Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Iran: more

Tuesday the trial of Omid Kokabee started, he is an Iranian student at Texas university who was arrested on charges of “relations with a hostile country” and receiving "illegetimate funds".
He denies all charges. He was arrested in February on the airport as he was returning to the U.S. after a short break in Iran.
The charges are punishable with 10 years in prison.Link
source: freedomessenger

In September the strikes in the whole country of Iran increased.
In Mahshahr Bandar Imam Petrochemical complex 6500 workers began a new round of strikes following their strike in March.
They had demanded the elimination of the intermediary subcontracting companies and the signing of collective contracts with the management.
On paper, the management has supposedly committed itself to eliminate these firms, but it still has to be implemented.

History of United Nations Special Representatives and Rapporteurs in Iran

weekly report Suppressive maneuvers and Violence against women

weekly report Basic freedom and rights abused and Suppression of religious and ethnic minorities

weekly report prisons

weekly report arbitrary arrests

weekly report Inhumane treatment and cruel punishments

weekly report Systematic violations of the right to life


In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.

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