Kurdish newspaper "Mukrian News Agency" writes that in Urmiaprison seven prisoners were hanged. They all were sentenced to death for drugsrelated charges.
Their names are: Allahvordi A., Sayyad A., Safar P., Haji P., Khosro D., Nahad N., Omran G., and Abdolmajid M.
Website "Human rights and democracy activists in Iran" (HRDAI) reports that on May 31 several prisoners were hanged in Evinprison in Tehran.
One of the prisoners is identified as Kourosh Zarini who according to the report was involved in the uprising and clashes between the guards and prisoners in the Ghezel Hesar prison two years ago. More than 40 prisoners were killed under these clashes.
Official and unofficial reports from Iran report that at least 78 prisoners have been executed in May 2012 in Iran.
EU expressed concern about the alarming increase in the use of death penalty in Iran.
source: iranhr.net
The photograph's appear to show that Iran has demolished two buildings at the Parchin military installation.
source: rferl.org
The New York Times writes that President Obama, from his first month in office, secretly ordered increasingly attacks on computersystems used by Iran on his main nuclear enrichment facilities.
He decided to accelerate these attacks which begun in the Bush administration, even after an element of the program, Stuxnet, accidentally became public.
source: nytimes.com
TV-interview from Brazilian Globo TV with co-founder of IHRDC Payam Akhavan.
statement from 17 humanrights and educational organisations who are concerned with academic freedom in Iran.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
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