The son of ayatolla Rafsanjani, Mehdi Hashemi has been indicted on 12 charges.
In an announcement by the Tehran Prosecutor, posted on the Tehran Revolutionary Court website, it said that a 125-page indictment consisting of 12 charges has been issued for Mehdi Hashemi.
There were no further details given, but some have suggested they are “corruption and security” charges.
Hashemi was arrested in September and was released after 3 months in jail.
source: radiozamaneh
Wednesday American media reported that the attacks were orchestrated by Iran.
Because of the drugsshortage in Iran caused by sanctions and allegations of economic mismanagement, a growing number of Iranians in the US have taken it upon themselves to send medicine to their loved ones back home.
Analysts in US and Iran and political figures inside Iran have complained the government has spent needed cash on goods less pressing than medicine.
Last month Marziyeh Vahid Dastjerdi, the only woman in the Cabinet and minister of health was sacked complaining publicly that foreign currency reserves were being spent on luxury items rather than on medicine.
source: BBC
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
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