Thursday, February 07, 2013

Iran: assumption February 7, 2013

Yesterday were in the prison of Isfahan 3 men hanged.
The not identified men were convicted on drugsrelated charges.

The secretary of Supreme Council of Cyberspace, said regarding filtering and other blocks of websites that one of the most important programs is the removal of existing problems in website filtering by a new program known as Smart Filtering. As for the 20 million Iranians on Facebook, he was claiming that the statistics are not true at all. Blockage of access to Facebook would in no way be lifted anytime soon.

Iranian statetelevision broadcasted footage extracted from the advanced CIA spydrone which they said had been intercepted in 2011. In December 2011 it entered Iranian airspace from its eastern border with Afghanistan.
The footage shows RQ-170 Sentinel and images of an airfield and a city said to be a US drone base and Kandahar in Afghanistan.

On February 5 the Ministry of Information announced a new round of arrests of journalists.
In claims about earlier in 2011 arrested groups of documentary and filmmakers was said that these were based on allegations of “affiliation with the BBC and that all these groups are a think tank, related and attached to foreign intelligence services and establish a ‘constant soft war’ against Iran.
In January he announced that more journalists could be arrested while others could be released until the last individual affiliated with this network is investigated.
The names of the newly arrested journalists have not been released.

On January 28 a car of Kurdish citizens in Zanjan-Tabriz highway has been shot by the police, killing 2 Kurds and Kamran Abdouie and Senar Abdouie from Katban near Salmas were critical injured.
They were brought to a hospital in Tabriz.

Testimony of Mina Dehghani Sarkazi.


In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.

Children are being hanged to death.

A child will be hanged to death.


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