The regime in Iran closed 3 websites.
The owners of websites Sarat News, Bak News and 598 have to be present at the Culture and Media court on Sunday to be formally charged.
Iranian media reported that 2 reformist websites had been hacked by the Hezbollah Cyber Army.
The two targeted websites belong to the Association of Combatant Clerics, a reformist organization under the leadership of former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami, and the Baran Foundation, another organization linked to Khatami.
source: iranbriefing.netThe editor-in-chief of the newspaper Bamdad Daily said that his newspaper Thursday is temporarily closed.
The reason is a report which included a letter from a group of the students of the Qom Massoumieh Seminary School addressing the Association of Teachers and Researchers of the Qom Seminary School regarding Mr. Larijani. The Prosecutor has said that the reason for the closure was this letter.
source: freedomessenger.The role of the Military at Iran's parlementary elections. In this article they elaborate the structure of Iranian parlement and the parties involved.
source: iranbriefing.netThe head of Iranian Atomic Energy Organization Fereydoon Abbasi Davani told IRNA that Iran has never done a nuclear test on the Parchin Military Complex.
IAEA inspectors travelled 2x to Tehran to inspect Iran's nuclear program, but on returning they said Iran did not accept their request to visit Parchin.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Iran: reasons
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Iran: further
In ward 350 of Evinprison incarcerated author, regime critic and Iran-Iraq war veteran, Mehdi Khazali wrote on the 50th day of his hungerstrike a letter to his wife on their wedding anniversary.
source: persianbanoo.wordpress.comMany Afghan refugees are victimized by Iranian police, arrested, abused and brought to transitcamps at the Afghan border, from there they sent back to Afghanistan.
Among them many unaccompanied minors.
Iran adopted a legalization scheme last year that paved the way for Afghans to enter Iran legally with work visas.
source: freedomessengerThe political prisoner, teacher and literature professor Abdolreza Ghanbari who is sentenced to death, is in danger of imminent execution.
In 2009 he was arrested after the Ashuraprotests and was sentenced to death for waging war with god.
His pardon was denied.
source: freedomessenger
Amnesty International published a report named “We are ordered to crush you”: Expanding Repression of Dissent in Iran" which describes in detail how Iranian authorities have steadily cranked up repression of dissent in law and practice, launching a wave of arrests in recent months.
source: amnestyusa.orgThe website writes that the execution of the christian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani is postponed.
It is not clear how long.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Iran: image
ISNA writes that Iran is going to produce the drug Zoledronic acid, while earlier it had to be imported into the country. The drug is used in patients with cancers as well as for treating osteoporosis.
The price for import of such drugs is estimated at 500 EU, while in Iran the same domestically made drug will cost around $100.
The Iranian film "A Separation" Sunday won the Oscar for best foreign language film. It is the first time that an Iranian film wins an Oscar.
The film is about a couple going through a divorce and touches on traditions, justice, and male-female relationships in modern Iran.
source: en.greenvoice.comRadio Zamaneh reports that womanrightsactivist and blogger Parastoo Dokouhaki Sunday has been released.
She was arrested in January on accusation of cooperating with BBC.
Sahameddin Bourghani and Marzieh Rasouli who also were arrested are still in Evin prison.
source: freedomessenger
weekly humanrightsreport 18 February, Systematic violations of the right to life
weekly humanrightsreport 18 February, Inhumane treatment and cruel punishments
weekly humanrightsreport 18 February, prison conditions
weekly humanrightsreport 18 February, Basic freedom and rights abused
weekly humanrightsreport 18 February, Suppression of religious and ethnic minorities
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Iran: sentence
Blogger and womanrights activist Maryam Ghorbanifar has in appeal also been sentenced to 3 years in prison. She had been charged with "acting against national security” and “gathering and collusion against the regime.”
She was arrested on March 4, 2011 and has spent a month in isolation before she was released on bail.
source: HRHIHumanrightsactivist and member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters Kouhiar Goudarzi has been sentenced to 6 years in prison. He was charged with “propaganda against the regime” and “assembly and collusion against the regime.”
He was arrested in July 2011, after that there was no news of his condition or whereabouts for 3 months. He spent 60 days in isolation and is already 7 months detained in ward 209 of Evinprison.
His mother, Parvin Mokhtareh who was arrested one day after her son in Kerman has been sentenced to a suspended 23 months prisonterm.
source: HRHI
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Iran: emptiness
In Sari en Tonekabon in Mazandaran province were yesterday 2 men hanged.
They were convicted for rape.
source:freedomessengerLast Thursday the Council praised people for the big turnout on February 14th, reporting that this showed that the Green Movement still is alive.
Numerous reports from the nation's major cities suggested a “tight” security atmosphere, while some cities were compared to military camps.
One week for parlamentary elections in Iran the Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope called to boycot the elections.
The candidates for the elections had to be "screened"first. Around 1,200 candidates have been disqualified from the race, including 35 currently serving MPs.
Among the disqualified names are Seyed Shahabeddin Sadr (Tehran), Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash, Seyed Ahmadreza Dastgheib, Soleiman Jafarzadeh (Maku) and Abdolreza Moradi (Mamasani).
On the airfield of Bushehr happend an incident on February 21st with an Iran Air Airbus A300B2, registration EP-IBS who wanted to take-off for flight IR-408 to Mehrabad Tehran.
The crew rejected takeoff with the plane because both forward left main gear tyres deflated.
The passengers disembarked via mobile stairs and were bussed to the terminal.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Iran: more
Iranian borderguards have seized1.5 million various types of petroleum related products from January 21 to February 21.
The smuggle was done by several vehicles, boats and tankers .Also 25 people were detained who crossed the borders illegally during the aforementioned period.
source: en.trend.azDariush Jalali, student at Yasuj university is according to reports arrested.
Over the weekend he sew his lips together and chained himself to the gate of the university.
Last year he was sentenced to a year in prison and later banned from university.
He wrote in a statement that his action was meant to protest the injustice.
source: rferl.orgThe Kurdish student Shirzad Karimi has been sentenced by the revolutionary court in Sanandaj to 4 years in prison with a 3 years suspension on charges of “propagating against the regime,
He and several other students and members of Kurdish Students Democratic Union were arrested and released on a bail later.
The spokesman for the Union, Souran Daneshvar is sentenced to one year in prison with a suspended 2 years and Milad Karimi, the deputy secretary from the Union, to 1.5 years in prison, which was reduced to 6 months in appeal.
The website of statetelevision in Azerbayan has been attacked on February 22nd by a hacker.
The homepage of state airline AZAL was also hit by cyberattackers.
Azerbaijan officials say the attacks originated from Iran.
Iranian opposition calls for a boycot of the elections on March 2nd.
This year already 100 people have been detained for non-violent activism around the elections.
Two people have reportedly died in custody.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Iran: because
Iranian police warned for chaos at the parlementary elections of March 2nd.
More then 2,700 of 4,877 registered candidates were approved by the Guardian Council.
Police is ready to prevent chaos.
Iran has begun blocking internet and e-mail services.
source:, freedomessengerThe ministry of culture in Iran removes all Sufipoetry from Iranian music. In a surge of 3 years the ministry censored Iranian traditional music and verses.
The famous Persian epic Khosraw and Shirin by Nizami Ganjavi, had some of its verses removed by Iranian officials.
The poetry of the grand Persian Sufi poets, such as Hafez al-Shirazi and “Mawlana” Jalal al-Din al-Rumi, formed the basis of Iranian folk song for hundreds of years.
source: freedomessengerIn a letter to prisonauthorities wrote Mehdi Khazali who is in hungerstrike that in the event that he dies while in prison and as a result of his hunger strike any autopsy or forensic examination take place only at the hand of medical examiners associated with International Organizations.
He referred to the death of activist and journalist Hoda Saber who died at Evin prison after he launched a hunger strike and died because he did not receive adequate and timely medical attention.
source: banouyesabz.wordpress.comThe last two days were in Sanandaj and Mashhad more thenn 220 people arrested.
Website Kordpa reports that in Hassanabad, a suburb of Sanandaj 35 people were arrested in a house by agents of the intelligence ministry.
Last week more then 20 members of Chelchameh Mountain Climbing Club were arrested as they returned from a climbing trip.
Yesterday Fars reported that security agents in Mashhad arrested 185 people.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Iran: responsible
Thai police hopes to extend the detention of Mohammad Hazaei, who is suspected to be involved in the blast in Bangkok on February 14th.
Saeid Moradi , who lost both legs in the blast, stays also in detention.
Police are also looking for four other suspects in connection to the case.
source: rferl.orgA churchofficial in Iran told Worthynews on February 21st, that the court in Gilan again ordered the deathsentence against pastor Joucef Naharkani because of his refusal to convert to Islam faith.
The same source says he could be hanged within 24 hours at the Lakan Prison.
source: worthynews.comIn a statement on website Kalameh said Ardeshir Amir Armomand, the spokesman of the Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope, that the responsibility for the health and lives of all incarcerated political activists and in particular Dr. Mehdi Khazali and other political prisoners behind bars currently deprived of medical care and in dire physical condition,lays with the highest ranking officials within the Islamic Republic of Iran.
source: The rightsgroup Justice in Iran made a statement in which they denounced the crackdown on protesters in Khuzestan,who saw two detainees killed while in custody.
More then a month ago authorities in Shoush, Hamidiyeh and Ahvaz arrested more then 60 people who called for a boycot of the parlamentary elections.
Two of them, Mohammad Ka’abi and Nasser Alboshokeh have been pronounced dead by the authorities, and so far no one has been held accountable for their deaths.
source: freedomessengerIran Human Rights Documentation Center was informed that the seven Kurdish prisoners who were transferred to the solitary cells of the prison in Orumieh, were returned to section 12 on February 17th.
They have been interrogated and pressured to make televised confessions on camera.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Iran: thoughts
Iran blames the ongoing infection of thousands of machines with the Stuxnetvirus to by UN imposed sanctions.
Because of international sanctions, the country could not buy antivirus software. Reportedly the Stuxnetinfection has set back nuclear development in Iran by five years.
Meanwhile Brigadegeneral Gholamreza Jalali said: "security in cyberspace can not be protected by the use of the tools of the enemy. Hardware, software and protocols which are used by the enemies in cyberspace, have been developed and are not against using them, so we gather this knowledge itself. "
The minister of Information and Communication Technology, said that no foreign securitysoftware will be imported, but that Iran will develop its own software.
The passport of Iranian journalist Mohammad Rahbar has been seized by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic in Malaysia. The reason is to stop Rahbar from publishing reports on issues related to the Supreme Leader and the boycott of the upcoming parliamentary elections.
source: banouyesabz.wordpress.comIn answer to why it is impossible for women in Iran to become a judge a top cleric said that women are made for the upbringing of children and that these feelings and love are dangerous for judgment because the judge deals with criminals. The lack of resolve and firmness, the delicate and vulnerable feelings of women will lead to injustice.
According to another cleric humanrights are not scientific,but based on modern ignorance because lack of religious foundation.
He also said that if they introduce the resistance of Hezbollah as terrorism, do not be surprised because they know justice to be what they interpret it to be.
source: freedonessengerSecurity agents in Kurdistan arrested 24 people for smuggling fireworks.
According to the head of police the enemies try to create insecurity in the country, especially via using smugglers to bring in dangerous fireworks under the excuse of the Feast of Fire.
source: freedomessenger
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Iran: drill
Friday at a craftshow in a home in Mashhad were 8 Bahais arrested.
Security agents raided and searched the house and noted the identities of those present.
In recent months the Iranian Bahai community was heavy harrassed by authorities.
source: radio ZamanehDuring the 25 Bahman (14 February) protests Gholam Hossein Ghasemi, Hamid Abedini, Ali Azad, Toofan Hatefi, Massoud Kermi, Hamed Aslani, Mohsen Moradi, Mohammad Ali Abdali, Gholam Hossein Azari Najfabadi and Ali Shekarji had been arrested and still not are released.
According to HRHI they are detained in ward 7 of Evinprison, with violent offenders.
To protest this they started a hungerstrike.
source: freedomessengerIn response to the request from former political prisoner and documentary film maker Mohamad Nouri for a letter writing campaign to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, Rohollah Zam has written several letters to Khamenei.
The site Kalameh published the last letter to Khamenei, in which former political prisoner Rohollah Zam talks about the illegal and inhuman methods that are used by interrogators for obtaining forced false confessions from prisoners.
He also describes why he had to fled the country.
source: persianbanoo
The IRGC Ground Force launched massive military drills in Yazd province to improve the combat preparedness of Iranian armed forces in the event of an attack.
The codename for the drill is Val Fajr.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Iran: hidden agenda
Iranian political prisoner Mehdi Khazali has suffered a heartattack and had been transferred from Evin prison to Taleghani hospital on the 42nd day of his hungerstrike.
Website Kaleme reports that after a few hours Khazali was removed by securityagents and transferred to an unknown location. This was done without any coordination with the medical staff.
Khazali was arrested on January 9, during which his arm was broken. Prisonauthorities refused him medical treatment. To protest his arrest Kharzali started a hungerstrike.
On the 33th day of his hungerstrike his son told International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that his father was brought from Evin Prison’s Ward 209 to the general Ward (350).
source:, banouyesabz.wordpress.comJanuary 17 the Supreme Court confirmed the deathsentence of Canadian-Iranian webdesigner Saeed Malekpour .
A court official suggested to the lawyers that the file had been sent to the Office for the Implementation of Sentences. This could be an indicator that an executioner could carry out the sentence soon.
source: freedomessenger.comSaturday started in Tehran the trial against 32 defendants in a $2.6 billion bank fraud.
The documents are more then 12000 pages. One of the charges is the use of forged documents to get credit at one of Iran’s top financial institutions to purchase assets including major state-owned companies.The defendants were dressed in prisonclothes.
Two Iranian warvessels entered the Mediterranian through the Suez Canal and docked in the Syrian port city of Tartous.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Iran: more
In the past days 4 men have been hanged in Qom.
Mehrnews writes that the unnamed men all were convicted for drugstrafficking and were hanged in the prison.
The mental health of Reza Malek, Ayub Ghanbarpourian and other political prisoners in Evinprison is in danger especially for those who are sentenced to death, and who are in uncertainty when their execution sentence will be carried out.
Sometimes prisoners are subjected to mock executions and they only know in the last moment that this was not for real.
Many prisoners have sincere sleeping disorders, this varies from in the middle of the night screaming waking up every night to complete sleep deprivation.
Also many prisoners try to commit suicide. Those are transferred to a mental hospital where they stay 14 days in hand and footcuffs.
source: iranbriefing.netAccording to recent reports from Evin prison’s Ward 350, the medical clinic is engaging in abusive practices against inmates, including the improper administration of mind-altering medication.
The clinic stopped administering medications to some prisoners while others are given large doses of drugs that can result in serious mental side effects.
This was the case with sentenced to death webdesigner Vahid Asghari, while political prisoner Hossein Asghari, got numerous medications that he is addicted to them.
source: iranbriefing.netThe deathsentence of Javad Lari has been commuted by the Supreme Court to a 2 year prisonsentence.
Lari was arrested for acting against national security but was sentenced to death by judge Selavati for moharebeh(enmity with god).He was sentenced to death for being a supporter of the MKO in the 80's for which he served 5 years in prison.
source: freedomessengerFebruary 7th is in Tehran Shamim Zeinol-Abedin summoned to the Sentence Implementation Unit to be flogged 50 times. She was convicted in 2009 for disrupting public order and participating in an illegal protest.
source: freedomessenger
Political prisoner Abolfazl Ghadyani has been transferred to the intensive care unit of the Modares hospital. It is reported that his health was deteriorating over the last days.
He has a heartcondition, acute hyperthyroidism and a prostate condition and has recently lost a significant amount of weight.
Although his one-year prisonsentence ended in December, he was not released, instead he was interrogated again.
On the eve of February 14th, security agents threathened to arrest the daughters of Mousavi.
One daughter has been banned from activities at the university where she teaches.
Last year February 14, Mousavi and Karroubi were illegally detained in housearrest.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.