In the city of Amol is Navid Mohebbi, 18 , being tried. He is worlds youngest blogger .
The trial is being held behind closed doors and his lawyer is not being allowed to attend the trial.
He is accused of acting against national security, insulting the Islamic Republic’s founder and current leader by means of foreign media. He is also accused of being a member of “One Million Signatures” Campaign.
At the moment 10 bloggers are in jail in Iran.
One of them is Ahmad Reza Ahmadpour a cleric and editor of the website, “Silent Echo” who is in prison in the city of Qom since 27 December 2009.
He is convicted to 1 year in prison for “disseminating false information attacking the government” and “discrediting the Shiite clergy.” He went in hungerstrike to protest the prisonconditions and wrote an open letter to UN secretary Ban Ki-Moon.
source: en.rsf.orgHaleh Rouhi, Raha Sabet en Mr. Sasan Taqva are already 4 years imprisoned in Shiraz.
In 2006 they were arrested along with 51 other Bahai and moslimfriends for participating in an education program for underprivileged children.
Their 10 moslim co-workers and one Baha'i with learning difficulties were released. The others were convicted of "indirect teaching of the Baha'i Faith."
Ms. Rouhi, Ms. Sabet en Mr. Taqva were sentenced to four years in prison, the others were given one year sentences, suspended pending their attendance at mandatory Islamic classes.
They still are being detained in one of the temporary detentioncenters of the Ministry of Intelligence.
source: news.bahai.orgA committee of the United Nations General Assembly accuses Iran of serious humanrights violations.
The resolution was supported by USA, EU, Canada, and other Western countries. In voting on November 18 the resolution was accepted with 80 votes in favor, 44 against and 57 abstentions.
The resolution expressed "deep concern at serious ongoing human rights violations" in Iran, including torture, flogging, amputations, stoning, and pervasive gender inequality and violence against women.
The resolution is expected to be formally adopted by the General Assembly in December.
source: rferl.orgNovember 18 are 3 workers at Haft Tapeh Sugarcanefactory in Ahwaz convicted to 6 months in jail.
Behrouz Nikoufard, Alireza Saeed, and Behrouz Molazadeh are convicted of of showing disrespect to the supreme leader.
The head of the union, Reza Rakhshan was acquitted, but he warned him that he should expect a two-year jail sentence once his case comes up for review.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Iran: violation
iran human
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