Fam.Al-Mansouri said they're not going to vote today.
"We don't vote until our father is safe and sound brought back in Maastricht by the Dutch authorities, otherwise they don't get our vote."
Adnan Faleh Al-Mansouri, spokesman for the family announced this.
In DDL Editie Maastricht is an article in which Eduard Nazarski, director of Amnesty Nederland, says that Abdullah Al-Mansouri is in a prison somewhere in Iran, but is known there under a different name.
Nazarski told: "Al-Mansouri is a member of an Arabic minority in Iran. When he got drafted for the military he got a different Persian name. It is most likely surname Nikosheresht.
The Iranian ambassador informed me that a person by that name is in an Iranian prison.".
He also said that according to international law, Al-Mansouri never should have been extradited to Iran, and that the Netherlands honorably are obliged to do their utmost to at least guarantee a fair trial and if possible get him a safe return.
Saturday, 11-25-2006 l a demonstration will be held in front of the Iranian embassy in Sweden against the deathsentences in Iran. In one month at least 26 people were sentenced to death.
Other countries where action against the deathsentences will take place are: Canada, Austria, Switzerland and England.
Here is the complete text of the resolution on Iran as adopted by European Parliament.
An Azeri biweekly, Sana'at Gazeti, (art and cultural newsletter),published November 1 an article completely with the so-called Mohammed-cartoons.An Azeri court has sentenced the journalist, Rafika Tagi to two months in prison for reprinting Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.
The editor, Samira Sadagatogli is also convicted.
According to newsagency Fars a imam, Ayatollah Morteza Bani Fazl, offered his house as a reward to the person who
kills the journalists.
In Tabriz, religious figures and theological students protested against the weekly in front of the residence of the Supreme Leader's representative and Friday prayers leader Ayatollah Mohsen Mojtahed Shabestari.
Businessmen shut down the market (Bazaar) and held demonstrations against the Gazeti.
In Iran deathpenalty is in use. Also for child offenders.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Iran: reveal
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