.
Sometime between July to September, Zia and numerous others were secretly transferred back to ward 1 in Karoun prison.
source: persian2english.com
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Iran: abuse
Sana News reported that two teenagers of 16 and 17 year, after they had been arrested at a footballmatch in Tabriz, were sexually abused by personnel of Tabriz SSF Intelligence Agency.
The prisoners, who wish to remain anonymous were also foltered.
Reports say that this happened many times more in the past few months with younger detainees.
In the past these and similar things also happened to Azari-activists and detainees in the Revolutionary Guards Corps Intelligence Agency.
source: freedomessengerAccording to a statement of Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope will the Green Movement boycott the forthcoming parliamentary elections in March 2012. Despite the warnings of the past two years, there is no hope that the upcoming elections would be held freely and fairly.
Last week, Ali Mohammad Gharibani, president of Coordination Council of the Reformist Front, announced that the reformist factions would not be participating in the parliamentary race in March.
source: en.greenvoice.comThe Supreme Court reduced the deathsentence of Kurdish prisoner of conscience Zeinab Jalalian, into life in prison.
In 2009 she was sentenced to death on charges of membership in PJAK and armed operations.
It was proven that she was not involved in any armed activities and this is why the Supreme Court overturned her sentence.
source: iranhumanrights.org
Eng. translation of the Parties and Associations Law Reform Plan
Podcast 43: Internet Censorship in Iran- Interview with Mehdi Yahyanejad
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Monday, December 19, 2011
Iran: several
ISNA wrote that on December 18 a man was hanged in the prison of Ilam.
The man, H. A. was convicted for kidnapping and rape.
source: iranhr.net
Iranian television showed a televised confession of a man who confessed having worked as a spy for the American CIA.
The man, Amir Mirza Hekmati was born in Arizona and is of Iranian descend.
A video (Fa) can be seen on youtube.
source: abc.net, youtube
The Iranian regime shut down 85 restaurants in Karaj for the unconventional presence of girls and boys.
Mehrnews reported that 165 restaurants received written notices and that, if they do not carry out the Islamic law, they will be shut down.
source: freedomessenger
Iran wants to choose its first team of astronauts before the end of this Iranian calendaryear(March 21). According to the head of Iran's Aerospace Research this team will be compiled from fighter pilots.
He also says that Iran is currently in negotiations with several countries, which can provide this future team with necessary training.
Iran plans to put a man in space by 2017.
Last year Iran announced it had put a rocket carrying a mouse, turtle and some worms into space.
source: en.trend.az
weekly report 17 december suppressive maneuvers
weekly report 17 december violence against women
weekly report 17 december arbitrary arrests and prison and basic freedom and rights abused
weekly report 17 december inhumane treatment and cruel punishments
weekly report 17 december systematic violation of the right to life, executions
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Iran: more
In the prison of the city of Arak are December 17 three men hanged.
The official judiciary website in Markazi province reported that S. P. was convicted for keeping of 830 grams of crack, M. A. and P. A. for trafficking of 5 kilos and 7 grams of heroin.
source: iranhr.net
A prisoner in the prison of Aran va Bidgol has been hanged.
The judiciary website of Aran va Bidgol reported December 15 that Morteza Kh. was convicted for keeping 639 grams of crack and 12 grams of marijuana.
source: freedomessenger
December 11 is in Shahre Kord a man hanged in public,while needed urgent medical attention.
The man, Kianoush Sh. had cut his wrists a few minutes before his execution.
source: freedomessenger
Two citizens of Kuwait, Adel Al-Yahya en Raed Al-Majed were released by Iran.
They were arrested last month in Abadan and detained in Ahwaz on charges of spying.
The ambassador of Kuwait accompanied them to the airport, where they took off to Kuwait.
source: en.trend.az
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Iran: further
4 Bahaiprisoners who are in prison in Shiraz , Vehdat Dana, Afshin Ehsenian, Farham Masoumi, en Keyvan Karmi, have been transferred to Ward 1 of Shiraz Pirbenoy prison, where they are being kept in a very cold cell with 30 other prisoners.
They are denied to leave the ward or to receive any visits. Even though their families delivered their medications, the prisoners did not receive them due to the prison infirmary being closed.
They are serving a prisonsentence of one year, which has been handed to them on March 1, 2010 on the charge of propaganda against the regime.
source: HRHI
Following the release of a video about his personal life on YouTube, the renowned filmmaker Mohammad Nourizad said in an interview with International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that this video is created from fragments that were taken by securityagents from confiscated films.
This video appeared on YouTube on 10 December.
He said that they can use the materials of the film to build a case against him as a spy.
source: iranhumanrights.org
Women’s rights and student activist Setareh Elyasi has been expelled by Disciplinary Committee of the University of Cultural Heritage for disobedience.
December 2009 she defended her thesis and has been waiting to obtain her diploma since.
source: iranhumanrights.orgIranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhan has to serve at least another year in prison before he may be executed for refusing to abandon his faith in Christ and return to Islam.
The judiciary wants to use that time to "use whatever means necessary to cause him to convert to Islam".
source: worthynewa.com
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, December 16, 2011
Iran: more
USA passed a bill, National Defense Authorization Act, which includes measures against Pakistan and increases the pressure on Iran.
There also measures to suspend the aid to Pakistan.
source: rferl.org
Thursday was in Tehran a ceremony of honoring the in 2007 from Turkey abducted former defense minister Alireza Asgari.After his abduction nothing was heard about him, but Iranian authorities believe Israel's agency, Mossad, is the main suspect behind his abduction. It is believed that he has been transferred to Israel after abduction.
In 2010 Tehran Times reported that Asgari died in Israeli prison.This has never been confirmed.
source: en.trend.az
Podcast 42 an interview with Dokhi Fassihian over recente UN Human Rights Resolution on Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Iran: further
December 13 were in the city of Rostam, province Fars 2 men hanged in public.
The men, Samer R. and Hossein M. were convicted for kidnapping and rape.
In Rasht, province Gilan is Mohammadreza Tal son of Ali,hanged in public.
He was convicted of keeping and selling of 44 kg of heroin.
In Aran Bigdel, province Isfahan is on December 14 a not named man hanged.
According to the judiciary website he was convicted for posession of 639 grams of crack and 12 grams of hashish.
source: iranhr.netReporters without Borders reports that there is no end to the suppression and crackdown on media and journalists in Iran.
The Tehran monthly Chashm Andaz is closed and the weekly Saymareh, from Kudasht, province Lorestan, has been forced to cease activity as a result of judicial pressure.
source: en.rsf.orgSix of seven Kurdish students who were arrested in recent months in Sanandaj, all members and former members of Kurdish Students Democratic Union (the Union), have been released on bail.
The 6 students were charged with propaganda against the regime and acting against national security.
Their names are Arman Zamani, Asaad Bagheri, Suran Daneshvar, Millad Karimi, Shirzad Karimi, and Mehdi Doagoo.
Rahim Bajur, of Payam Noor University in Marivan and member of Kurdish Students Democratic Union and Marivan’s Anjoman-e Sabz-e Chia, stays in detention.
source: iranhumanrights.orgAlireza Seyedin, 31 a muslim who is converted to christianity four years ago, is convicted to 6 years in prison by Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court on charges of propagating against the regime and acting against national security.
He held his baptism in Turkey.
source: iranhumanrights.orgSaeed Naimi who is transferred from Karajprison to Tabrizprison, is being charged with assistance in espionage.
Naimi, a student and member of Policy Council of Advar Tahkim Vahdat was arrested May 9.
He spent 3 months in isolation.
source: iranhumanrights.orgAli Alikhani from Sheeti, province Azerbaijan was arrested about 40 days ago and transferred to an unknown location.
Since then nothing is heard about him.
source: iranhumanrights.orgThe explosion on December 10 at Yazd Ghadir Rolling Steel factory took the lives of 13 of 23 workers who were present, 6 of them are in critical condition.
The explosion was caused by explosive material brought to Rolling Steel from the Western provinces.
No safety precautions were put into place.
source: iranlaborreport.comJaras reported that dissident cleric Hasanali Mostafaei in Najaf Abad is arrested by security forces.
There is no further information about his arrest.
source: en.greenvoice.com
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl