Currently there are 47 Bahais detained in Iran.The charges are: “acting against national security,” “participating in illegal groups,” and “propagating the Baha’i Faith.”
Baha’i International Community told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that the seven Bahai whose sentences were recently announced have been moved from Evin Prison to Rajaee Shahr Prison in Gohardasht, Karaj.
source:iranhumanrights.orgKurdish political prisoner Rahim Rashi is in day 24 of his hungerstrike.
Three days ago he was transferred from the IRGC Intelligence detention centre in Orumiyeh to the Mahabad general prison. His son tells that his father is in a very bad physical condition. He says his father is known to not break a hunger strike until he is granted release.
The previous time he was arrested he also went in hungerstrike. When the prison doctor declared that he would be dead in three days if he continued with the strike, authorities released Rahim Rashi from prison.
His brother Soran Rashi, wrote an open letter to ask for support for Rahim Rashi.
source: persian2english.comDaily Shargh reported Saturday that during clashes of Kurdish rebels from the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) in Orumieh with members of IRGC and Basij, one commander and 2 militiamembers were killed.
While all the attention is focused on the Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani case, the case of deathsentence by stoning of another woman, Maryam Ghorbanzadeh which was sent by Nobakht, the Vice-Attorney General of Tabriz, to branch 12 of the Provincial Criminal Court under the pretext that the case may cause too much noise. By this court the sentence was changed from death by stoning to death by hanging.
Maryam Ghobanzadeh is forced to abortion while 6 months pregnant because a pregnant woman cannot be sentenced to death.
Other sentences of Iranians awaiting death by stoning tOok are quietly changed in death by hanging.
Currently at least 12 Iranian women and three men are awaiting execution by stoning.
source:, HRHI
enduring america
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Iran: moving
iran human
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