Thursday, September 06, 2012

Iran: prison September 6th, 2012

Iranian dissident Mojtaba (Bardia) Taherpur was informed on September 4 bij Dutch Immigration Office IND that his asylumrequest was denied and that he and his wife must leave the country within 28 days.
After Iranian gouvernment prevented him from finishing his studies in 2005 because of anti-government activities, he left Iran and went to Dubai.
During a short visit to his family in Tehran he was sentenced to 1 month imprisonment and 80 lashes. Taherpur fled to The Netherlands through Turkey in November 2010.
IND refused to give any further information about the rejection.
Taherpur learned Dutch language and is student at Hogeschool Amsterdam.
He converted from Islam to Zoroastrian Faith.
In Iran it is forbidden and even punishable with the deathsentence to leave Islam.
He has participated in various meetings of Persian opposition groups and on his personal blog he wrote many critical articles.
It is feared that Taherpur will immediately be arrested on arrival in Iran and will be sentenced to death.

Humanrightsactivist Mohammad Hassan Yousefi Fioryousefi has been summoned to serve his five and a half year prisonsentence in Evinprison.
He was charged with participation in an assembly to harm national security and membership in associations for human rights as well as assisting security prisoners to leave Iran.

Familymembers told that the Azerbaijan poets Shahryar Hajizadeh and Farid Husseinov have been released and are expected to arrive in Baku on September 6. Last month media wrote that they were suspected spies for Azerbaijan.

Reporters without Borders expresses concern about the many journalists who are imprisoned in Iran.

report violence against women

report suppressive maneuvers

report basic freedom and rights abused

report inhumane treatment and cruel punishments

report systematic violation of the right to life


In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.

A child will be hanged to death.


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