Also this year the Iranian authorities took extensive measures to limit firecrackers at Chaharshanbehsouri festival on March 19.The use of firecrackers is strictly forbidden.
The commander of the State Security Forces (SSF) said according to a website that the SSF has carried out a number of operations extending from the border regions to the cities.
These have resulted in discovery of many firecrackers.Amnesty International has called upon Iran to stop persecution of women who campaign for women's rights.
Since the launch of the campaign in August 2006 those involved in it have suffered harassment, intimidation and imprisonment.
Dozens of women have been arrested.
Amnesty published a report about this, entitled: "Women's rights defenders defy repression", Index Number: MDE 13/018/2008
Nasim Khosravi and Raheleh Asgarizadeh were February 26 released from Evinprison.
They were arrested while collecting signatures in support of the OneMillionSignatures Campaign.
They were sent to prison, when they were not able to post the 20 million Tomans bail that was set for them.
After 13 days, after they were called into court again and officially charged, their bail was reduced to 10 million Tomans. Their family members provided the guarantee to the Revolutionary Courts.
After their release they told that they learned much about the negative impact of discriminatory laws on the lives of women, during their stay in Evinprison and that they are thankful for the kind treatment they received from fellow inmates.
They also said that the experience has left them with greater resolve to continue along their path and to work for equality of men and women.
In the Los Angeles Times is on the Opinion site an interesting story written by an Iranian who fled to USA after he was imprisoned in Evin prison.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Iran: fiery
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Iran: whitewashing
Iran implements the anti-money laundering law which early Februar was approved by the Guardians Council.
The law is meant to close any possible loopholes in terror financing and deals with "earning, owning, keeping and using the benefits of illegal activities."
Iran's economy minister will head a committee named the High Council for Combating Money Laundering along with the ministers of commerce, intelligence, interior and the head of the Central Bank.
All legal entities including the central bank, commercial banks, credit and financial institutions, insurance companies, foundations, charities and municipalities are obliged to implement regulations approved by the council.
This means the identification of clients, keeping records and reporting suspicious operations and transactions.
Implementation of the law comes after a meeting with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in Paris.Newsagency Fars has photo's on this site about the arrest of drugsdealers, illegal acohol sellers and gangmembers.
Also a drugs laboratory, alcoholic beverages, weapens and drugs were confiscated.During the past Iranian calendaryear (ending in March 21, 2008), Iran shut or suspended the work of some 113 NGOs, 118 of which had their licenses revoked.
The news of the work suspension of 25 NGOs and termination of licenses of 88 others was told in a speech by an NGO activist and also at the second election session at the Ministry of Interior’s Election Supervision Board to elect representatives of public organizations.
The reasons for shutting down the work of these many NGO's is according to sources that some of the organizations had refrained from presenting their annual financial and performance report to the Ministry, while others said that they had been threatened by the current government.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Iran: questionable
Tuesday is Javad Shojaei hanged in the prison of Isfahan.
He was sentenced to death for an alleged murder in the year 2000 when he was only 16 years old.
The execution was approved by Iran's superior court.StopChildExecutions says they had no prior knowledge of Javad's case and his name was not among the recorded list of the 96 children facing execution in Iran. It is feared that many others have also been executed without the knowledge of outside world.
Iranian judiciary will intervene in the case of the death of Zahra Bani Yaghoub.
In october the woman was found dead in her cell after being arrested by morality police.
The authorities said it was a suicide by hanging.
But the family have cast doubt and demanded a full investigation.
The Etemad newspaper also reported on Tuesday that the judiciary officials have agreed to the exhumation of the body.Twenty students have been arrested at the Industrial University of Shahrood, northern Iran.
More than 3,000 students protested on Saturday and Sunday to ask the government to hear their demands.
Since Wednesday they demonstrated about the gas shortages in Shahrood and the temporary closure of the university.In Shiraz, Fars province, protested Monday about 500 students against university chancellor. They demanded his resignation.
They called slogans like: "Resign, Resign, we don't want a corrupt chancellor," and "We don't want a Pasdar (a member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-IRGC) as our chancellor." .
Protesting students occupied his office so he escaped the compound through the backdoor.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Iran: re-direct
According to newsagency Fars, Hassan Nobakhtian, the editor of the website Nosazi is jailed in Evinprison.
He criticized on his (conservative) website a grandson of ayatollah Khomeini.
In a piece he made allegations about his appearance, the expensive BMW, having a personal sauna and living in affluent north Tehran.Daily Etemad reported that Iran is to impose a gender quota on universities partly in a bid to prevent women dominating the medical profession.
There will be a minimum 30 percent admission for men and women each and the rest will be chosen competitively.
This said the head of Iran's Academic Testing Organisation.
He said that the law will guarantee the entrance of both genders and that the measure was not discriminating against women, pointing out that they would benefit in disciplines where they are still outnumbered by men.
In natural sciences, where girls score higher marks, the gender quotas will benefit men, it will benefit women in mathematics and engineering where they rank lower than menIran has reversed the ban on waterpipes in teahouses.
The interior ministry said in a directive to the police published in the Tehran Emrouz newspaper, that tea houses with a business permit can offer water pipes to their costumers.
However only plain tobacco would be allowed in water pipes and popular fruit flavours like strawberry and apple would remain banned due to "health risks".
The smoking of water pipes in tea houses was prohibited with the ban on smoking in public places.The Russian giant Gazprom has agreed to develop "two or three" blocks of the monstrous South Pars gas field in Iran.
The daughter company, Gazpromneft, will also be part of a huge oil project in Iran.
Gazprom has been in South Pars since 1997,
The Washington political pressure on European multinationals such as TotalFinaElf and Royal Dutch Shell as well as on European banks has helped to lead to Gazprom's victory in Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Iran: clash
Mondaymorning newsagency Fars reported a big explosion in the city of Tabriz, East-Azerbaijan.
Later it was announced that constructionworkers were blasting the Einali mountain to build a road.
There were no reports of casualties.According to National Council of Resistance of Iran, newsagencies and various blogs (thank you Saggezard ), there were clashes Saturdayevening, on Sadeghiyeh Square in Tehran between present people and the policeforces of Basij.
The blog Serendip has a filmp, and here is another one.
The riot started with the arrest of a young woman they said was inappropriately dressed; during the arrest she was beaten up and bleeded.
Witnesses set fire and started shouting slogans against President Ahmadinejad.
Reportedly 15 people got arrested.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Iran: figures
Out of 7597 registered candidates for the parliamentary elections next March, the Guardian Council qualified 4500 hopefulls.
The spokesman of the Guardian Council said Saturday that rejected candidates have until Tuesday to appeal against disqualification.
The spokesman of a broad reformist coalition, which brings together 30 pro-reform groups, said on Saturday they could only compete for 90 seats.
The parliament has 290 seats.
Reformists had been hoping to challenge conservative hardliners in parliament.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Iran: view
The Japanese student Satoshi Nakamura, 23, who was kidnapped in Sistan-e-Baluchestan in October 2007, is still not released.
Februar 15 wrote IRNA that Japan's Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura asked Iran to spend more efforts aimed at freedom of the student.
He asked this in a meeting with the secretary of Iran's Human Rights Headquarters, Mohammad-Javad Larijani.
Larijani assured him that Iran would take advantage of the entire possibilities at its disposal, to put a happy ending to this sad incidence.
He also said that Nakamura has been kidnapped by a notorious group of bandits.In a meeting with a journalist from Tokyo Shimbun daily, the Vice President in charge of Iran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHTO), invited Japanese tourists to visit Iran.
At this way they can learn first-hand about the rich Persian civilization and cultural heritage.
Before he said that in spite of neighboring war-torn countries, Iran enjoys security and peaceThe World Baha'i Service announced that the Iranian parliament is considering legislation to The Penal Code of which in particular Section 5 violates human rights.
Section5 states that punishment for apostate is death.
(english) , (farsi) Article 225-1:
Any Muslim who clearly announces that he/she has left Islam and declares blasphemy is an apostate.
Information about islam and blasphemy is here.
The principal representative of the Baha'i International Community to the United Nations says that if adopted, the code will permit the government and the clergy to act with impunity against Iran's citizens on the sole basis of their religious affiliation.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Iran: methods
Last year during May Day 2007 arrested workers in Sanandaj are sentenced in appeal by Appeals Court of the Kurdistan Province to lashes and high fines.
The Unions strongly object to these punishments and called for writing protestletters to the Supreme Leader and the President.
Tuesday, Fares Gavilian and Habibollah Kalekani were detained and whipped when they attended the Court of Administration of Sentences in Sanandaj, following a summons.
Last Saturday, Seddigh Amjadi was beaten with ten strikes of the lash when he attended the court.
The names of the workers are:
Khaled Savari,
Eghbal Latifi,
Yadullah Moradi,
Tayeb Mollaee,
Fars Goilian,
Sadiq Amjadi,
Habibollah Kalkani,
Mohiuddin Rajabi,
Tayeb Chatani,
Sadiq Sobhani and
Abbas Anadyari. .
Also Sheys Amani and Sediq Karimi, both members of the executive board of the Union of Dismissed and Unemployed Workers, have been sentenced to two and half years jail time but there is no final decision on their appeal.
The Union of Dismissed and Unemployed Workers will launch a complaint with the ILO and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) about all these cases, especially the whipping sentences.Iran increased fishing Caspian Sea sturgeons producing black caviar, by 40 percent during the current Iranian calendaryear.
Last year Iran had 27 percent of Caspian Sea sturgeons but by employing skilled fishermen, better payment and improved methods, the increase of fishing showed 50-percent growth.
Iranian legally produced caviar contains 30 percent protein and is a very high quality.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Iran: sand like oil
Four men are hanged yesterday in Evinprison, Tehran.
One man, Peyman, 34, was hanged for murdering his wife, and Mohammad, 31, was hanged for killing his neighbour in a fight over shovelling snow in winter 2004.
Saber, 32 years and Ali-Akbar, 27 years were accused of murder.The website of National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) says that by de State Security Forces (SSF) 10 Sunni missionaries have been arrested and transferred to Gohardashtprison in Rajaishahr.
Their names are:
Rasoul Mavet, Souran Fasehi, Mohammad Khaki, Simand Hosseini, Masoud Javadi, Kaveh Seyedzadeh, Edris Mondaris, Azad Qaderzadeh, Kayvan Khodadadi and Khalid Marofi. In Ahwaz, province Khuzestan made a sudden sandstorm people seek shelter.
Pictures are here.Sunday opened Iran its first oil products bourse in a free trade zone on the Persian Gulf Island of Kish.
A statement posted on the ministry's Web site said 100 tons of polyethylene consignment was traded at the market. The island houses the offices of about 100 Iranian and foreign oil companies.
Iran produces more than 20 million tons of petrochemical products per year.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Iran: sentence
The daily Iran reported that in the city of Isfahan Monday two men have been hanged in prison.
The first man, Iraj killed Ahmad Zamanian two years ago who was driving him from the city of Ahvaz to Shahrekord.
The other man Omid murdered Reza Shakiba in order to steal his car around two years ago.
According to newsagency Fars are Wednesday in the city of Zanjan six men hanged in prison.
They were allegedly part of a criminal gang who robbed jewellery stores in the region.Last week sentenced to death student-journalist Yaghoub Mehrahad is sentenced for terroristic activities.
Judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi said Tuesday that Mehrahad is sentenced for membership in the terrorist Jundallah group as well as for crimes against national security.He did not give further details .
Mehrahad is reporter for Tehran-based daily newspaper Mardomsalari. He also runs a charity that focuses on childhood education.
He can appeal the sentence to Iran's Supreme Court.
According to Rooz-online this verdict from the already in May arrested journalist is a cover up for evidence of severe tortures undergone by Mehrahad while in detention.
He was arrested with his younger brother and four other members of the "Youth Voice of Justice" group.
They all were released after spending fewer than 3 months in jail except Mehrahad.
According to a Amir Kabir News bulletin in the last meeting between Yaghoub Mehrahad and a family member, which took place 2 months ago, signs of torture were apparent on Yaghoub's head, face and body, and he had lost considerable weight.In the city of Karaj are three men whipped in public at a busy metro station.
They were accused of rape and robbery of women.
The daily Kayhan reported that policecommander Nasser Aslani said that the three men had been arrested for picking up women in a car, threatening them with a knife and then raping them in a deserted area outside the city.
Why it had taken place at a metro stop and what other punishment the three criminals could face after the whipping, was not mentioned.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Iran: review
A man, named Sharif has reportedly stoned his fourteen-year-old daughter to death in Zahedan because for allegedly having a relationship with a man.
His wife reported him to police after he and a friend killed the girl .
He showed no sign of remorse during interrogation by the police and told them that he did not have another choice.Iranian Shia religious authorities have issued a religious edict allowing crocodile meat to be eaten by moslims.
The meat of amphibian animals is deemed 'haram' or forbidden under Islam, while fish and seafood may be consumed.
Iranian regions have for some time been breeding crocodiles for their valuable skins, but the breeders did not know what to do with the crocodile meat.
The Short-Muzzle crocodile, known by local people as the Gando, or Persian Crocodile, grows up to five metres in length and is indigenous to Iran.Iranian lawmakers have urged the government to review political and trading ties with Denmark and the Netherlands over the reprinting of the Muhammed-cartoons in some Danish and Dutch newspapers.
Iran previously urged the Dutch government to prevent the screening of the "Wilders-film".The Guardian Council reinstated another 251 candidates for parliamentary elections.
This brings the total up to 851 reinstated candidates.
According to the Guardian Council spokesman Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei the list contains qualified nominees from various political groups, including Reformist and Osulgara candidates.
The Guardian Council is expected to announce the full list of the hopefuls qualified for the elections, to be held on March 14, by February 22.The spokesman for National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) said that Iran started importing 1 million cubic meters of gas daily from Azerbaijan.
About 20 days ago Iran began the gasimport being used to supply part of the national gas network, especially in the nation's western provinces such as Ardabil and West- and East-Azerbaijan.
He added that the gas import is not a substitute for gas supplies that were halted from Turkmenistan.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Iran: criticize
In Khorasan Razavi province are two men hanged to death.
According to ISNA the two unnamed men were sentenced to death for respective rape and murder.Iranian drivers have refused to unload cargo in Turkmenistan until authorities look into a case of 'police assault' against a colleague truckdriver.
IRNA reported that an Iranian truckdriver was badly beaten by Turkmen police and was transferred to a hospital in Qouchan.
The driver was objecting to the hygienic conditions at the parking area allocated to Iranian drivers.For instance the lack of hygiene facilities such as toilets.
One of the 80 drivers said that Turkmen police try to extort money from Iranian drivers with the help of unsavory women and if the drivers refuse to pay, they beat them up.An Iranian ayatollah died suddenly of a heart attack during a speech lashing out at insults against the family of Ayatollah Khomeini in the run-up to elections.
The daily Kargozan reported that Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Tavassoli(77), a former head of Khomeini's office, died while delivering the speech to the Expediency Council, of which he was a member.
He had been responding to unprecedented ultra-conservative attacks against Hassan Khomeini, Ayatollah Khomeini's grandson, who had criticised mass disqualifications in the March election and military interference.The Iranian Interior Ministry has prepared a new set of ethical guidelines in a bid to regulate election campaigns in the country.
The guidelines have been inspired by the late Imam Khomeini's remarks and those of the Leader of the Islamic Republic and drawn up by a group of experts.
The final copy of them will be handed over to the candidates, media and people.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.