Political prisoner Khaled Hardan is more then 20 years detained in Rajei Shahrprison. His request for a furlough to receive medical treatment for his heartproblems was denied.
He was initially sentenced to death for hijacking an airplane and his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.
source: iranbriefing.net
He was arrested in january and released on bail after a hungerstrike.
source: iranbriefing.net
Due to the European economical sanctions, lost in the city of Pakdasht ;4000 brickworkers their jobs. Union activist Avaz Soltani said that 35 out of 60 brick production units in Pakdasht have now closed down.
source: en.irangreenvoice.com
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
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