Friday, August 01, 2008

Iran: anti

In the prison of the city of Ahbar, near Zanjan is July 31 a man hanged.
The man, Asadollah is according to newsagency ISCA convicted for a murder he committed six years ago.

The organization Physicians for Human Rights has started an online petition for
Dr. Arash Alaei and Dr. Kamiar Alaei,two wellknown Iranian HIV/Aidsexperts, who were arrested in the end of June.
Since then their whereabouts are unknown.
Also there are no charges.
Physicians for Human Rights calls upon Iran to release these physicians immediately or charge them.
(Photo rfe/rl)

Iran plans to take part in an anti-drug drive in Afghanistan with other countries.
The deputy head of Iran's Anti-Drug Headquarters, said Thursday that Afghanistan had an increase in poppy cultivation from 85% for the production of opium in 2008.
UN calculates that the international drug trade generates $322 billion per year in revenue,
which makes drugs the most lucrative illicite activity in 2008.
Over the last 5 years Iran contributed $50 million annually to the Afghan government to help the country in its anti-drug efforts.
Reports say poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has reached an all-time high since 2001.
In many regions of Afghanistan, poppyculture is stabilized or dropped,but in the five southern provinces, controlled by Taliban is produced enough of the plant to double the world's opium output between 2005 and 2007.

In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.

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