Mohammad Nazari, a Kurdish political prisoner at Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj,has sewn his lips shut and started a hungerstrike since August 28 to protest the judicial authorities’ disregard for his request for release.
He was arrested in 1994 and sentenced to death. In 1999 this sentence was changed to life in prison.
Human Rights Activist News Agency reported that student and member of Tahkim-e Vahdat, Rashid Esmaili had been arrested on September 8 without an arrestwarrant.
December 2009 he was arrested for the first time. He was banned from Allameh University and in recent months, was involved in journalistic activities with various websites.
In the city of Babolsar security agents attacked and killed a man before the eyes of other pedestrians.
Statemedia tried to explain and justify this hideous act by reporting that when following the man, he fell down and was suddenly hit by a bullet from a policegun in the neck.
The prisonsentence of students Kouhyar Goudarzi and Amir Garshasbi were confirmed by Iranian judiciary.
Goudarzi is sentenced to 5 years in prison in exile in Zabol. Electronicstudent Garshasbi is sentenced to 3 years in prison and he was taken to Evinprison to serve his sentence.
There are also reports that the member of Human Rights Activists Organization Mansour Naghipour, who was sentenced to seven years in jail, together with Abtin Jahanian and Ashkan Alahyari, who were given jail sentences of three years and one year respectively for participating in demonstrations, have been sent to Evin to serve out their sentences.
He said he was hospitalized for three days following the attack.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
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