At an accident with a crane at National Oil Engineering and Construction Company of Iran in Tehran, are during technical tests 2 engineers killed.
Two other employees were injured and are in hospital.
Investigations are going on.
Amnesty International calls for urgent action for prisoner of consciennce Dr.Arash Alaei.
He was along with his brother Kamiar sentenced to prison on espionage charges. Kamiar served his 3 years prisonsentence, Arash was sentenced to 6 years in prison.
source: persian2englishIran resumed shelling of the Hajj Omran border district in Erbil, Iraq.
The shelling was resumed on Tuesday and lasted for hours as raids targeted uninhabitable regions. The shooting was without leading to any casualties.
After a week of shelling residents said they worried it would bring instability to the region and damage crops on farms, leading to big losses.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Iran: further
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Iran: more deaths
Sources in Mashhad told The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that 26 people have been hanged in Mashhad on June 15, 2011.
In the same time the Mashhad Prosecutor Mahmoud Zoghi confirmed the secret group executions without mentioning the number of executions over the past two and half years.
Refraining from mentioning the exact number of executions carried out at Vakilabad in 2009 and 2010, Zoghi referred in the interview to executions carried out since the beginning of the Persian new year, between 21 March and 21 June 2011.
Recently, ICHRI reported of 10 executions 6 april, 12 executions 13 april, 10 executions 16 may and 16 executions in total on 23 and 24 may.
source: ICHRIFour political prisoners Behrouz Javid Tehrani, Mohammad Ali Mansouri, Farzad Madadzadeh and Saleh Kohandel have been transferred on June 28th to solitary confinement in Gohardashtprison Rajaei shahr in Karaj. The reason is unknown.
At the moment there are some 60 political prisoners from hall 12, ward 4 in isolation.
source: persian2englishPolitical prisoner Mohsen Aminzadeh is transferred to the intensive care unit at the heart center of Shariati Hospital.
Due his participation of the protest hungerstrike, his heartcondition has worsened.
source: HRHI
For the last ten years, the continuous shelling of Iran to Iraqi Kurdistan killed thousands of human lives.
Due to non-intervention of Washington and Baghdad, Iran is extending the shelling and under disguise of hunting members of dissident groups, Iran testfires her latest missiles.
The Iranian consul confirmed these attacks on Kurdistan borders.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Iran: achieve
A commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) said that Iran is capable to target bases in the Persian Gulf and any part of Israel.
He said so on the second day of the 10-day military exercise "Prophet 6," including testing of the Shahab-3 ballistic missile, which has a range of up to 2,000 kilometers.
source: rferl.orgThe 12 hungerstrikers from ward 350 of Evin prison ended their hungerstrike, this does not signal an end to their protest against human rights violations.
In a statement they thank everybody for their support and among other things they state that they will continue to protest the humanrights violations.
The undersigned are:
Bahman Ahmadi Amoui, Hassan Asadi Zeidabadi, Mohsen Aminzadeh, Emad Bahavar, Ghorban Behzadiyan Nejad, Mohammad Davari, Khosro Dalirsani, Feyzollah Arabsorkhi, Abolfazl Ghadyani, Mehdi Karimiyan Eghbal, Mohammad Reza Moghiseh and Abdollah Momeni.
source: HRHIWomenrightsactivist and filmmaker Mahnaz Mohammadi is arrested. She had been arrested before in July 2009 after the elections.
Mohammadi has produced renowned documentaries about women and women’s issues in the past years.
No reason was given for her arrest.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Iran: more
According to newspaper Etelaat is Saturday, June 24, a man hanged in the prison of Shahre Kord.
The man, Ayub Taqizadeh Boroujeni was convicted for rape.
source:daughtersofthelight.blogspot.comMasoud Bastani and Isa Saharkhiz, have been transported to the infirmerie of Rajaei Shahrprison, due to the hungerstrike.
Mohsen Aminzadeh, Ghorban Bezadiannejad and Mehdi Karimian have been transferred to a hospital.
source: HRHIHourieh Sabahi, Leila Hayati and Roghieh Khalai have been arrested in January 2009 in Hamadan along with 2 men on charges of drugstrafficking.
During their trial they had no access to a lawyer.
They were sentenced to death by Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court in Hamedan. They have no right to appeal the verdict, because they have been tried by the Prosecutor-General, as permitted under the Anti-Narcotics Law.
There are reports that they may be executed imminent.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Iran: increase
In South Khorassan province said an official that the Iranian regime has executed 140 people in the last year for smuggling drugs.
The official told this to Mehr News Agency.
source: freedomessengerFarhad Baghbani, Hojjat Kalashi and seven other memberd of the Pan-Iranist Party have been arrested.
They were participating in a meeting.
source: HRHIThe lawyer Mohammad Seifzadeh has been sentenced in appeal to 2 years in prison.
According to his family, he is currently held in Ward 350 of Evin Prison and bail has been issued for his charge of illegally exiting the country.V
Originally he was sentenced to 9 years in prison and a ban to work as a lawyer for anti-regime propaganda and establishing the Human Rights Defenders Committee.
source: HRHINader Ramezani, appr. 23-year old, committed suicide on Thursday June 23, due to the atrocities and folter on the isolation celles of section 1 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Iran: prison
Tara Sepehrifar, who was arrested 2x following the 2009 elections is sentenced to 7 years in prison and 74 lashes for conspiracy and gathering against national security, anti-regime activities and disturbing public order.
source: freedomessengerFamilymembers of the 12 political prisoners in Evinprison who are in hungerstrike wrote a letter to the special rapporteur of the UN with concerns over their health and they have urged the investigator to travel to Iran and monitor the situation of the twelve prisoners and the condition of other political prisoners in Iran.
6 political prisoners from Rajaei Shahrprison joined the hungerstrikers.
5 political prisoners were in dire condition transported to the infirmerie.
Their names are: Adbollah Momeni, Mohsen Aminzadeh, Abolfazl Ghadyani, Mehdi Karimiyan Eghbal and Bahman Ahmadi Amoui.
IHRDC published a report about Irans attempt to dismantle the women’s rights movement after the elections 2009 by suppression and imprisonment.
source: IHRDC
Also about the ongoing human rights crisis in Iran following the 2009 elections, IHRC made a short report.
This includes short biographies of eighteen Iranian leaders responsible for the suppression of dissent.
source: IHRDC
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Iran: hungerstrike
USA blacklisted an important a portoperator and the Iranian national airline Iran Air .
According to USA these are being used to aid Irans efforts to develop weapons.
These sanctions prohibit U.S. entities from any transactions with Tidewater Middle East Company, which operates seven port facilities in Iran, and Iran Air, which serves 35 international and 25 domestic destinations with a fleet of about 40 aircrafts.
According to letters, written by political prisoners and published on various oppositional websites, political prisoners got raped by criminals on a regular base and even condoms are handed out.
In a letter, published by oppositional website Kaleme Mehdi Mahmoudian, member of Irans Participation Front,who is since the elections 2009 detained in Rajaei Shahrprison, rape in prison is common. Mahmoudian writes that a young political prisoner has been raped seven times at one night.
Mahmoudian has been transferred to a solitary confinement after his letter attracted attention.
source: hungerstrike to protest the killings of Hoda Saber and Haleh Sahabi spreaded from Evin prison to Rajaei Shahr prison.
It is reported that Abdollah Momeni and Abolfazl Ghadyani were transported to a hospital.
The hungerstrikers in Evinprison are: Emad Bahavar, Ghorban Behzadian Nejad, Bahman Ahmadi Amouie, Abdollah Momeni, Hassan Asadi Zeidabadi, Amir Khosrow Dalirsani, Abolfazl Ghadyani, Feizollah Arabsorkhi, Mohammad Reza Moghiseh, Mohammad Davari, Mohsen Aminzadeh, and Mehdi Eghbal.
Hierbij hebben zich Keyvan Samimi, Isa Saharkhiz, Masoud Bastani, Ali Ajami, Jafar Eghdami and Heshmatollah Tabarzadi gevoegd.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Iran: protest
Iran Human Rights Documentation Centre (IHRDC) published the testimony of Mohammad Shams, a young political opposition supporter.
Shams testifies how and when he was arrested, beaten and tortured after the elections in 2009.
source: IHRDCShiva Nazar Ahari wrote a column regarding the hungerstrike of 12 political prisoners in Evinprison. She describes that in her own hungerstrike she was already that weakened after 2 days, that she could not leave her bed.
She also writes about her fear for the life of the hungerstrikers, who are already in their 5th day.
source: banooyesabzirani.blogspot.comAfter a few days on furlough Mohsen Aminzadeh is returned to Evinprison, along with Mostafah Tajzadeh.
Aminzadeh joined the group of 12 hungerstrikers of ward 350, in protest of the death of Haleh Sahabi and Hoda Saber. Aminzadeh is sentenced to 5 year in prison.
source: freedomessenger
June 21 is journalist Zahra Yazdani arrested in her home.
Her house was searched by securityagents and they confiscated personal belongings.
The reason for the arrest is unknown and she did not contact her family yet.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Iran: segregated
Iran Human Rights Documentatiecentre published a factsheet about the UN representatives for Iran since 1980.
The site Khabar-on-line reports that the minister of education announced that during the summer, when universities are closed, there will be a plan to determine how much gender separation the universities can be implemented, which will be in effect in September.
He also spoke of single-sex universitie, single-sex cafeterias and uniforms for students.
source: payvand.comThe Center to Defend Families of those Slain and Detained in Iran reported on June 20, 2011 that in Zibashahr is a detentioncentre where children under 16 years of age are kept for committing crimes.
In this youthprison they are denied the minimum care and facilities for those children.
After they become 16, they are transferred to prisons and are detained with criminals.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Iran: inquiries
June 20, 3 men have been hanged in public in the city of Zabol.
Baboddin Barkazaei, Mohammad Poudineh and Vali Allah Mir were sentenced to death for rape and armed robbery.
The Freedom House has applauded the appointment of Ahmed Shaheed as UN special rapporteur on human rights in Iran.
Yesterday, an Iranian MP said Iran would deny Shaheed's entry into the country.
A list of prisoners who died in custody:
1. Zahra Kazemi – 10 July 2003
2. Akbar Mohammadi – 30 July 2003
3. Mohammad Rajabi Sani – October 2004
4. Valiollah Feiz Mahdavi – 6 September 2006
5. Zahra Baniyaghoub – 14 October, 2007
6. Ebrahim Lotfollahi – 15 January 2008
7. Hossein Heshmat Saran – 6 March 2008
8. Kaveh Azizpour – 16 May, 2008
9. Abdulreza Rajabi – 28 October, 2008
10. Hashem Ramezani – January 2009
11. Omid Mirsayafi – 18 March 2009
12. Amir Javadifar – arrested in a post-election protest on 9 July, 2009
13. Mohammad Kamrani – arrested in a post-election protest on 9 July, 2009
14. Mohsen Ruholamini – arrested in a post-election protest on 9 July, 2009
15. Ramin Aghazadeh Ghahremani – arrested in a post-election protest on 9 July, 2009
16. Mohsen Dokmehchi – 28 March 2011
17. Hassan Nahid – April 2011
18. Hoda Saber – 10 June 2011
source: ICHRIPolitical prisoner Zahra Jabbari, who is detained in Evinprison, and was having problems due to the psychological pressure in prison was transferred to Amin-Abad Mental Hospital.S
he was arrested on QodsDay 2009 and sentenced to 4 years in prison.
source: HRHIJournalist and humanrightsactivist Emadeddin Baghi has been released from prison.He completed his one year prison sentence and was on the third day of a hunger strike to protest the killings of Hoda and Haleh Saberi.
After his release he visited the families.
source: HRHI
Bahai Afrouz Farmanbordari and Noushin Khadem were arrested during the raid on the Baha’i University.
Since then they were held incommunicado.
All the other detainees have contacted their families at least once.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Iran: further
In the prison of Isfahan were June 19, 2 men were hanged.
Siah Khan Sh., was convicted for keeping 56 kilograms of opium, and Mohammad N., was convicted of distributing 159,500 kilograms of of crack and 860 grams of heroin.
One of the executed men was an Afghan citizen.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Iran: more
In the prison of Shahr-e Kord has a man been hanged on Saturday.
The man, Ayoub T. was convicted for rape.
The prosecutor of Shahr-e-Kord says more executions will be implemented.
source: iranhr.net12 political prisoners in Evinprison started a indefinite hungerstrike to protest the killings of Hoda Saber and Haleh Sahabi.
The website Kaleme writes that they wrote and undersigned a letter in which they claim that they started an indefinite hungerstrike to protest the killing of two political prisoners and to pay tribute to the martyrs of the Green Movement.
The signatories are: Bahman Ahmadi Amooei, Hasan Asadi Zeidabadi, Emadoddin Baghi, Emad Bahavar, Ghorban Behzadian-Nejad, Mohammad Davari, Amir-Khosro Dalir-Sani, Feizollah Arabsorkhi, Abolfazl Ghadyani, Mohammad Javad Mozaffar, Mohammad Reza Moghisseh, Abdollah Momeni.
The UN appointed Ahmad Shaheed, former foreign minister of Maldives, as special rapporteur for human rights for Iran.
In March the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution.
In recent months, the UN General Assembly, the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights and UN Secretary General expressed concern about the human rights situation in Iran.
source: HRHIThe family of Saied Naeimi is concerned since they have not heard from him. Naeimi was arrested in April and in a telephone call he informed them that he has been transferred to the solitary confinement unit of Tabriz Prison.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Iran: arbitrary
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran obtained a copy of a report prepared by a sub-division of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).
In this report the performance and broadcasts of IRIB following the 2009 presidential election is criticised. The network is held responsible for widespread protests arising from the announcement of the election results.
The report is dated August 9 2009.
The report accuses IRIB of speedy announcement of the results, which lead to the creation of doubts among people, and “chatter” about “pre-determined election results, which led to widespread protests.
According to the authors of the report, IRIB’s conduct caused “unbearable pain and lethal hatred", giving people the perception that people were used as mere pawns in the election.
source: ICHRIJune 8, 2011 the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention determined that Kiarash Kamrani's detention in Iran is arbitrary detention.
Kamrani was arrested in 2009 after the elections and brought to an unknown location where he was interrogated and tortured in solitary confinement for 10-12 hrs per day.
He was not allowed to contact a lawyer or his family.
February 27, 2010 he was sentenced to six years in prison and a monetary sanction of $400 for “propaganda against the state,” “insulting Iranian officials,”, and “assembly and collusion to commit a crime.”
The Working Group's final determination was based on a finding that Kamrani’s detention resulted from the exercise of his free expression and association rights protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
The ICHRI documented hundreds of these cases,including dissident journalist Issa Saharkhiz, who in 2010 the Working Group also determined was illegally detained.
source: ICHRI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Iran: morality
Mansoureh Behkish has been arrested on the streets of Tehran and transferred to Evinprison as a “special case”.
In the 80s she lost five of her familymembers,her brother in law Siamak Asadian, her sister Zahra and her brothers Mohsen, Mahmoud and Ali.
She has held a memorial for the victims of the 1988 mass executions who were buried in Khavaran Cemetry along with families of political prisoners in the past several years.
She has been arrested twice for participating in the meetings of the Mourning Mothers. She had also been banned from leaving the country.
source:HRHIThe brothers Kamiar and Arash Alaei, who were sentenced to prison were awarded with a global prize for their efforts to treat patients with HIV.
Kamiar has been released some time ago but his brother Arash has to remain in prison where he is serving a six-year sentence
source: freedomesenger.comSecurityagenten began to confiscate satellitedishes in Tehran and Mazandaran.
According to plan plainclothed security agents enter the private properties of people introducing themselves as representatives of the public utilities department to round up satellite dishes.
In Babol, Sari and Behshahr this plan has been carried out with more violence, doors were broken to enter.
Several Iranian newssites report that student pilot and member of National Trustparty Mostafa Akhavan is sentenced for his activities on Facebook.
The charges include "acting against national security, propaganda against the Islamic establishment over chanting slogans on Facebook, dissemination of news related to the Green Movement, membership in Facebook, issuing calls for illegal gatherings, conducting interviews with overseas media, and sending e-mails and articles to websites and networks opposing the regime."
He is the 2nd Iranian who is sentenced to jail for his activities on Facebook. Houshang Fanaian, was sentenced to one year in prison last May for the same offence.
In Damavand authorities closed 21 gardens and villas for unislamic behavior. Mixed parties were hosted here.
In Noor dozens of people were arrested at 2 private parties with women and men present.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.