Mir Hossein Mousavi revealed some untold stories of the Iran/Iraq war.
The article is here
source: droi.wordpress.com
The political prisoner Reza Joshan went in coma on the 6th day of his dry hungerstrike and was transferred to the hospital of Gohardasht prison of Karaj .
Reza Joshan, 25, was arrested on December 1, 2009 by intelligence agency officers at his home. He was transferred to solitary cells of IRGC and then to ward 4 after 2 months.
source: HRHIThe 54e branch of the appeals court upheld the sentence of 7 ½ years in prison for Milad Asadi, a studentactivist and member of Daftar-e-Tahkim Vahdat (Office for Consolidating Unity).
The sentence for Bahareh Hedayat of 9½ years was also upheld.
The sentence of Amir Khosrow Dalirsani, a nationalist-religious activist, member of Committee against Arbitrary Arrests and seniormember of Jonbesh Mosalmanan Mobarez, to 4 years in prison is upheld in appeal's court.
The verdict of 1 year in prison and 74 lashes, and a ban from journalism to 15 years against journalist Peyman Aref is confirmed in appeal. Peyman Aref is currently on prison leave for treating his heart condition.
In appeal's court the sentence of Massoud Babapour, student at Garmsar Azad University to 2 years in prison, is upheld.
Rahim Rash, Vahed Dastmordi, Salah Ahmadi, and Himan Rostami , 4 residents of the villages Albelagh and Kouseh Keriz in Mahabad are arrested on July 21.
De reden is onbekend.
According to the statistics of HRHI 19 Kurdish residents and activists have been detained from June 22nd through July 22nd.
Morteza Golizadeh from Arak, member of Province of Markazi Jebheh Mosharkat(Islamic Iran Participation Front) is sentenced to 1 year in prison.
source: HRHI
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Iran: further
iran human
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