Till now no news is published about the fate of Dutch-Iranian Zahra Bahrami.
Gozaar published a humanrightsreport about human rights abuse in August 2010. This shows among other things that the regime has made considerable use of ta’ziri punishments.
These allow a judge to impose a sentence according to his discretion because no prescribed punishment exists in Islamic law. Such an approach means that defendants have no idea as to the extent of the legal jeopardy that they face, yet another example of the unfairness of the Iranian legal system.
The crackdown on universities has intensified by summoning of students for questioning, student suspensions and arrest of students as well as dismissal of professors.
Many protestors after the elections, who were arrested are accused of moharebeh or for “acting against national security” and similar crimes.
Unionmembers have been harrassed and arrested.
Recent figures from Mehrafarin Institute show there are five million children in Iran who have not received any schooling.
Women are sentenced to death by stoning.
Members of religious minorities like Bahai are strongly persecuted and excluded from universities.
Following a crackdown on derwishes they are also threathened.
Statistics for executions are rising and brings back memory of the mass executions of the 1980s in the minds of the public.
source: gozaarVarious websites report that that more then fifty of plain clothes forces yesterday have surrounded the house of Mehdi Karroubi .According to unconfirmed news on Sahamnews they carried batons and tear gas bombs and arrived at the scene on large motorbikes and in various other cars.
On Mousavi's de Facebooksite is a report in English and Farsi.
Karroubi had said that he also this year will participate in the Qodsdayrally.
source: Zamaneh, Facebook
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Iran: further
Monday, August 30, 2010
Iran: following
The cyber-unit of the revolutionary guards has extended the temporary detentionorder of blogger Hossein Ronaghi (Babak Khorramdin) for another month and he is still in a isolationcell of Ward 209a of the IRGC.
Ronaghi has been arrested 10 months ago.
He has been charged with publishing lies, insulting the founder of the Islamic Republic, insulting the Supreme Leader, and creating proxy servers.
Last week judge Mirabbas of the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court set bail and his family paid $300.000 bail, but he was not released.
source: HRHIThe Laleh Park Mourning Mothers warn in a statement of August 28 about the traumatic effects of physical and psychological torture of political prisoner.
The statement describes the effects of psychological and physical torture on four political prisoners:
Hessam Tarmasi, 19-year-old young man who spent one year in prison, has been hospitalized for kidney disease and severe depression.
Narges Mohammadi, the spokesperson for Center for the Defense of Human Rights and mother of two three-year-old toddlers must be re-hospitalized following the deterioration of her psychological and physical condition after release from prison.
Mahboubeh Karami, a women’s rights activist has had to be hospitalized due to physical conditions caused by inactivity inside prison and severe depression.
Hamzeh Karami, a former IRGC Commander has been hospitalized in an Intensive Care Unit due to physical and psychological torture at Evin Prison.
During the first days after a release, it is important to seriously pursue complete tests and medical monitoring on all organs, especially kidneys, brain, and nervous system, so that the extremely bitter experience of the Kahrizak tragedy and similar cases will not be repeated. Ahmad Nejati Kargar, 22, slipped into a coma three days after his release due to kidney failure and died.
source: iranhumanrights.org
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Iran: transfer
Radio Zamaneh reports that authorities also this year the familymembers of political prisoners who were executed during the mass-executions in the 1980's , prevented from their yearly commemmoration on Khavarancemetary in Tehran.
Human Rights and Democracy Activists of Iran reports that security agents had set up roadblocks and stopped the families from visiting the cemetary.
According to Amnesty International the number of executions in the 1980's are over 2,500, the late dissident cleric Ayatollah Montazeri mentions in his journal that the number is closer to 2,800 or perhaps 3,800, indicating that the exact number is not known.
Since 1991 families along with other social activists each year are gathering at Khavaran cemetery to remember their kin.
source: persian2englishStudent Hamed Rouhinejad has been in Evinprison since April 2009.
He was charged with membership in an anti-government organization, and sentenced to death.
His sentence was later changed to ten years in prison and exile in Zanjan prison.
He suffers from multiple sclerosis and he has been denied even one day of medical leave. A lack of proper medical attention has resulted in parts of his body becoming paralyzed.
The autorities transferred him in secret to Zanjanprison.
He requires special medical attention by specialists in a hospital facility outside prison.
Till now authorities denied him authorization for this.
source: en-hrana.comIn the past 2 weeks, at least 6 political prisoners are transferred from Ward 350 of Evinprison to RejayiShahr Gonbad Kavous and Zanjan prisons.
Majid Tavakoli, Ahmad Karimi, Hamed Rouhinejad, Reza Khademi and Jamshid Sadegh Hosseini are already transferred.
Majid Dorri and Zia Nabavi are expected to be exiled soon.
source: lissnup.posterous.com
weekly twitter updates from P2E
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Iran: shock
Yesterday an earthquake of 5,9 on Richterscale struck Iran.
The epicentre was located Semnan province, North of Tehran.
Three villages were damaged and at least 2 children died.
More then a dozen people were injured. Statetelevision reported that the shaking could be felt in Tehran.
source: wireupdate.com, Iranian seismological centerKurdish political prisoner Rahim Rashi is on day 36 of his hungerstrike in Mahabad prison.
His physical condition has deteriorated and he is connected to IV tubes.
In his trial last week court authorities banned his family from giving any interviews to the media.Rasht stated in the trial that his hunger strike will continue until he is released.His family said that he was arrested several times and every time, he has launched a hungerstrike until he was acquitted because he was able to prove his charges unfounded.
source: persian2englishDr. Shiravi, a mechanical engineer professor at Shahid Chamran University in Dezful is arrested. He was the dean when the reformists were in power. Afterwards he stayed as a professor.
According to Advarnews Goftegooyeh Andisheh Organization was shut down at the same time as his arrest. Dr. Shiravi taught classes at the organization.
source: HRHI
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, August 27, 2010
Iran: action
The site Only Democracy4Iran made an exampletext for a letter to Dutch foreign minister Maxime Verhagen, in the case of detained Dutch-Iranian Zahra Bahrami.
Zahra Bahrami is since December 27,2009 in ward 209 Evin prison.
She is charged with moharebeh, membership of a monarchistic organization and possession of drugs.
These charges can lead to the deathsentence.
The letter asks Dutch government to make every effort to free Zahra Bahrami.
source: onlydemocracy4iranProminent lawyer Mohammad Oliyaeifar is imprisoned since March 2010.
He is charged with propaganda against the regime, because he gave an interview to a foreign broadcaster.
He is sentenced to 1 year in prison, but since he has not been served with the court verdict he is therefore not able to appeal his case, he is in prisonlimbo.
source: HRHIWomanrights- and humanrightsdefender Shiva Nazar Ahari,26 is imprisoned since December.
Her trial is set for September 4, 2010.
She is accused of conspiracy and moharebeh(waging war against god) an offense, punishable by death.
A worldwide campaign has been started to free Shiva Nazar Ahari from jail.
There are various ways of action.
Also Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Reporters without Borders have taken a firm stance against her imprisonment and demanded her immediate release..
source: persian2english
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Iran: felonious
A humanrights activist in Mashad told International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that 2100 people in Mashad are on death row, and 300 are executed in secret.
source: ICHRIAccording to prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi of Tehran mal-veiling is a crisme.
He also believes that new technologies and cyberspace are leading to “corruption”.
He said this during a speech on August 21.
source: HRAAugust 25 derwishes Esmaeil(Hadi) Rahmanian, Farzad Darvish-Sarvestani, Ali Akbar Ebrahimzadeh, Heydar Esparjani, and Keramatollah Mohit along with their lawyerrs Farshid Yadollahi Farsi, Amir Eslami (2 members of Human Rights Committee of the Bar Association), and Davoud Montazeri referred to the revolutionary court in Sarvestan.
They were interrogated on charges of blasphemy, disturbing public order by gathering in front of the Governor’s Office, and damaging public property.
The judges of 1st branch of Sarvestan revolutionary Court announced that the investigation will be held in private and prevented the lawyers from attending.
At the end of the day all five derwishes were arrested and transferred to the Intelligence Ministry after the meeting.
source: HRHIThe student Nima Nahvi has started a hungerstrike to protest the failure of the authorities to transfer him to his hometown prison, the denial of his conditional release request considering the fact that he has served half of his sentence, and his transfer to the high risk criminal ward.
He is a student at Noshirvani Babol University of Technology and, following the presidential election, is serving a 10 months prisonsentence of which he has served more than 5 months.
source: HRHIPersian2english blog will present in part 1 to 3 the history of 30 years of massacre and execution in Kurdistan province.
The data is from the blog titled *Neither My Type or that of Yours*, writer Shahabaddin Sheikhi reviews the history of executions and massacres of the Kurdish population in Iran post 1979 Islamic Revolution. [*the title of the blog is a direct translation. The name of the blog in Persian is "Na Az Jense Khodam Na Az Jense Shoma"]
The titles for parts 1-3 are added to the report by Persian2English and not the original author.
A British tourist spent 58 days in captivity in Iran because he took a photograph from a sunrise - showed pylons near a power plant.
When the police investigated his laptop, and found photos he had taken in Iraq when he worked there, he was arrested.
He was taken in solitary confinement to Evinprison in Tehran, where he was interrogated on charge of espionage.
Finally he was handed to the British Embassy.
He was arrested June 21 in Ahwaz.
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Iran: clearer
The detained Dutch/Iranian woman Zahra Bahrami is not only charged with moharebeh and the membership of the Association of Iranian monarchists, but also for possession of 450 grams of cocaine, these charges mean that she most certainly will be sentenced to death.
The presiding judge in court is known for sentencing protestors to death.
A video from yesterdays NOSjournaal :
here you can find more related (Dutch) video and audio.
Saturday Bahrami has to appear in the revolutionary court with judge Salavati.
source: Volkskrant, Nos
You can sign a petition.International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reports that reliable sources report that in Vakil Abad Prison of Mashhad over the past few months,more then 100 people have been hanged,mostly on drugsrelated charges.
The source told that the number of individuals on the death row inside Vakil Abad Prison’s Wards 101, 102, 103, and 104 as well as the Quarantine Ward is in the hundreds.
Sources also told ICHRI that the cells on deathrow are under the oversight of the prison’s Intelligence Unit and that each months there are two sets of executions and in each set between 30 to 40 individuals are hung at once, also women and juvenile offenders
source: International Campaign for Human Rights in IranBahai Hossein Shayegan, a merchant at Shahin Vila Bazar in Karaj was summoned to go to court and was arrested along with his lawyer and transferred to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj.
source: HRHI20 days after the disappearance of Dalir Roozgard from Saghez, and Ghiyas Naderzadeh from Paveh it was found out by a telephone contact that both were arrested by information agents of Kurdistan province.
They have founded the Zagros Committee in Tabriz University.
There is no information about their charges.
source: HRHI
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Iran: data
A number of the political prisoners at Rejaie Shahr prison in Karaj wrote a letter to President Lula da Silva of Brasil, who offered asylum to Sekineh Mohammadi Ashtiari to save her from being stoned to death.
In this letter they write about his activities as leader of the shoemakersyndicate in coordination with other Brazilian workers federations and the struggle for the improvement of the rights of the Brazilian masses, especially advancement of labor rights and conditions.
They ask him to use his influence to free the imprisoned laboractivists in Iran.
Among the undersigned are: M. Osanloo, member of the IFT,H. Tabarzadi, member of the IDF,R. Bodaghi, member of the IEO, R. Rafie, member of the IJF,E. SaharKhiz, member of the IJF.
source: iranlaborreport.com
August 23 about 100 workers of Hormozgan Steel Complex in south-Iran protested for not having received 3 months of backwages of 300 workers.
The complex is located near Bandar Abbas and employs a thousand workers. The authorities promised to pay the workers’ wages in 15 days.
source: iranlaborreport.com
The StreetJournalist publishes a report, originally from Gozaar about humanrightsabuse in Iran during June/July 2010.
According to website SahamNews, the official website of Etemad-Melli Party (National Trust Party), Mehdi Karroubi visited yesterday Mohammad Reza Jalaipour who is released from prison.
During the visit Jalaipour informed Karroubi about conditions for political prisoners in prison.
source: droi.wordpress.com
According to a report of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty a record number of people visited the website of Radio Farda since the presidential election last year.
Last month visited more then 4,3 million visitors the website.
More then 13 million webpages were viewed and visitors downloaded more than a million hours of audio programming.
source: rferl.org
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Monday, August 23, 2010
Iran: paved ways
August22, 2010 daily Kayhan reported that in the prison of Isfahan three men have been hanged.
Akbar Z. (33), convicted of keeping 826 grams of crack and 108 grams of opium, SHah S. (38), an Afghan citizen, convicted of trafficking and keeping 2 kilos of crack, and Hamidreza H. (28) convicted of keeping 1450 grams and selling kilos of crack, and being a drug addict.
source: iranhr.netFollowing unverified reports about a possible deathsentence for the Dutch/Iranian Zahra Bahrami, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Amnesty International expressed their concerns.
A spokesman for the ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that even though Bahrami was arrested 8 months ago, her family did not report it to the Dutch authorities until June 23, 2010.
During the past few months the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands has attempted to obtain an explanation from Iranian authorities, but none has been provided.
An extra delay formed not knowing Zahra Bahrami’s birthdate and her official nationality by authorities in the Netherlands.
A petition is hereThe Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR) reports about a letter, written by the niece of political prisoner Javid Lari , here is the English translation.
Lari has been sentenced to death by branch 15 of the revolutionary court for moharebeh(waging war with god) and Mofsed-Fel-arz (spreading corruption on earth).
He first was accused with “acting against national security”, which Judge Salavati later changed to Moharebeh. He was consequently sentenced to “execution without the possibility of amnesty”.
source: persian2englishAugust 22, 2010 were Hassan Asadi Zeidabadi and Ali Jamali, two members of Advare Tahkim Vahdat (Office for Consolidating Unity), arrested.
Zeidabadi was already 40 days in prison in September 2009 and Jamali has been threathened after being summoned.
Ahmad Zeidbadi, head of Advare Tahkim, Abdollah Momeni, the spokesman and Ali Malihi, the head of the Public Relations office are other members of Advare Tahkim that are currently held in prison.
source: HRHIParlemannews reported that a committee has been formed in the Article 90 commission of the parliament that is preparing a proposal so that the Guardian Council can have oversight on the actions of members of parliament, even after vetting of the nominees.
This means that the Guardian Council has the power to control every member of the parliament and should it decide that the actions or remarks of any member of the parliament is not in line with the political views of this council, it will have the capacity to remove such member from his or her seat in the parliament at any time.
source: droi.wordpress.com
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Iran: barbaric
Iran Human Rights reports that unlike what Iranian autorities say, the punishment of stoning in Iran has been practiced by the Iranian authorities every year during the past four years.
Since May 2006 7 people are killed by stoning:
May 2006 in Mashhad:
Mahboubeh Mohammadi,
Abbas Hajizadeh
July 2007 in Qazvin:
Jafar Kiani
December 2008 in Mashhad:
Houshang Khodadadeh,
an unidentfied man,
Mahmood Gh. an Afghan citizen who managed to pull himself out of the hole and his stoning was halted based on the Iranian penal law.
March 2009 in Rasht:
Vali Azad.
There are also 14 people sentenced to stoning, on the deathrow:
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani (43), in the prison of Tabriz.
Kobra Babaei in the prison of Tabriz. Her husband who was also sentenced to death by stoning, has been hanged in 2009.
Azar Bagheri (19) in the prison of Tabriz.
Iran Eskandari (31) in the prison of Ahvaz.
Fatemeh, in one of the prisons in Tehran, probably Evin.
Maryam Ghorbanzadeh (25) in the prison of Tabriz.
Hashemi-Nasab in the Vakilabad prison of Mashad.
Ashraf Kalhori (41) in the Evinprison of Tehran.
M. Kh. in the Vakilabad prison of Mashad.
Sarimeh Sajjadi (31) in the prison of Oroumieh.
Kheyrieh Valania (42) in the prison of Ahvaz.
Men, who are sentenced to death by stoning:
Seyed Naghi Ahmadi in the prison of Sari.
Boali Janfashani (33) in the prison of Oroumieh.
Mohammad Ali Navid Khamami in the prison of Rasht.
weekly updates
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Iran: further
Hamed Omidi, a Technicology student at Allameh University is sentenced to 3 years in prison for assembly and conspiracy against national security.
He is also been banned from continuing his studies in any university.
He was arrested Februar 10, 2010 after protesting the execution of Ehsan Fatahian.The only evidence used against him was a videotape from the protests. He has been held in Ward 209 of Evin Prison since then.
source: HRHIA group of masked thugs atacked the office of Grand Ayatollah Dastgheib, member of the Assembly of Experts and vandalized the building.
They also gathered in front of the mosque where ayatollah Dashtgeib gives his sermons and shouted insulting slogans.
All this happened because his support of the Green Movement as well as his recent remarks in which he sharply criticized the ruling powers because of their injustice and repression of the people.
source: droi.wordpress.comAccording to website Kaleme is professor Hadi Hakim Shafaei sentenced to 3 years in prison.
He was arrested Februar 11, 2010 and later released on bail.
He was found guilty of “acting against national security” (two years), “propagating against the establishment” (six months), and “insulting the leader” (six months).
He has already been barred from teaching at his university because of his protests against the election.
source: en.greenvoice.comJebheh Mosharekat member (Participation Front), Mehdi Karimiyan Eghbal is in bad psychological condition.
Since Komeil Prayer ceremonies in Alzahra Hosseiniyeh in november 2009 he is detained in Evinprison and was not allowed for a prisonleave.
May 20th 2010, the Supreme Court upheld his sentence to 4 years in prison.
source: HRHI
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
Friday, August 20, 2010
Iran: Dutch
Freedommessenger reports that Monday August 16th Zahra Bahrami, 45, a Dutch-Iranian citizen is tried by judge Salavati.
Judge Salavati told her that she has been charged with “moharebeh” for membership in a monarchist group which carries with it a sentence of death or life imprisonment.
Bahrami is arrested during Ashuraprotests and kept in isolation in ward 209 of Evinprison and was denied to contact a lawyer.
She was forced by torture to make a televised confession later broadcasted on state-run television.
August 17 was a young man, Ali Badiri, 27 killed during a clash between youth and security forces in Yaser, Omidieh in Khuzestan.
While transferring his body, the security forces were confronted with severe protests from the residents.
source: droi.wordpress.comSailors from the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman rescued eight Iranian mariners from their burning vessel in the Persian Gulf.
Two helicopters were dispatched. The men had no significant injuries.
source: CNN
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl