Dutch-Iranian Zahra Bahrami is Sunday sentenced to death by by judge Salavati of Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court.
She was arrested December 27th, 2009 and spent months at ward 209 of Evin prison and in solitary confinement.
The deathsentence is based on charges like "enemy of god" and "transportation and sales of drugs", both charges are possible grounds for execution.
Dutch foreign minister Rosenthal says that he wants immediate explanation from the Iranian ambassador.
Last year already did humanrights activists and others ask the former Dutch foreign minister Verhagen to act in this matter.
Except very vague statements on NOS radio about "Iran not recognizing Dutch citizenship", the Dutch government did not act.
On the site nos.nl are various (Dutch) audio-and videoexcerpts, showing the negligence of the Dutch government.
24 August, 1st report
call for action from europarlementarian Marietje Schaake August 2010
publication of deadsentence Zahra Bahrami
audio correspondent Erdbrink about the verdict
source: HRHI, Volkskrant, Nos
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Poster amnesty.nl
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