Friday, October 03, 2008

Iran: to study, or not

Also in this schoolyear Iran does not permit followers of the Bahaí-faith to attend university.
In recent years the Education Measurement and Evaluation Organization (EMEO) used different ways to refuse these students. If their entrance examination results were successful the application could not be completed while "necessary papers" were missing.
On the national university examination website it shows, instead of the exam result, to a Baha'istudent an "error page",with the words “Error – incomplete file.”
screenshot (fa).
The page to which they are automatically directed is , a website which address ends on error bahaí.
This errorpage is shown to every student of the Baha'i-faith, despite the fact that he filled out all required information and successfully sat for the examination.
Also students who successfully entered universities in recent years, are expelled as soon as their faith is known.
Without complete files, enrollment in all public and most private universities in Iran is impossible.
The court refuses all appeals.
In one case the court referred to (English translation), (Persian) the 1991 Golgaypani memorandum which outlines a broad plan to block the “progress and development” of the entire Iranian Baha’i community, including by expelling Baha’i university students.

The human rightsactivist Ahmad Batebi wrote September 2 in Rooz online an article in Persian about the educational problems from the Baha'i English translation (each note is from the translator) and he wrote September 29th an article about the Baha'i.

In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.

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