Saturday, November 25, 2006

Iran: organ

An Iranian member of parliament notified Health Minister Kamran Baqeri-Lankarani about the large number of deaths caused by heart attacks in Iran.
The the daily death toll is 198 due to heart failure.
Parliamentarian and member of Majlis Health Commission,Hossein Hassani asked the Minister to clarify the reasons behind these deaths and increase efforts for curbing the number of deaths.
Earlier, the Minister said that cardiovascular diseases are the number one killer among Iranians and those who die of heart failure are mostly above 65 years.
According to a recent report by World Health Organization, road accidents are the second biggest cause of mortality after heart diseases in Iran.

Where countries all over the world have to wait for transplantable kidneys to get available, Iran legalized kidneytrade.

Allthough it is not encouraged and with 27,000 road deaths a year, there is a plentiful supply of young corpses, there is a market where recipients are willing to pay more than $1200, the amount which Iran's Association of Kidney Patients pays for a kidney.
Amounts are between $3000 and $4000.

The Association is responsible for all legal kidneytransplants in Iran.
With this Iran has solved a problem which in most Western countries is growing more acute.

In Iran deathpenalty is in use. Also for child offenders.

Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.

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