The routes for the 16Azar protestmeeting are published in google docs with request to spread this information to family and friends in Iran.
Students will protest inside their Uni first at 3 pm.
Then people will use the paths to join the students outside at 4 pm
The main location is Enghelab sq- Azadi sq
Other locations are Resalat, Keshavarz Blv, ValiAsr (all mainstreets)
Further down the site are tips for protestors how to behave to get to the demonstrationlocation.
source: TwitterDecember 12 organizes United4Iran the manifestation Arts for Iran.
In Amsterdam this manifestation is held in Studio K from 16.30-0200 hrs.
10 december is U.N. International Human Rights Day . December 12th also marks the six-month anniversary of the June 12th Iranian Presidential election.December 1 is Milad Asadi, a member of the central council of Student Union to Foster Unity (Daftar e Tahkim Vahdat), arrested in his house.
Three other members of the council Bahareh Hedayat, Mehdi Arabshahi and Farid Hashemi, are summoned to appear December 2 for the revolutionary court.
Last week is Abbas Hakimzadeh arrested.
over the past three weeks are at least 90 students arrested.
Babak Ghiyasi, an agricultural student at Razi University in Kermanshah, was arrested on 1 December.
Also humanrightsreporters are prevented by the dissemination of news and information about recent arrests.
Saeed Kalanki and Saeed Jalalifar, two members of the Committee of the Human Rights Reporters were 30 November arrested.
International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reports that 1 December: 12 students of Orumieh University were summoned fot the Disciplinary Committee 10 students of Khajenasir University suspended from their studies for 12 semesters, 30 students had to appear in Ferdowsi University in Mash’had (5 students of this university are detained after they were arrested following demonstrations on 4 November).
Mowj e Sabz reported that 12 students in Payam e nour University in Mash’had are suspended for a total of 18 semesters. Amirkabir University reported that 11 students were sentenced by the Disciplinary Committed, two were dismissed and the others were suspended for a total of 12 semesters.
Twenty-three students in Shahr Kurd University were also sentenced by the Disciplinary Committee.
source: International Campaign for Human Rightsin Iran
Green brief 73
Enduring America
In Iran there are childoffenders, still on death row.
Children are being hanged to death.
A child will be hanged to death.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Iran: preparations
iran human
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