In Iran are Tuesday two men hanged in the prison of Isfahan.
One man, Mirza was convicted for stabbing a girl to death who refused to marry him.
The other man, Akbar F. was convicted of killing a 68-year-old owner of a jewellerystore and the theft of five kilograms gold.In the city of Tehran SMS text messages started to appear in mobile phones claiming that there is a possibility of an impending powerful quake of 7,1 Richterscale in the Iranian capital Friday.
The origin of the messages seems to be an American website.
On this website are "forecasts" of every earthquake worldwide in the coming days.A virulent variant of a wheat fungus has spread from Yemen and West-Africa and has now moved to Broujerd and Hamedan in West-Iran.
The fungus, the stem, black or cereal rusts (Puccinia graminis ), causes elliptical blisters or pustules called uredia develop on the visible part of the plant and often infected plants die.
The found variant Ug99 is very resistant.
The crops of Asia and Africa are threatened by the fungus, it is spreading spores through air by wind.The jailed founder and head of the Tehran bus workers union, Mansour Osanloo, has won the FNV vakbondsrechtenprijs 2008 .
The prize is given every two year to people who fight for workers rights under difficult circumstances.
Osanloo is sentenced to five years in prison.
Today is a Global Action Day to protest against the imprisonment of Mansour Osanloo andfellow trade unionist Mahmoud Salehi.
The Campaignclip:
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Iran: spread
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