The site Milk and Cookies shows this video:
source:youtube, milkandcookies.comReports say that Zahra Jabbari's condition has worsened.
Due to a lack of medical treatment she slipped into a coma and is on the vierge of death.
Jabbari is in Evinprison since 2009 and has a rheumatic heartdisease.
source: freedomessenger.comThe father of Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mir Esmail Mousavi died March 30. He was 103 years old. The funeral was held on March 31 .
A lot of people attended the funerald and security forces reportedly arrested at least seven people.
Mir Hossein Mousavi and his wife Zahra Rahnavard were allowed, accompanied by a sizeable number of security forces, to say their final farewells to their father last night.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Iran: life
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Iran: health
The father of imprisoned blogger Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki, 24 told Radio Farda that his son has serious kidneyproblems.
He was sentenced to 15 years in jail. He was arrested December 2009 and spent more than a year in solitary confinement in one of the departments of IRCG before he was transferred to ward 350 of Evinprison.
His kidneys became infected while he was in solitary confinement.
source: rferl.orgMarch 28th political prisoner Mohsen Dogmechi died in Rajae Shahrprison.Dogmechi suffered from pancreatic cancer and doctors lost hope last year.
When he was diagnosed with cancer, prison officials refused him treatment and chemotherapy.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Iran: opposition
The wife of Emadedin Baghi, imprisoned journalist and founder of Society to Defend Prisoners, said in an interview with International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that the prosecutor of Tehran did not allow her husband a newyear furlough at home.
Baghi is serving a prisonsentence of 7 years in Evinprison.Journalist Ahmad Zeidabadi is denied also a Nowruzfurlough.
Zeidabadi has been arrested June 14, 2009 and was not allowed to leave prison since.
He is sentenced to six years in prison, five years’ exile in Gonabad, and a lifetime ban on social and political activities. An appeals court upheld Zeidabadi’s sentence.
The youtubechannel of Freedom messenger has been reactivated after being shutdown for the 2nd time.
Iran is constantly trying with fake copyrightclaims to shutdown communication channels of political opponents.
source: freedomessenger.comAn official of the American State Department said that possible changes in the Iranian regime is a question that must be decided by the Iranian people.
He said that even if America not likes the Iranian regime,they believe that this regime will be changed when Iranian people decide it needs to be changed, and by the Iranian people.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Iran: violations
March 14 were five people secretly hanged in Evinprison.
The executed are Adiva Soleyman, an Iranian Jew, her husband Varjan Petrosian, a Iranian Armenian, one woman and two unidentified men.There is no information on the charges.
The relatives of the executed couple who were planning to hold the funeral and burial ceremonies were threatened with arrest by security and intelligence forces.
Oxford University investigates claims that the doctoral thesis proposal of the son of Akbar Rafsanjani was written with the help of others.
Newspaper The Guardian wrote that he had help of university insiders.
Earlier this month it came out that Saif Kadaffi wrote his thesis with substantial help of people in the university. Recently, pro-government newspapers in Iran claimed that Hashemi Rafsanjani did not get his doctoral properly. Rafsanjani denies the allegations.
weekly report violence against women and religious and ethnic minorities.
weekly report inhumane treatment and cruel punishments.
weekly report of systematic violation of the right to life.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Iran: suppression
In the last month, at least four residents of Abdanan in Ilam province have attempted suicide, Three persons succeeded.
Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reports that the cause of this tragic wave of suicide is the widespread poverty, addiction, unemployment, and family disputes.
In recent years, suicide rates, particularly self-immolation attempts, have increased in Ilam province. Ilam province, which is disproportionately disadvantaged compared to other provinces in Iran, has been placed at the top of Iran’s suicide charts for female self-immolation.
For the second time it is tried to take the youtube channel of Freedom Messenger. On the Youtube channel are some 3000 videos and it is an important information source for people inside or outside Iran.
The Iranian government is increasing her efforts preventing news leaving or entering Iran by shutdown the internet.The Jerusalem Post and Reuters report that Iran has stepped up its involvement in suppressing the protests in Syria.
Protestors have told, among other things, that they heard the security guards speak Farsi.
In recent years Iran and Syria had close ties.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Iran: more
In Sanandaj were Thursday two policeagents killed and diverse other people wounded.
Till now the attack was not claimed.
source: freedomessenger.comApril 5 is the birthday of humanrightsactivist Bahareh Hedayat.To celebrate this, a new awarenesscampaign is started.
December 31, 2009 she was arrested and July 25th, 2010 she was sentenced to 9½ years in prison.
Till now she was denied prison furlough, even not at the Iranian newyear.
source: persian2english.comEU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy said Thursday that the explanation of the EU Iranian ambassador about the housearrests of Karroubi and Mousavi is not convincing.In her statement she says that the immediate and unconditional release of these two men would dispel the impression that the continued restrictions under which they are held constitute a means of deliberate suppression of political opposition in Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Iran: more
Yasser Khomeini, the grandson of ayatolla Khomeini condemned the housearrest of Mousavi and Karroubi.
Website Kalemeh wrote this after Khomeini and his wife visited Ali, the son of Mehdi Karroubi.
Yasser and Hassan Khomeini, sons of Ahmad Khomeini have been repeatedly criticized for their refusal to support the government since the disputed presidential election in June 2009.
source: rferl.orgA new wave of arrests started in the new Iranian calendaryear.
Hrana and Iran Khabar wrote that in Sanandaj several workers’ union activists were arrested and in Kermanshah three employees at a bookstore were detained and in Kerman two children’s rights activists were arrested.
On the night of the Firefestival was Behnoud Ramezani, a student at Nooshiravani University of Technology in Babol killed by Bassij in Tehran. His body was delivered to his family two days after his death, under the condition that he be buried outside of Tehran.
Despite that in de preliminary autopsyreports described the cause of death as “multiple blows to the head by a hard object”, the “final” cause of death, however, was announced as a result of “explosion of a hand grenade”.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Iran: further
Computerworld reported that Iranian hackers attacked big networksites, like Google and Gmail, Microsoft, Skype and Yahoo.
They used bogus digital certificates to do this.
The IPadresses from the attack originated to IPadresses in Iran.
The IRGC openly recruited hackers and in recent months they have targeted a number of opposition sites.
source:, computerworld.comIn Geneva members of studentorganizations, former political prisoners and expelled and banned students challenged the official Iranian delegation and the state supported NGO's at the United Nations Human Rights Council Session, by telling about the worsening of the humanrights in Iran in the past 2 years.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Iran: ruling
Many Iranians go for their Nowruzholidays to Armenia. Women don't have to cover their hair and people are not forced to keep the Islamic code of conduct and appearance. Also music, clubs and concerts can be visited here, which are forbidden in Iran.
Since 2 years more and more Iranian tourists come to Armenia.
The increased tourism from Iran is very important to the Armenian touristindustry.
Rahim Rostami (19) whose request for asylum is denied in Norway, was extradited February 9th to Iran and brought to Tehran. Authorities interrogated him and he was transferred to Evinprison immediately. Reports have said that he is in solitary confinement.
In 2008 Rostami sought asylum in Norway as a juvenile. This request was denied.
Iranian authorities have recently signalized that Iranians who have sought asylum abroad should be charged for "dissemination of false propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran" and punished for that.
This means that seeking asylum by itself could be a reason for the Iranian authorities to subject the asylum seekers who are extradited to Iran, to persecution, imprisonment and ill-treatment.
Since February 2010 is political activist and student Mohammad Saber Abbasian in preliminary custody.Till now there have been 10 courtsessions in Shiraz to review the charges.
The 11e hearing is April 4. His casefile is 1050 pages.He has been charged with “propagating against the regime,” “acting against national security,” “insulting the Supreme Leader,” “insulting regime authorities such as the president and the Guardian Council,” “insulting sanctities,” and “propagating falsehoods.”
Humanrightsactivist and journalist Abdolreza Tajik is sentenced to 6 years in prison.
Hij was sentenced for "membership in illegal groups” and “propaganda against the regime".
He is is also accused of “publishing falsehoods in order to ignite public opinion.” The court has not yet issued a sentence related to that charge.
source: persian2english
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Iran: gold
A Nowruzcampaign is aimed special on political prisoners and their families.
The Campaign for the Green tries by visiting, the sending of videoclips, images and postcards to political prisoners and their family let them know they are not alone in their grief.
source: persian2english.comTehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Workers Syndicate calls in her Nowruzwish for the release of all imprisoned working people and especially Ebrahim Maddadi, Mansour Osaloo, Reza Shahabi and Gholamreza Gholamhosseini.
source: iranlaborreport.comAccording to Financial Times shows a Wikileakscable that Iran has bought significant amounts of gold.
The oilrevenues are primarely paid in US$.Since the protests throughout much of the Mideast a lot of countries are afraid that their Dollarstock will be frozen, so also Iran is in a gold-buying program.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Iran: Nowrush addresses
Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei criticised the Gulf nations allied to Washington for cracking down on their people and has called Western military action against Libya an excuse to gain neo-colonial control over the country.
He also voiced support for the demonstrators in the region and condemned the suppression, while in his own country, he crushed the protests and put hundreds of people in prison.
President Obama's Nowruzmessage for Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Iran: happy Nowruz
The newyear in Iran is Nowruz, 20 March 1390. This is celebrated in Iran and a lot of places in the world.
A list of festivities in the entire world.
Iranian authorities have released a number of political prisoners because of Nowrouz.
Among them are Yadollah Eslami,a former lawmaker, Ali Karroubi, the son of Mehdi Karroubi, Bagher Oskouyi, the head of the youthdepartment of National Trust Party and Mina Rezai-Farrokh, a protestor against the elections.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Iran: deaths
Political activist Ebrahim Mehtari who was a post-election detainee, arrested in 2009, foltered and abused in prison, was yesterdaynight attacked with a knife by two men, one of which was from Iran, and stuck multiple times.
He told International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that they fled when a policecar came.
Last month he and other victims participated in a panel about the humanrightssituation in Iran.
source: iranhumanrights.orgAccording to HRANAgroup at least 150 prisoners are dead or injured after bloody clashes erupted in Karaj’s Ghezel Hesar prison. March 15th approximately 3000 prisoners protested after hearing the news of plans to execute ten inmates.
They succeeded to force the doors from their cells, chanting: stop the executions.. Reports indicate that prison guards used live ammunitions to control the protesters.
source: persian2englishFebruary 15, Amir Hossein Tehranchi, 22 was shot in Tehran by security forces.
His body was stolen bij security agents and about nine days later he was buried in section 312 in Behesht Zahra cemetery.
His brother was arrested bij informationofficers and his family was threathened not to talk about his death to any one, then their other son will have the same story and will be buried just like him.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Iran: violence violation
International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported that in Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad 10 prisoners were executed secretly.
Reportedly the prisoners were hanged without their families or lawyers being informed.
Other than in Vakilabad, also there are similar executions inside Birjand and Taibad prisons taken place. Most of them are Afghan residents.
During interrogations and torture security agents broke the shoulder of Arash Sadeghi . He was transferred to solitary confinement and his prison furlough request for Norouz (the new year) was denied.
He was interrogated and tortured due to his recounting the circumstances leading to his mother’s death and his granting interviews with news organizations that are not in line with the regime.Guards killed a number of prisoners in the clashes that erupted a few nights ago in ward 2 of Ghezelhesar prison and wounded others. In ward 2 are prisoners who are sentenced to death.Prisonauthorities stated that a group of dangerous criminals and drugsdealers wanted to escape by disrupting and damaging the prison. Guards and other prisoners who opposed this act were able to prevent this group from accomplishing their plan.
This is in contrast to the accounts by the prisoners at Ghezelhesar prison, who said they were peacefully protesting their terrible prison conditions when they were violently attacked. Mohammad Pourabdollah, Massoud Aghai en Farzaneh are among political prisoners incarcerated in ward 3 of Ghezelhesar prison.
In Ghezelhesarprison are the telephonelines disconnected to prevent prisoners from giving information about the previous night’s events. 14 people are dead, and 33 injured as a result of the violent clashes that occurred in the prison.
source: HRHI
The supreme court in Iran announced that deathsentences will be issued within 10 days. According to the head of the judiciary it is important that these cases are handled quickly and ensured that the sentences are upheld, otherwise it has no effect on society.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Iran: fire
Newsagency Mehr reported that some prisoners who were sentenced to death in drugsrelated cases, set fire in Ghezel Hesar prison in Karaj.
They hoped to escape in the confusion, but the police managed to prevent their attempt.
source: en.trend.azThe boxer Muhammad Ali offered to travel to Iran to help to release the two detained american hitchhikers.
In February already he wrote a letter to Khamenei asking for their release. If he is going to Iran depends on his health and the eventually positive impact he can have.
source: HRHI reports that on the night of the Iranian firefestival almost 500 people have been arrested in Tehran.
According to Mehrnews were 64 people wounded. More than 461 dangerous combustibles and 23 hand grenades were caught by the police. Also was reported that the police also discovered and confiscated over 2000 kilograms of material used to produce combustibles.
source: persian2english
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Iran: further
Yesterday it was Charshanbe Soori (firefest).
In many cities, like Tehran, Pars, Pirouzi, Jomhouri Saadat Abad, Salsabeel, Nezam Abad, Farmanieh, Vanak, Motahari, Asr, Aria Shahr, came the people in the streets and were attacked by police and security forces.
There are also reports that tear gas has been used against protesters.
source: persian2english
Gholamreza Naser a pan-Iranian from Ahvaz is arrested . The reason is unknown, but it is speculated that he has been arrested for organizing the Charshanbeh Suri ceremony.He had previously been threatened by the Friday’s Prayers Imam for holding ancient Iranian ceremonies.Yesterday is in the city of Semnan Bahai Zhinous Nouran arrested. There is no report as to her whereabouts.
February 20 were Bahais Zohreh Nikayeen, Elham Roozbehi, TAraneh Torabi and Pouya Tabayanian arrested after their houses were searched.
Siamak Ighani is serving his 3 year prisonsentence since a few months ago.Zahra Jabbari is transferred to a hospital outside Evinprison. Despite her heartcondition she was deprived from a medical leave.
Nothing is known about her condition.
She is sentenced to 4 years in prison.
Aref Alvand’ a resident of Sanandaj has been arrested a week ago and transferred to an unknown location. He did not contact his family and his whereabouts are unknown.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.