According to Fars newsagency Iran is planning to install vending machines in Tehran to sell cheap condoms and syringes to drug addicts to prevent the spread of AIDS and hepatitis.
The deputy head of Iran's anti-narcotics organisation says that five of these machines will be installed in five of Tehran city's welfare shelters for addicts.
Condoms, syringes, bandages and plasters will be easily accessible just by inserting a coin of five cents.
The machines will be used for a three month trial period and if the scheme is successful then they will be distributed to other shelters.
The country has a serious drug abuse problem,estimations are that the number of regular drug users is at two million in a country with a population of more than 71 million.
Iran is situated along one of the main trafficking routes for cannabis, heroin, opium and morphine produced in Afghanistan.The Secretariat of Supreme National Security Council has ruled out a terrorist attack as the cause of the blast in Shiraz.
The statement confirmed earlier speculations that the blast at a mosque in Shiraz on Saturday evening had been set off by munitions left over from a recent exhibition of the eight-year Iraq-Iran war (1980-88).
The final result of the probe would be announced in the near future.Iran has exported 179.6 thousand tons of pistachios worth $1.117bn in the past 11 months.
Mowj News Agency reported that both weight and value are a record.
Officials in the agriculture sector believe that the success achieved in pistachio exports during this period resulted from greater cooperation between the public and private sectors.
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Iran: result
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What is the purpose of repeated postings of the notice about child executions in Iran. Iran - as a country - is not only about child executions. Yes, it is wrong and it must be stopped, but are you not jumping on the anti-Iranian propaganda bandwaggon, and creating hostility against Iran and Iranians, this time from the liberal imperialist angle?
Why don't you say anything (and if you say, it certainly is not as much) about the thousands of children that have been murdered, mutilated, maimed, orphaned and made homeless in Iraq by Americans and their servants?
Yes, even one child execution is too many and it is terrible. But, why don't you show any sense of proportion and condemn the far far greater suffering of children as a result of the US-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, in which Netherlands is also participating? Why don't you put 1000 postings about those crimes against children?
This shows you are biased and have a hidden agenda, very close to the agenda of American and Zionist warmongers. You should examine your own motivations.
I understand your question, and you're right, childkilling, childabuse and many other horrible things which happen to children, and most of them happen outside Iran.
But this blog is about what happens in Iran.
If you were reading this blog more often, you would maybe notice that it is about normal things which happen in any country, emphasizing womens and humans rightissues.
And hidden agenda? I do not think so.
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