The Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Workers Syndicate and the Inaugural Committee of the Metal Workers Union released a joint statement on the recent amendments to the labor law being discussed in the Iranian Parliament.
source: iranlaborreport.comList of diplomatic cables released by wikileaks concerning
Iran from June 2009 to 2010.A pictorial report on the first anniversary of the establishment of the Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination (PCED), on November 28, 2010.
Different programs on the occasion of this day were carried out in Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, and Utrecht (the Netherlands).A statement of the International Campaign of Human Rights Lawyers (ICHRL) to ask the head of the Judiciary to immediately halt the execution of Shahla Jahed.
humanrights violationsreport week of 22 november.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Iran: moving
Monday, November 29, 2010
Iran: naming
November 25 are Ibrahim Soleimani, Borhan Razkhadiv, Hamid Maryami and Omid Nouri arrested in a village near Marivan.There is no information about there whereabouts.
In recent months were several civil rights, political, cultural and literary activists arrested by the security forces in Kurdistan, who are still in prisonlimbo.
Mokhtar Houshmand, Behzad Kurdistani, Aziz Naseri, Bahman Fatahzadeh, Borhan Derakhshani, Bariar Kaveh, Borhan Khosravi, Amir Kaveh, Mosleh Badakhsh, Mokhtar Afra, Mahmoud Moradani, Keyvan Nikpey, Jamal Parvazeh, Farzad Badakhsh, Ghanea Kaveh, Zana Kasraei, Hiva Minavi, Majid Bakhtiari, Hajir Ebrahimi, Loghman Moradi and Zanyar Moradi are other Marivan residents who were arrested.
source: HRHIThe daughter of Islamic Iran Participation Frontmember, Dr. Kianoush-Rad, Sajedeh Kianoush-Rad and her husband Behrouz Shahrokhnia have been arrested along with several other people after security agents raided their homes.
A number of individuals have been summoned to the Prosecutor’s Office in Evin Prison.
source: HRHIIRNA reports that the nuclear scientist Majid Shahriari of the Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, was killed in a bombattack. His wife got wounded.
In another bombattack got another nuclear scientist Fereydoon Abbasi and his wife wounded.
The bombs were by attackers riding on motorcycles attached to the car windows of their cars.
source: BBCOne of the "cables" of the leaked wikileaksdocuments reports that the King of Saudi-Arabia urged USA to attack Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Iran: further
November 27 was one man hanged in the prison of Isfahan.
The man, Hossein M., was sentenced to death for rape while two other men were convicted to 74 lashes and up to 18 years prisonsentences for immoral acts and helping the main convict.
November 22 were 2 bahai arrested in Ramsar.
Majid Agha-Safari and Seraj Kian were arrested by the security forces while participating in a religious ceremony.
source: HRHI
Massoud Ataeian, a Baha’i citizen of Ghaemshahr was held for 3 months in solitary confinement in the detentioncentre of the ministry of information in Sari and began his prisonsentence of 10 months in the prison of Ghaemshahr.
Iran Human Rights Voice published a week report about human rights violations in Iran
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Iran: loosely
According to online newspaper were 4 members of Al-Qaeda arrested in the Mehrabad Airport.
They arrived in Tehran from Zahedan.
A camera, a laptop, several flashcards, national dresses of the people of Baluchestan and Afghanistan and several ID cards were confiscated.
The full list of names of the released political prisoners from ward 350 of Evinprison has been published by Kalame website.
The names have not been confirmed by any official government sources.
1. Abbas Kakai (Kurdish Student at Tehran University arrested last year on 16 Azar, Students Day)
2. Amir Hossein Kazemi (Member of Youth Branch of the Freedom Movement (Nehzat-e-Azadi))
3. Javad Mahzadeh (Writer and journalist)
4. Alireza Moradi (Kurdish Student at Tehran University)
5. Arman Rezakhani (IT Student)
6. Yaser Torkaman (Student at Amir Kabir University)
7. Hamzeh Baghban (Arrested on Ashura)
8. Sina Golchin (Student at Tehran Azad University Central)
9. Abtin Ghaffari (Artist arrested on February 10th, 2010)
10. Naser Abad-al-Hosseini (sentenced to 12 years prison)
11. Reza Khademi (sentenced to 12 years prison)
12. Iman Azarban (Student arrested on Ashura and sentenced to 6 years prison)
13. Masoud Babapour (Industrial Engineering Student at University of Azad Garmsar)
14. Amir Reza (Golchin) Arefi (Member of the Royal Society, sentenced to 15 years prison)
15. Saman Nouranian (Student arrested on Ashura)
16. Abad-al-Rahman Mahoosh (Sentenced to 18 months prison)
17. Saeed Rahbari
18. Fateh Sobhani
19. Mohsen Jafari (Sentenced to 3 years prison)
There are also reports that a number of other political and student activists are to be released from prison in the next two days.
source: banooyesabzirani.blogspot.comStudent-aktivist Siavash Hatam, secretary of Muslim Student Association at the Hamedan Bou Ali Sina University is arrested by agents of the Ministry of Information in the middle of his exams and transferred to an undisclosed location.
In recent weeks also Ali Gholizadeh, Alireza Kiani, Mohsen Barzegar and Mohamamd Heidarzadeh, four members of Tahkim Vahdat (Office for Consolidating Unity) were arrested.
It is speculated that they have been detained since Student Day is approaching.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Iran: quantity
On the eve of Eid-al-Ghadir, are a number of political prisoners released from Evinprison.
According to sources 19 people were released from ward 350 , including
Abbas Kakai, Sina Golchin, Alireza Moradi, Amir Hossein Kazemi, Javad Mahzadeh, Naser Abad-al-hosseini, Reza Khademi, Iman Azarian and Abtin Ghaffari.
Abbas Kakai was arrested on last years 16 Azar, Students Day and was sentenced to one year in prison, he was released with only a few days remaining of his sentence.
When further names of released prisoners are received they will be published by Kalame.
source: banooyesabzirani.blogspot.comAhmadinejad wants girls to get married with 16, and boys with 20.
Thus he tries to reverse the populationplanning and wants an increase of the population from 75 million to 150 million people.
Since 2006 he is asking for a babyboom. Last July Iran started to pay money for each childbirth.
The efforts of Ahmadinejad are a u-turn to the birtcontrolpractice in Iran.
After the 1979 islamic revolution the population exploded from 33 million people in 1979 to 50 million people in 1986, so that familyplanning became required.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Iran: written
Journalist Hengameh Shahidi is hospitalized in the hospital of Evinprison.
October 28, she was temporarily released after being granted a medical leave of absence. However, on 15 November she was returned to Evin prison after the medical leave of absence was not extended despite undergoing medical treatment.
She began her hunger strike immediately to protest this.
A source told International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that when the family went to visit her,they after waiting for four hours were told that they weren’t able to see her due to a deterioration in her condition and her being hospitalised in the prison clinic.
source:en.greenvoice.comMore dan 100 prominent political activists sent an open letter to secretary-general of the UN Ban Ki-Moon, in which they urge him to use all his "international prerogatives and good offices" for the release of 80-year-old political prisoner Ebrahim Yazdi and other “innocent political prisoners” currently held in Iran.
Among the signatories are Shirin Ebadi(nobel laureate), Abdolali Bazargan (writer, Political activist), Abdolkarim Soroush (Philosopher, Professor), Rajabali Mazrooei (former MP, Political activist), Ahmad Sadri (Professor), Mahmoud Sadri (Professor), Mohsen Kadivar (Senior Cleric, Professor), Ayatollah Mohajerani (former Minister of Culture, writer) and Hasan Yousefi Eshkevari (Cleric, writer).
source: en.greenvoice.comAfter signing a petition titled "“Form a Fact-finding Committee to Review Election Events”, 11 political prisoners from Evinprison were summoned to court and interrogated and charged.
They were also threatened that if they don’t denounce their petition, they will be charged with publishing lies and inciting the public, and new prison terms will be added to their previous sentences.
Kaleme reported that a group of 350 prisoners in Evinprison issued a statement calling for the formation of a fact finding committee to uncover the truth about the presidential election and its aftermath.
Following this, the prisoners were questioned at length by the interrogators and were threatened to be exiled to remote prisons.
Among them were Majid Dori, transferred to Behbahan Prison, and Kouhyar Goodarzi, transferred to Rajai Shahr prison, while Ali Parviz was released after completing his one year prisonsentence.
Mohsen Aminzadeh and Mohsen Mirdamadi, members of the Islamic Participation Front and undersigners of the petition, protested against these illegal interrogations of prisoners.
Bahman Ahmadi Amouie, Saeed Milad Asadi, Ali Tajernia, Mohammad Davari, Amir Khosro Dalirsani, Mohammad Farid Taheri Ghazvini, Keyvan Samimi, Ali Malihi and Abdollah Momeni are other signatories who were interrogated for hours last week.
source: persian2english
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Iran: more of the same
In the prison of the city of Kashan is according to the newspaper "Nesfe Jahan" on 23 november a man hanged.
The man Mahmood N. (24) was sentenced to death for keeping 500 gram of crack.
source: iranhr.netIn the border area of Nosood, Kurdistan, has a group of streetvendors been shot at by soldiers of the revolutionary guards.
As a result Shahou Babai, son of Younes, from Javanrood, has been killed.
souce: persian2englishAhead of Students Day, 16 Azar, is internet access filtered on the dormitories of Tehran Medical and Science University. Also the accounts are disconnected once every 30 minutes, so downloading anything is almost impossible.
Other universities, Elm o Sanat and Khaje Nasir University are encountering similar problems.
Tehran Trade Room wants to implement a plan to make it possible to fine store-owners who do not put up signs which say that ‘improperly veiled women are banned from entering".
list with 87 names (Farsi) of imprisoned students.
humanrights violations report part 2, week of 15 november
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Iran: ongoing
The appeal of Hussein Ronaghi, the blogger who is sentenced to 15 years in jail has been transferred to the 54th branch of the appeals court of Judge Lotfi.
According to a source he is still held in solitary confinement since his arrest in december 2009 and his family has only been able to visit him 4 times since.
Last week Sara Sabaghian one of his lawyers, has been arrested.
source: HRHIFour prisoners in Saghezprison went in hungerstrike November 16.
Jabbar Reza, Shafigh Ghazizadeh, Foad Jafari and Jafar Faraji are protesting the failure of the authorities to follow up on their case and to grant them prison leave.
source: HRHI
Unless the victims family forgives her will Shahla Jahed be hanged on December 1.
She is sentenced to death for murdering her lovers wife, nine years ago.
The woman's lawyer says that he hasn't received the sentencing yet.
source: moriab.blogspot.comAccording to a report in Kaleme is Hamid Mohseni, the head of the office of Mousavi op 22 november released.
Hij was arrested in mid September. He spent 2½ month in solitary confinement and was only allowed to a few short telephone conversations with his family.
list of political prisoners, october 2010
list of secret executions, october 2010
Iran in the worldpress 22 november 2010
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Iran: threathening
At clashes in the city of Sanandaj Sunday, two men have been killed.
According to the Minister of Information the men were leaders of a Wahabbian terroristgroup who have been on the run since the last terrorist activity in Hamedan Province.
Two bombs were discovered and defused in Sanandaj before.
source: press.tvThe date for the trial against the 3 American hikers is set to February 6th 2011.
They will be charged with illegal bordercrossing and espionage.
The trial was supposed to start on 6 November, but her lawyer said that Sarah Shourd, who was released on bail, was not summoned.
The other two Americans, Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, stay in prison.
source: 31, 2008 the Kurdish political activist Hossein Khezri was arrested in Kermanshah. 49 days he was interrogated and tortured so much that his eyesight is now severely affected.
May 11th 2009, he was transferred to Orumiehprison, West Azerbaijan province. He has been sentenced to death for moharebeh (waging war with god) and endangerment to state security.
The verdict was upheld by branch 10 of the Appeals Court in West Azerbaijan and the deathsentence is confirmed by branch 31 of the Supreme Court.
source: persian2english.comTwo prisoners of ward 2 of Gohardashtprison tried to commit suicide due to the high pressure in prison.
November 12, Khan Ali Taran, 57, a prisoner of section 6, Ward 2 committed suicide and succeeded.
The same day, another prisoner who was recently arrested and transferred to ward 2, also tried to commit suicide. This prisoner survived.
The refugee student Omid Golbaz, was attacked in Turkey and almost killed by a masked Farsi speaking perpetrator.
Golbaz has been threathened previously multiple times.
In 2001 he was banned to study on any school and since then he was arrested and tortured many times.
In 2009 he was arrested in July and transferred to a place with whereabouts still unknown, even to him to this day. He was beaten and tortured so severely, that his fingers were broken.
After this he was transferred to Evinprison and was released after paying bail
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Iran: further
German newspaper Bild am Sontag rejects the accusation of Iran that two of its reporters are spies.
They demand their immediate release.
In October the reporters were arrested while interviewing the son of Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, a woman sentenced to death by stoning for murder and adultery.
source: bild.deIn is an article about the Stuxnetworm which attacked computers in nuclear installations in Iran.
Iran says that the attack did not affect its nuclear program, but experts say it's possible that the worm is the reason why Iran delayed the start of its uranium enrichment program.
source: readwriteweb.comFull text of the statement of Mir Hossein Mousavi on the eve of the month Azar and Students Day.
weekly updates of persian2english.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Iran: shield
32 prison guards of the Revolutionary Guards in Gohardashtprison in Karaj, along with 14 military officers, raided and searched violently Thursdaymorning all cells of prisonblock 4, where political prisoners are held. They beat prisoners and destroyed their personal belongings.
source: daughtersofthelight.briefs.blogspot.comNovember 14 was Adel Fanaian a Bahai from Semnan arrested at his workplace.He was transferred to the Ministry of Information in Semnan.
Rofia Bidaghi was temporary released.
Currently, 3 female Baha’i citizens and 3 male citizens are in prison.
Siamak Ighani, Behnam Motoarefi and Adel Fanaian are in jail in Semnan. Sahba Rezvani, Manijeh Monzavian and Sousan Tabayanian were transferred to Evin prison.
A number of other Semnan Baha’i citizens are awaiting their sentence.
They are charged with anti-regimepropaganda by propaganda for the Bahai faith..
source: HRHIFriday said UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-Moon that he was invited by Mohammad Javed Larijani to visit Iran in the coming year..
source: en.trend.azAccording to Air Force Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, a high commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, are Tehran and other critical spots under a protectionshield of an anti-cruise defense system.
The general said this at the ongoing "Modafean Aseman Velayat 3" (Guardians of Velayat Skies) drills.
He also said that the armed forces employ newly unveiled defense systems and radars and exercise electronic warfare at commanding and control centers to prepare for any potential incursion against the country.
part 1 of a serie about the roots of Iranian refugees.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Iran: violation
In the city of Amol is Navid Mohebbi, 18 , being tried. He is worlds youngest blogger .
The trial is being held behind closed doors and his lawyer is not being allowed to attend the trial.
He is accused of acting against national security, insulting the Islamic Republic’s founder and current leader by means of foreign media. He is also accused of being a member of “One Million Signatures” Campaign.
At the moment 10 bloggers are in jail in Iran.
One of them is Ahmad Reza Ahmadpour a cleric and editor of the website, “Silent Echo” who is in prison in the city of Qom since 27 December 2009.
He is convicted to 1 year in prison for “disseminating false information attacking the government” and “discrediting the Shiite clergy.” He went in hungerstrike to protest the prisonconditions and wrote an open letter to UN secretary Ban Ki-Moon.
source: en.rsf.orgHaleh Rouhi, Raha Sabet en Mr. Sasan Taqva are already 4 years imprisoned in Shiraz.
In 2006 they were arrested along with 51 other Bahai and moslimfriends for participating in an education program for underprivileged children.
Their 10 moslim co-workers and one Baha'i with learning difficulties were released. The others were convicted of "indirect teaching of the Baha'i Faith."
Ms. Rouhi, Ms. Sabet en Mr. Taqva were sentenced to four years in prison, the others were given one year sentences, suspended pending their attendance at mandatory Islamic classes.
They still are being detained in one of the temporary detentioncenters of the Ministry of Intelligence.
source: news.bahai.orgA committee of the United Nations General Assembly accuses Iran of serious humanrights violations.
The resolution was supported by USA, EU, Canada, and other Western countries. In voting on November 18 the resolution was accepted with 80 votes in favor, 44 against and 57 abstentions.
The resolution expressed "deep concern at serious ongoing human rights violations" in Iran, including torture, flogging, amputations, stoning, and pervasive gender inequality and violence against women.
The resolution is expected to be formally adopted by the General Assembly in December.
source: rferl.orgNovember 18 are 3 workers at Haft Tapeh Sugarcanefactory in Ahwaz convicted to 6 months in jail.
Behrouz Nikoufard, Alireza Saeed, and Behrouz Molazadeh are convicted of of showing disrespect to the supreme leader.
The head of the union, Reza Rakhshan was acquitted, but he warned him that he should expect a two-year jail sentence once his case comes up for review.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.