Iranian oilrevenues have fallen during the last 9 months around 45% due to western sanctions.
A member of parliament who is MP on the national planning and budget committee, said the country's economy as a whole is in trouble.
Another sign of crisis is, the oil ministry has stopped selling fuel to some airlines over unpaid bills.
source: BBC
Beheshti died under suspicious circumstances after his arrest.
Labourorganizations expressed their concern about the health of unionleader Reza Shahabi. He is executive member of Tehran’s Vahed Company transit drivers’ union and started his hungerstrike on December 17 and is in very bad health.
The Committee in Defence of Reza Shahabi says that unions in France, UK, Danmark, U.S. and Canada wrote letters to authorities in support of Shahabi.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
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